Fleeting Moments

I swallow the tight lump forming in my throat. “So what? I’m just a booty call for you then? Someone you see when you feel like it?”

He sighs and moves his hand higher, fisting my hair. “Don’t do that. You know you mean more to me, Lucy. I wish I could see you more, too.”

“At least give me a way to contact you,” I plead. “If you want me to stop looking and stop involving myself, then you need to give me something.”

“Fuck, you’re a pain in the ass. You were sweet once, I’m sure.”

I smile.

He cups my face. “Fine. I’ll give you a cell number you can call me on, but be aware it’s off a lot and I won’t always answer.”

My smile gets bigger.

His gaze drops to it. “Fuck. Come here and give me those lips again. I’m not done with them.”

I drop down and give him my lips again for a long, long time.

When we pull apart we’re both panting. “Is it too soon for more?” I gasp.

He grins. “I’ve fucked you twice, honey. Give it a bit longer.”

My eyes drop to his exposed chest. God, he’s beautiful.

“Okay,” I murmur.

He moves quickly, flipping me over and pinning my back against the mattress.

“I thought you needed time,” I say, my voice soft and low, seductive, even to my own ears.

“Oh, I do—but that doesn’t mean I can’t make you whimper my name again.”

I swallow and look up at him through my lashes. “Oh yeah?”

He slides down my body, taking hold of my knees and gently pushing them apart. “Oh yeah,” he murmurs, right before he presses his mouth between my legs.

Oh. My.



Pounding on my front door wakes me from my sleep, and it takes a few minutes for me to come to. I’m in Heath’s arms. His big body is hot and solid, securing me in. I don’t want to move; I want to stay here all day with him. But whoever is at the door isn’t going to let that happen.

I get out of bed and push to my feet, running my fingers through my hair and listening.




My heart pounds as I turn, shoving Heath’s shoulder. He wakes up with a grunt and looks over to me, the expression on his face shows he is less than impressed. “What?”

“Gerard is here. I have to go answer the door.”

I don’t give him any chance to reply. I just pull on a robe and rush out of the room, slamming the door behind me. I run down the stairs and to the front door, swinging it open to see Gerard and Heather standing there, looking pissed.

“Thanks for the wake-up call,” I mumble. “What’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong is you requesting more than we agreed on in the settlement,” Heather snaps.

I glare at her. “I’m sorry, when did Gerard forget how to speak for himself? If you don’t mind, I’ll discuss this with him and not you. Last time I checked, we were never married.”

She scowls at me.

I turn to Gerard. “You couldn’t have phoned me?”

“I tried,” he mutters, looking tired. “You didn’t answer.”

“So you came to my house and woke me up early in the morning?”

“It’s ten a.m.”


“Well, I can’t discuss it right now,” I say, glancing behind me.

“Have you got someone in there?” he demands.

I turn to him. “I have a visitor, yes.”

“Who? Is it your imaginary friend?” Heather scoffs.

Gerard snorts.

That makes me angry. So angry. I cross my arms, and even though Heath has asked me not to, I snap, “Yes, actually.”

Gerard’s eyes flare, and he shoves past me, Heather in tow. I let them. I hope they go up there and find my naked man in bed, looking as gorgeous as he is, then they’ll wish they’d never doubted me. I follow them up the stairs, a grin on my face, and enter the room.

Gerard turns to face me. “There’s no one here?”

I narrow my eyes, and look around him. The bed is made. There is not a trace of Heath. Fucking. Asshole.

“He was here all night,” I say, rushing into the bathroom and shoving the door open. Not a trace.

“I see you still haven’t gotten help,” Heather snaps. “I think we need to mention that to the lawyers. She’s asking for more than she’s entitled to, but until she gets help, I think we should definitely fight it.”

Gerard looks sadly at me. “I agree.”

“I’m only asking to keep my car!” I cry.

“The car that belongs to Gerard,” Heather points out. “It’s in his name.”

“He has a work car.”

“We’re not discussing this with you,” she hotly informs me, crossing her arms.

“Gerard,” I croak, looking to him. “Surely you’re not going to be this cruel.”

He looks miserable. “Listen, I need the car okay? I don’t want this to get messy, Lucy. I care about you enough to not want that.”

“You’re supposed to love me.”

“Yeah,” he says. “And you’re supposed to love me but you just happily told me you were sleeping with someone else, real or not.”

He has a point.

Bella Jewel's books