Fidelity (Infidelity #5)

“As with Melissa, there’s no way to prove that Spencer was the culprit.”

“No, but with the smoking guns stacking up, someone will eventually believe there’s a fire.”

“When do you plan to be here?”

“I want to get back to the discussion at Hamilton and Porter. Isaac is there in Rye. Since your father has the security taken care of, Isaac’s been concentrating on the manor’s surveillance. My computer pings every time Fitzgerald or either of the Spencers uses their phones. Clayton is listening too. We also have others. I know I can depend on them, but I personally want to hear the ME’s report.”

As I turned toward the windows, my own reflection became visible. I pulled the phone from my ear and looked at the screen. Lifting it back, I asked, “How did you access all their phones?”

“They all called the phone Alex was given. Once I had their numbers, the rest was easy.”

“I don’t say it enough, but damn, I’m glad you work for me.”

Deloris’s laugh made my cheeks rise. “You should be.”

I hung up the call as I eased back into the bedroom.

Charli hadn’t moved. Every bone in my body ached to climb back under the covers with her, to smell her sweet scent and bask in her warmth. My cock twitched, knowing she was completely nude under those blankets.

Instead, I tiptoed across the wood floor and out into the hallway.

Silence echoed through the corridor. Should I go to the master suite or downstairs? Where would I find my father?

I took one step toward the bedroom he used and remembered my attire, or lack thereof. “Hello, Mrs. Fitzgerald. Nice to meet you.” Yes, I thought that sounded better coming from a man wearing a shirt.

Feminine voices came into range as I descended the stairs and neared the first floor. At the base, I turned toward the sitting room, but stopped short, hearing Chelsea’s voice. Still hidden, I listened.

“…like I’m intruding. Honestly, it’s how I’ve felt since this whole thing started.”

“Don’t be silly. You’re a friend of Alex’s. The Demetris have welcomed you here. You can stay as long as you’d like.”

“They scare me, Mr. Demetri more than Nox.”

“Nox?” Silvia asked. “You call him that too?”

“Only in third person. It’s the name Alex called him from the beginning. I was there when they met.”

Visions of Del Mar scattered across my memories. I turned the corner as both Chelsea’s and Silvia’s gazes turned to me.

“Did you forget your shirt?” Silvia smirked.

“I’m looking for Oren. I figured formal attire was optional.”

“Now, I suppose, but I’d suspect this place will get busier as the day progresses.”

“Is Alex awake yet?” Chelsea asked.

“No, she was up late with her mom.” I turned my conversation to Silvia. “I think I’d like to take her some breakfast.”

Silvia lowered the mug she was holding, placing it on the table. “It’s after one. How about some lunch?”

I nodded. “What do we have?”

She waved me away. “Go talk to your father. He’s in the office. I’ll make both you and Alex something.”

“You don’t—”

Chelsea lowered her mug. “I can help. Please, Silvia, let me feel like I’m doing something.”

I turned back to Chelsea. “I owe you an apology. This thing—Infidelity—was never supposed to end up…”

She shook her head. “I’m a big girl. I signed the agreement.”

“I have a question. Did you write the note that the guard gave me at Montague?”

“Yes,” she answered softly.

“The rules. You were giving us a clue.”

“I tried.”

“I just heard you refer to me as Nox, yet the note was addressed to Lennox?”

“I hoped that would let you know that it wasn’t Alex who wrote it.”

I nodded. “Thank you.”

“I’ll go help Silvia.” Her big hazel eyes looked up. “Thank you. I’m sorry too. I wish I could have done more to help her.”

“You’re her best friend. I’m glad that hasn’t changed.”

I didn’t wait for her response. Instead, I made my way through the rooms and corridors to the office. The door was slightly ajar. For only a second I began to hesitate, but then just as quickly, I pushed it open.

Fuck this. It’s my house.

Oren’s chair was turned, facing the windows that overlooked the pool. “…yet you were there? If the conversation will affect Demetri Enterprises, then I should be informed.”

Who is he talking to?

His chair spun toward me as I approached the desk. “Doyle, I’ll call you back. Something just came up.”

“Doyle Carroll?” I asked after he hung up.

“Yes, he heard some interesting things at the Montague party.”

THE CLATTER OF dishes pried me from my slumber. For only a moment, I scrambled for the blankets. My modesty quickly faded as the handsome man delivering my meal spoke.