Forgive and Forget

“Wherever he is, I’m sure he knows how much you appreciate what he did.” Tom was happy to hear Joe hadn’t been alone. He brought Joe’s hand to his lips for a kiss. If only he’d known Joe at the time. He would have been there at his side. Maybe it was for the best he hadn’t been around, or he might have hunted Blake down and done something stupid.

“It’s probably for the best. I don’t know how I would have faced him, knowing how I’d ended up there. The guy probably thought I was an idiot. I sure as hell felt like one. I thought Blake loved me. I was so stupid. If getting beat up wasn’t enough, whatever didn’t get eaten by the hospital bills was lost in the lawsuit. Blake’s assault charges never stuck because of the lack of evidence, but it was enough to drag my name through the mud. I lost my shop, my apartment, everything. I was on the street, and funny enough ended up in front of Bea’s house again. She took me in and looked after me until I could get back on my feet. When her husband died, she needed to keep herself busy. By then I’d opened Apple’n, Pies, so I offered her a job.” Joe pulled away, fear in his blue-green eyes. “What if Blake goes through with his threat? I can’t lose it all again, Tom, I can’t….”

“Listen to me, Joe. You weren’t stupid. You put your trust in someone you cared about, someone you thought cared about you. What happened wasn’t your fault. You’re a wonderful, gentle man who deserved so much better.” Tom held him close and kissed the top of his head. “I promise I won’t let anything happen to you. I don’t care how much money Blake and his family has. I won’t let him hurt you again.”

Joe clung to Tom, digging his fingers into Tom’s back, and burying his face against Tom’s neck, a whispered “Thank you” slipping from Joe’s lips. They sat there for what seemed like ages, holding on to each other. The night grew chilly, and Joe took Tom’s hand. He stood and pulled Tom along with him, leading him upstairs to his apartment. Tom allowed Joe to take the lead, standing to one side as Joe locked the door, then cupped Tom’s face, drawing him in for a heated kiss.

Joe’s kiss was filled with need and desire, one that stoked the fire inside Tom. A shiver went through him as Joe slipped his hands under Tom’s T-shirt, caressing and exploring, his boldness growing by the moment. Their breaths mingled, and Joe pressed himself against Tom, the feel of their erections rubbing causing Tom to let out a low groan. He’d never wanted anything so badly in all his life. How he knew that was beyond him, but he could feel it down to the depths of his soul.

“Tom,” Joe pleaded, pulling back enough to meet Tom’s gaze, the heat in his eyes setting Tom ablaze. “I need you.”

“Are you sure?”

“There’s not a lot I’ve been sure of in my life, but this—” Joe pressed his lips to Tom’s for another fiery kiss before pulling back. “This I’m sure of.”

Tom didn’t need to hear more. They scrambled to undress each other, dropping items of clothing on the way to the bedroom. Tom kissed Joe as if he were trying to consume him. When he had Joe naked, he gently pushed him back onto the bed. “Please tell me you have supplies.”

“Nightstand,” Joe breathed, moving to the middle of the bed. Tom was on his heels. He turned on the small lamp on the nightstand and rummaged through the drawer, grabbing what he needed, then dropped them beside him on the bed. Tom paused long enough to admire Joe and his gorgeous body.

“Joe, you’re amazing.”

Joe’s bashfulness was endearing. “How do you see things no one else does?”

“You’re the one who doesn’t see it, Joe, but I’m going to show you.” How could Joe not know how beautiful he was? Tom ran his hands from Joe’s shoulders to his chest, down his torso. His soft skin was flushed from his cheeks to the tips of his ears down to his shoulders. Tom could get lost in those blue-green eyes. He bent over and kissed Joe, loving the sweet taste of his mouth. The rest of Joe was just as sweet.

Tom trailed kisses down Joe’s neck to his chest, taking a moment to lavish some affection on Joe’s pink nipples, relishing in the little noises Joe made as Tom licked the pebbled nubs. Joe arched his back, and Tom continued his journey of exploration. He nipped at Joe’s skin and gently scraped his fingernails until Joe writhed beneath him.

“Please, Tom.”

Tom placed a pillow under Joe’s hips before taking hold of the lube. He smiled when he saw it was cherry scented. Joe’s blush intensified and Tom couldn’t wait anymore. He kept his eyes on Joe as he rolled the condom onto his shaft, then pressed his lubed fingers to Joe’s entrance. Joe’s gasp was music to Tom’s ears, and he had to force himself to take it slow. As soon as Joe was ready, Tom leaned in to kiss Joe and replaced his fingers with his rock-hard erection. Gingerly he pushed himself inside Joe, inch by excruciating inch. Joe moaned and arched his back. He wrapped his legs around Tom and pulled him down against him. They brought their lips together in another heated kiss as Tom began to move. His muscles strained as he pulled out slowly nearly to the tip and leisurely pushed himself back in down to the root.

Charlie Cochet's books