Gangster Moll (Gun Moll #2)

Mac knew the kid wouldn’t listen.

Once the apartment was quiet again, Mac headed for the bedroom, positive Melina wouldn’t have even noticed his absence. She was probably still sleeping, given the busy few days they had, and she was supposed to be resting as much as she could.

Surprisingly, his wife wasn’t in their bed.

No, Mac found her in the attached bathroom, a large white towel wrapped around her body as she ran a brush through the wet curls of her hair. Mac leaned in the doorway, thoroughly enjoying the view of his wife.

Slick, caramel skin.

The curve of her thighs.

The swell of her ass.

He liked it best when she didn’t know he was watching—then he could admire all of her silently, taking her in piece by piece.

What a beautiful life—an amazing soul—she truly was.

Perfect for him.

Mac said nothing as Melina kept on with her routine, setting the brush aside and stepping back from the mirror. She glanced back at her reflection, her gaze darting downward. She undid the towel just enough to peek at her flat midsection in the mirror, almost like she was trying to see if there was any change.

There wasn’t.

Not yet.

But Mac felt it … that change of what would be.

And it was fucking amazing.

He didn’t think his wife had ever looked more beautiful than she did right then, so unknowing of his presence, newly pregnant with their child, and so sweet.

The rushing lust that suddenly climbed up his spine was crazy, almost as if he couldn’t help himself. Maybe it was mix of all that had happened, and his lack of ability or knowledge to do something about it when all he really wanted to do was love and protect his wife like he’d promised her on their wedding day.

And maybe it was a little bit more, too.

Like the way she looked.

Even with those scratches and bruises.

She was still so beautiful—crazy sexy.

Mac slipped into the room before he could convince himself not to. Melina didn’t even see him coming before he had an arm around her waist and was pulling her back into him. He pressed a lingering kiss to the side of her temple and then he was sweeping her up off the floor, turning her around and sitting her back down on the counter.

When that towel fell from her grip fully, exposing her soft skin and sinful curves to him, all of the stress Mac had been feeling was gone.

He kissed her again, on her mouth that time, taking his time to taste her as she worked at the buttons on his shirt and pushed the article down his arms. He felt her hand tug at his pants, too, working them down around his hips just enough to get his already-hardened cock free.

It was a little fast—maybe rushed.

That was okay, too.

“You weren’t with me when I woke up,” he heard her whisper in his ear.

Mac kissed the delicate line of her jaw, making her tilt her head back as he spread her thighs wider to get where he wanted. She was wet and hot under the pads of his fingertips, silky fucking smooth and ready.

He’d play later—keep her in bed all day with promises of bliss and exhaustion if she wanted.

Right then he just wanted to love—to fuck.

“Stuff came up,” he said.

Melina didn’t ask another thing, but that could be because Mac had shifted his hips and with the base of his cock in his hand, he was right there at the entrance of her pussy. One hard flex of his hips and her heaven was taking him in entirely, fitting him perfectly and swallowing him whole.

For those first few brief seconds, he was gone.

Out of breath.

Tight in stomach.

Hot up his spine.

God, he loved his wife.

Melina’s fingernails dug into his sides as she pulled him toward her closer, her heels pressing into the backs of his thighs. “Fuck.”

Nothing turned him on more than dirty words in her mouth.

It wasn’t unusual for her to swear, as far as that went, but something as pretty as her mouth shouldn’t have filthy words on it.

He really didn’t mind.

“I’ll wake you up tomorrow,” he promised as he thrust in once, pulled out, and slammed right back in again.

“The house isn’t going to be built in time for the baby,” she said.

Mac grabbed her jaw, forcing her to look at him as he fucked her. Those worries of hers would be put to rest as soon as he could make them go. “The house will be ready, doll. Whatever you want, you know that.”

Melina’s head fell back against the mirror when he let her go, his name falling from her lips as his tempo came a little faster—harder.

Her words jumbled together as her bottom lip trembled.

There, Mac, right there and Jesus and Fuck me harder.

All Mac could feel was a slick heat, tight against his cock and his wife in his hands.

That was really all he needed to feel.

The rest of the world didn’t exist then.

Just them.

Melina stood in front of the bathroom mirror. She didn’t look much different.

Except for the scratches on her face.

Bethany-Kris & Erin Ashley Tanner's books