Fortune Hunter (A Miss Fortune Mystery Book 8)

It was such an incredibly odd behavior that I couldn’t let it go. I slipped around the truck, then down the side of the house to the back fence. I peered between the slats in time to see the light move across the backyard. What the hell!

A million thoughts ran through my mind, and none of them good. I needed to find out what Brandon was doing in his backyard. There was a night-vision scope in that box of supplies. I’d grab it and find a better position to see into the backyard. I whirled around, ready to dash to the Jeep and grab the goggles, and ran smack into Ida Belle.

“What are you doing sneaking up behind me?” I whispered. “I could have shot you.”

“You’re not that reckless. Why are you looking through the fence?”

“Come with me,” I said and hurried for the Jeep. I didn’t know what was going on in that backyard, but if I didn’t get to that scope soon, there was a good chance I was going to miss it.

“Where’s your motorcycle?” I asked as I opened the box.

“Your house. I was going to follow you from Gertie’s but she sent me a text before I could leave asking me to get something upstairs. You had that look, so I knew you were up to something besides a hot shower and bed. By the time I got to your house you were pulling away, but I saw where you turned and had a good guess where you were going.”

“So you walked over here?” I asked as I moved the equipment around, looking for the scope.

“I jogged. I’m in good shape. Are you going to tell me what the hell you’re looking for in that box, and why?”

“Aha!” I grabbed the scope out of the box and headed back for the house, Ida Belle trotting beside me. I told her about the light and held up the scope. She nodded and pointed to the house next door.

“No dogs,” she whispered and indicated a large oak tree near the side of the house.

I nodded. She wanted me to go into the neighbors’ yard and scale the tree for a better view. We crept up to the fence and I was just getting ready to jump for the top when Ida Belle grabbed my arm and pointed above the fence. I looked up and saw a flashlight moving in the master bedroom of Nolan’s house.

Chapter 16

I took off at a dead run for my Jeep. I could hear Ida Belle’s footsteps pounding behind mine. She jumped in as I put it in gear and tore off down the street. “Call Marie and warn her,” I said.

“She’s not there,” Ida Belle said. “She called me earlier. Nolan insisted that he could manage the night on his own and that she needed some real rest.”

“Then call Nolan. I don’t know what is going on, but we need to get him out of that house.”

I wheeled around the corner and practically jumped the curb into Nolan’s driveway.

“He’s not answering,” Ida Belle said as she leaped out of the Jeep and we ran to the front door. I pressed the doorbell, then banged on the door.

“Call Carter,” I said.

Ida Belle started dialing and I banged on the door again, yelled Nolan’s name, then started banging again. I heard Ida Belle telling Carter to get to Nolan’s house now.

It felt like it took forever, but it was probably less than a minute when the door opened and Nolan peered out, looking confused and slightly out of breath. “Sorry, I was in the restroom,” he said. “Is something wrong?”

“Someone is upstairs in your house,” I said.

Nolan’s eyes widened. “What?” He backed up his wheelchair, allowing us to enter. “I don’t understand.”

“We were driving by and saw a small light moving in the master bedroom,” I explained. “Is anyone here with you?”

“No! I told Marie I’d be fine. She was so tired…we should call the police.”

“I already have,” Ida Belle said. “They’ll be here any minute.”

“I’m going upstairs to check,” I said.

“Should you do that?” Nolan asked. “What if he has a gun? I don’t want…”

“Don’t worry,” I said and pulled my pistol from my waistband. “I’m armed.”

I took two strides toward the stairs when a huge boom of thunder ripped through the night air and the house went dark.

“Power’s out,” Ida Belle said.

I pulled out my cell phone and turned on the flashlight, refusing to be deterred by a little thing like no light.

“Be careful,” Nolan said as I continued up the stairs. “Shouldn’t we do something?” I heard him ask Ida Belle.