Getting Lucky (Jail Bait #4)

“Because I don’t want to owe you anything.”

And there it is. In that once sentence, she’s shot me down on every level. That’s what she thinks of me, that I’m doing this for some quid pro quo. “Listen, Lucky. I think you’ve got something. The shit I heard the other night, Lilah’s music, you would go big with that. You need to record it. If Universal won’t let you do it, you need to find someone who will. I just made a call. If it works out, it’s because of you. You owe me nothing. Just talk to the guy. See what you think.”

She scrutinizes me for another agonizing minute. “Fine. Text me his number.” She rattles off her number and I’m having trouble punching it into my phone accurately because my fucking hand is shaking.

I’m shaking because a girl is giving me her number. What the fuck is wrong with me?

“Got it,” I say, attaching Freddie’s contact info and texting it to her.

Her phone buzzes. “Got it,” she repeats.

And then I remember. All this persuasion, and here’s where I probably kill the deal. “Oh, and you might not want to mention this to Billie until you talk to him yourself.”

Her gaze grows hazy with suspicion. “Why?”

“I guess they know each other.”

Her expression hardens again. “If Billie doesn’t trust him, neither do I.”

I rub the back of my neck. “Look, Lucky, I could get you some other names, but I really think he’s your guy. He does what you want to do and he’s really good at it. Just give him a call.”

She turns toward the door and disappears inside without another word.

Chapter 16


I’ve stared at both numbers for the last two days. Tro wants me to call this Freddie guy, but what the fuck kind of name is Freddie. And if Billie has an issue with him, then it’s not going to happen anyway.

But then there’s also Tro’s number.

I’ve had his Skype name, but somehow having his actual number feels so much more personal. I’m pretty damn sure none of his hook-ups have it.

Ever since he stood on stage that first night at Madison Square Garden and told eighteen thousand people he was going to fuck me, I’ve been one hundred percent sure that’s all I was to him. A hook-up. And then when I didn’t give in, a challenge. But now…it feels different between us. Something fundamental has changed.

And then I realize.

I like him. Not, he’s so hot like, but as an actual person.

There’s something real inside him that he doesn’t want anyone to see. He hides it behind layers of flash and show, but he let down the front and I started to see what’s underneath the other night.

And I like the guy I saw there.

I look at his text again. Freddie. He really thinks this guy knows what he’s doing. Never in a million years did I expect to trust Tro with anything, especially my career, but I suddenly realize I do.

I hit the number before I can change my mind.

“Freddie here,” a voice on the other end of the line says.

I almost disconnect, but instead, I take a deep breath. “Hi.…friend, Tro Gunnison gave me your number…said I should call you?”

Jesus, I’m already fucking this up.

“Is this Shiloh?” he asks, his pitch a little higher. “He told me he’d pass my number along to you.”


“Hey, it’s great to hear from you. Thanks for the call.”

There’s a pause where I think I’m supposed to say something, but I don’t have words.

“So, anyway, he sent me a few tracks and I think what you’ve got going—”

“Wait…” I interrupt. “What did he send you?” That asshole didn’t mention sending tracks.

“Some stuff he said he recorded in the subway with your friend?”

I take a deep breath, because every nerve in my body is suddenly on fire. “Okay.”

“I think this stuff is gold, Shiloh. I would absolutely be interested in hearing everything this friend of yours has written. And as far as the tracks I heard, they’d definitely be a go. I think this could be huge.”

“So…you’d let me have some say in which tracks we went with?” I ask.

“I can guarantee you right now that if the rest of what you have is similar to what I’ve heard, I’d let you take your pick.”

“What about on the studio tracks? Would Lilah have a chance to audition for lead guitar?”

“I can’t see why not,” he says. “I can’t make any guarantees there, but we’d sure as hell listen to what she’s got.”

I feel like I’m about to float right off the floor. But then I remember Tro’s warning. I can’t do this without Billie. And I mean that literally. I have no idea what I’m doing. She handles everything business. “Tro says you and Billie have some bad blood?”

There’s a short pause. “If you’re interested in pursuing this, let me give her a call and see what I can do.”

I swallow. “Yeah…okay. I am interested.”