Full Tilt (Full Tilt #1)

I shot him a look. “That chick got me some water and I felt better.”

Theo snorted. His eyes gave me a final once over, then he maneuvered his truck through the light Sunday morning traffic toward the glass studio. I watched North Las Vegas go by my window—strip malls and gas stations, apartment complexes smaller and older than mine—but my thoughts were on Kacey’s apology.

I can’t be with anyone right now…

Perfect. Neither could I.

So why did my chest ache like an old bruise?

“You thinking about her?” Theo said.


“No, Mother Theresa. Yeah, Kacey. Who the hell is she?”

“Why are you so hostile? She’s just a girl crashing on my couch.”

Theo watched the road, his shoulders jerking up in a shrug. “I don’t want to see another fucked-up situation like you had with Audrey.”

“I was with Audrey for three years. I’ve known Kacey for all of twenty-four hours. You can chill out.”

“How much did you tell her about your situation?”

More than I should have. I shifted in my seat. “She knows I had the operation.”

Theo gaped at me so long I thought he’d crash his truck. He turned his eyes back to the road, his expression grim. “Okay, spill it. What’s the deal with her?” he said. “For real.”

I rested my elbow on the door, rubbing my chin. “Her deal is she’s got a few days off until her band leaves town on tour. She’s taking a break. That’s it. For real.”

“Why doesn’t she just stay in a hotel? And since when do you tell total strangers about the operation?”

“She doesn’t do well on her own.” I glanced at him. “It’s not a big deal. I’m giving her a break and she’s good company. She’s got a good sense of humor. We get along well.”

We just…clicked.

“You met her yesterday.” Theo’s voice was low but I could hear his temper rumbling within it, like a distant thunderstorm. He kept his gaze steadfast to the road. “Are you fucking her?”

“Jesus, Theo.” Yet the image of Kacey splayed out on my bed reached for me. I’d wanted her last night, wanted to give in to her, have a woman’s arms and legs wrapped around me one more time. I wanted to feel a woman’s soft body beneath mine, to be on top of her and inside of her and…

“Dude. Are you fucking her?”

I forgot Theo could read my face like the front page of a newspaper. “No,” I said. “Not that it’s your business. She’s crashing until Tuesday, then she’s going back on tour with her band. She’ll be traveling all over for months.”

“And you’re cool with that?”

“Of course I’m cool with it. What could possibly happen between us? Or between me and anyone for that matter?”

Theo’s jaw clenched. “Don’t start with that doomsday shit. You don’t know for sure if…” He shook his head, unwilling to voice the possibility. “The meds might be working. They probably are working.”

“Then why were you such a dick to Kacey?”

He jerked his shoulders in a shrug. “I give a shit. The doctor said you had to be careful.”

“He said I had to not overexert myself. He didn't say I had to become a monk. I miss being with a woman. Being intimate with her.”

“You’re the one who doesn’t do one night stands…” Theo said. “Something I’ll never get.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Look, if you want to get laid, get laid. I just don't want another Audrey situation. I don’t want some chick to bail on you when you need her to fucking stick around.”

“Neither do I,” I said. “What Audrey did…it hurt, but I wasn’t in love with her.”

We’d come to a red light. Theo turned in his seat. “What?”

“I loved Audrey, but I wasn’t in love with her.” I listened to my own words, waiting for some pain to follow. But the only pain wasn’t for what I had with Audrey and lost, but for something I never had at all. “I’ve never been in love.”

Theo’s eyes widened. “You weren’t in love with Audrey? Really? Because you sure spent a shitload of time with her.”

“I loved her but she didn’t…consume me. I didn’t lose my train of thought when she walked into a room, or feel that feeling you get…” I shook my head, searching for the words. “We were a good match.” Like a pair of shoes, I thought. “But I didn’t have that feeling.”

“What feeling?” Theo asked dubiously.

“That feeling you’re supposed to have when you’re with the woman you’re in love with. I can’t describe that feeling because I’ve never felt it. Have you?”

Theo gave me an arch look. “I’m saving myself for marriage.”

I snorted a laugh. “I think you’ve got that backward.”

Theo’s eyes hardened again. “So you weren’t in love with Audrey. And you’re having this revelation now? Because of Kacey?”

Emma Scott's books