Forgive and Forget

Joe made a strangled noise, and Ken cackled before giving Tom a big hug. “Oh, Joe, I love him already! Come on, you two. Let’s get some alcohol in you. The bar’s where we’ll find the light of my life.” He paused and gave Joe a wink. “We’ll probably find Gordon there too.”

Joe mumbled something under his breath as Ken led them up the stairs and out onto the roof. Joe had to admit it was stunning. The expansive roof had been transformed into a tropical paradise, from the large palms securing the guests’ privacy and the exotic flower arrangements to the colorful paper lanterns glowing above their heads and cocktails served in coconuts. There were plenty of fire torches to keep the October chill away. They spotted the light of Ken’s life at the large bamboo tiki bar—Gordon, not the booze. Though booze came a close second where Ken was concerned.

Gordon was a good twenty years Ken’s senior, an exceptional surgeon, and as Ken stated, very much the love of his life. Just as sweet was the way Gordon doted on Ken. Joe had always admired their relationship, and at times it made him feel a little wistful. It was at least comforting to know that happily ever after did exist.

Ken leaped on Gordon, throwing his arms around the elegant man dressed like a dashing pirate, and almost made him spill his drink. Joe heard Tom chuckle beside him and turned, catching those bright silver eyes. They both gazed at each other until a look of what could easily be misconstrued as affection flashed in Tom’s eyes. Joe was the first to look away. Gordon had Ken in his arms as they murmured sweetly to each other. Joe had given up some time ago on having what his friends had. Not the wealth part. Joe was never concerned with money. It wasn’t their lifestyle he coveted. To Ken and Gordon, the sun and moon rose and set in their lover’s eyes.

“Darling, Joe’s brought a friend,” Ken announced, snapping Joe out of his wistful thoughts. He had to get a hold of himself. This was a party, even if he wanted to groan at Ken’s emphasis on the word “friend.”

Gordon smiled warmly at Joe and gave him a firm handshake, his hazel eyes filled with amusement. “Joe, it’s so nice to see you again. It’s been too long.”

“I know. I’m sorry. You know how time gets away from me when I’m at the shop. Gordon, this is Tom.”

“Joe’s friend,” Ken pitched in. In case anyone had forgotten in the last ten seconds. Gordon shook Tom’s hand, and Joe took the opportunity to lean behind Gordon and stick his tongue out at the chipper sailor. Ken just laughed.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you both,” Tom said with a broad grin.

Joe noticed Ken’s hand subtly disappear behind his lover’s back. Gordon turned to Joe.

“Joe, I’ve got a couple of friends I want you to meet. They work in my hospital and just about need resuscitating every time I bring one of your pies in. They’d love to meet you.” He turned to Ken and gave his cheek a peck. “Why don’t you get Tom a drink, darling?”

“Of course.” Ken smiled and returned his lover’s kiss before taking Tom’s arm.

Did they really think Joe didn’t know what they were up to? Subtlety was not a part of Ken’s vocabulary. Before Joe could utter a word, Ken had whisked Tom away. It would be fine. Maybe if Joe told himself that enough times, he might actually believe it.

THE moment Gordon and Joe were out of earshot, Ken pounced. “You won’t try and hide anything from me, will you?”

Tom turned his gaze away from Joe to smile at Ken.

“That was quite smooth. Years of practice?”

“Are you kidding? Finding your way around Joe is like trying to find your way through a maze blindfolded, while moving backward, with your ankles bound together. In a storm.”

Tom laughed. “That sounds about right.” His smile faded and he couldn’t help the soft sigh that escaped him. “Someone hurt him pretty bad.”

Ken led Tom over to one of the smaller bars and they put in their orders. “Joe told you?”

“He won’t talk about it. I just know something happened that really hurt him. Every time I think he’s starting to let me in, he pulls away.” Someone had really done a number on Joe, but Tom didn’t want to pry or push.

Ken nodded somberly. “When Joe’s ready, he’ll tell you.”

“I wish there was something I could do to make Joe understand I would never hurt him. I really care about him.” He took a sip of his drink. Man, he needed to lighten up. This was a party, one he was attending with Joe. Not the time to be sulking. “So how did you and Gordon meet?”

“You’d never believe it, but I ended up on his operating table. I was rushed to the hospital after suffering from appendicitis. I remember being in so much pain and then blacking out. When I woke up, the surgeon was there, and I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. There he was, standing over me. The most gorgeous man I’d ever met.” Ken sighed and twirled the little umbrella in his drink. “He saved me twice that day.”

“That’s got to be the sweetest thing ever. Next to Joe, that is.”

Ken clamped a hand over his mouth to contain his delighted giggle. Managing to compose himself, he leaned in close. “You more than just care about him, don’t you?”

Charlie Cochet's books