Fidelity (Infidelity #5)

“I remember his name from all the stuff my dad put together on your mom.”

I tried to explain. “I wanted to see him when I first got here, to Savannah, but I never got the chance. If I had, I would have asked—”

“If you had,” Nox said, interrupting the prelude to my explanation, “you could have found out all that stuff about your mom. He ran tests and everything. Oren thinks that’s why your stepfather changed doctors.”

My stomach twisted as my limbs became weightless. It was like I was floating suspended. It was disconcerting and odd.

“Charli, you are sure you’re all right?”

I exhaled as I focused on his stare. Feigning a smile, I said, “I think I need to rest.”

Nox pushed a button on the control lying beside my pillow. As the bed moved back, he kissed my forehead. “Let me turn down the lights.”

“I love you,” I said.

“I hope that’s not the bump talking.”

The tears came back. “I-it’s not. I just…”

“Shhh,” he soothed. “I love you too. Get some rest. We’re going home tomorrow.”

“Limits… hard limits?”

His blue eyes shone in the dimmed room. “Get some sleep. You know mine. We can keep looking for yours.”

Tears sealed my eyes, the moisture gluing my lashes to my lids as I closed out the world.

The nurse used the phrase: barely pregnant. Can a person really be only a little pregnant? Was I ready? I couldn’t answer. I didn’t know how to answer.

It wasn’t planned. I could say that without a doubt.

I’d wanted to get birth control. I’d planned it, but things got out of hand. With everything that had happened, I couldn’t even remember my last period.

As Nox settled again in the nearby chair, I heard the cushion exhale.

My head throbbed more from pent-up anxiety than from my injury. Quietly, I allowed the tears to ease down my cheeks. I didn’t want Nox to know I was crying, but it was getting increasingly difficult to hide. If only I’d brought my pills. I should have had them in my purse, but I didn’t.

Did it happen at the hotel? Maybe in Rye? That wasn’t that long ago.

A little pregnant.

The swish of the door against the floor caused my puffy eyes to open.

Nox stood as I focused on Dr. Beck. When our eyes met I shook my head, praying he wouldn’t mention in front of Nox the reason for his visit at this late hour.

Oh, please don’t congratulate him.

“…Lennox Demetri, Alex’s boyfriend.”

“Mr. Demetri,” Dr. Beck said, “nice to meet you. I’ve known Alexandria, well, before anyone.” He smiled. “I delivered her.”

I struggled to push the button, bringing me up to sitting. “Dr. Beck, it’s been awhile.”

“And look at you, you’re lovely.” He turned to Nox. “The first time I saw her she was a little tiny pink thing with bright copper hair.”

Nox smiled while I continued to pray that Dr. Beck would stop talking about babies.

“I’ve grown up,” I said.

He tapped a small laptop, one I was sure had my current medical records. “Yes, you have.” He looked between Nox and I. “Before we begin, can you tell me about your mother?”

“She’s doing well. Much better.”

“I tried to get into Magnolia Woods,” Dr. Beck explained. “I don’t have privileges there, but I hoped…”

I shook my head. “It wasn’t you, Doctor. It was Alton. He didn’t want you there.”

“What’s going to happen?”

“It’s not common knowledge, but she’s going to file for divorce.” I wasn’t sure why; however, Dr. Beck’s reaction surprised me.

“Young lady, that’s the best news I’ve heard.”

My eyes opened wide. “Well, I’ll pass on your reaction to my mother.”

“I have years of records. If they could help with the divorce or anything else…” He turned to Nox. “… if that’s being pursued, I’m available.”

“That’s very kind of you,” Nox said. “We can pass that on to her. Doctor, Alex is tired. Can we get this done so she can sleep?”

“Yes, if you’ll excuse us for a few minutes, we’ll proceed.”

“I-I…” Nox stuttered, undoubtedly surprised by the doctor’s request.

“Thank you, Nox,” I said. “I’ll be fine.”

“I’ll be outside if you need me.”

Dr. Beck and I both nodded.

Once the door was closed, the doctor came closer and lifted my hand. “You haven’t told him?”

The damn tears came back. How could there be any left? Pressing my lips together, I shook my head.

“You were engaged to Edward Spencer?”

I took a ragged breath. “It’s hard to explain. I was, but I wasn’t really.”

“Is this young man the father or are you upset because you don’t know?”

“No! I know. He’s the father. Bryce and I never…” I didn’t finish the sentence, suddenly embarrassed by the conversation with a man who’d known me since I was born.

Dr. Beck smiled. “…had sexual intercourse. It’s okay. I’ve been a doctor for nearly forty years. I’ve learned how it all works.”