Getting Lucky (Jail Bait #4)

“Forty six seventy five,” the driver says over the seat as he pulls up in front of my building.

Lucky shoves me away and smiles a wicked smile that turns my insides to molten lava. I toss a wad of cash at the driver as Lucky lets herself out onto the sidewalk, then follow her out of the car. The driver pops the trunk and I shoulder our duffels before grabbing Lucky and throwing her over my shoulder as well.

She squeals as her feet unexpectedly leave the ground, then pounds on my back as I haul her toward the house. “Let me go!”

“Not fucking likely,” I mutter as I stride up the walk. I unlock the door and bound up the stairs, and the whole way, Lucky’s screaming at me to put her down.

So I do. Once I’m through my apartment door, I head straight to my bedroom and throw her down right onto the middle of my bed, where I intend on taking my sweet fucking time ravaging her pristine caramel body. I dump our bags and her hungry gaze flicks from my face to my straining erection before she grabs the front of my T-shirt, dragging me down on top of her.

And I’m kissing the living fuck out of her.

This is what I’ve needed since that first second I saw her backstage at The Tonight Show, and it feels like some deep, eternal itch is finally being scratched.

Chapter 30


He pins me under two hundred pounds of pure testosterone and kisses me. Our mouths devour and our hands conquer, laying claim to each other’s bodies in a flood of desire so intense that I’m dizzy with it. We tug at each other’s clothing—the last obstacle between us after all this time, and when I feel mine rip in his tight grasp, I shudder. No one’s ever literally ripped my clothes off before.

But I understand his need, because mine is overpowering and instinctual. I press him up just long enough to yank his shirt over his head and toss the tattered remains of mine aside. But then I fist my hands into his hair and pull his face back to mine. He’s my oxygen. Without his mouth on mine, I’d suffocate.

His kiss becomes more desperate as his hands skim over my hypersensitive skin and he unhooks my bra. My fingers trace all the hard lines of his ripped pecs and abs. Somewhere deep inside me, a dam breaks and a reservoir of need I never knew existed floods through me. I have his jeans open a second later, and when I wrap my fingers around his erection and squeeze, he freezes and holds his breath.

He presses up on strong arms, breaking our kiss and leaving me gasping for him. His fingers weave into mine, pinning my hands next to my head on the mattress. Every nerve ending in me pricks to life when his eyes course over my body like hot coals. His mouth finds my hardened nipple and he gives suck, setting off landmines under my skin. The shockwave travels straight to my groin, and I grind myself against the thigh he’s positioned between my legs. He presses his leg harder against me as his fingertips tease my other nipple into a hard peak. I can’t help the moan that claws up my throat, and he answers with one of his own, then his hand slips under my skirt and divests me of my thong.

He doesn’t waste any time, his fingers dipping into my slick opening, and a feral moan I can’t contain comes from the animal deep inside me.

“You have no fucking clue how much I’ve fantasized about this,” he says, slipping his fingers out of me and bringing them to his mouth. Everything south of my waist contracts hard when he sucks my juices off them. He reaches for the drawer of his nightstand and comes out with a condom, which he rips open with his teeth. A second later, he’s suited up and ready.

Fuck foreplay. I want him now.

I grab his hair and yank him to me, spreading my legs over his hips. His aim is true and I’m so wet I feel the tip of that thick cock glide inside me. Fireworks go off in my belly as he presses deeper, and, God, he’s huge. He hooks his elbows through my knees, supporting his weight on straining biceps, then all at once takes what’s his on one deep thrust.

A cry of both pain and pleasure erupts out of me, followed by the satisfied moan of the animal inside.

“Okay?” he breathes.

I look up at him, and along with the lust flaming behind his gaze, there’s something deeper. In this second, I know that’s a question he’s never bothered asking before.

I roll my pelvis, taking him deeper, and smile wicked thoughts at him. “I can handle anything you’ve got.”

His smile turns pure demon and he shifts his hands under my ass, lifting me and driving himself inside me to the root. He thrusts again, hard and deep, and the center of my universe is right there, between my legs. I feel the spring in my belly winding tight again as he brings me to the peak of sensation.

I’ve never been loud in bed, but I’ve never felt anything as intense as this. I cry out again, then again when he thrusts even deeper.