Fidelity (Infidelity #5)

Charli’s eyes veiled as her nipples hardened.

I reached for her hand and encouraged her to turn completely around. “So fucking beautiful.” After all we’d been through, I needed to know she was really here and safe. As she slowly spun, a faint yellowness showed on her forearm. When I reached for her, purposely touching the spot, I hoped I wasn’t seeing a bruise… that maybe instead, the lighting was playing a trick on my tired eyes.

Her flinch was quick, almost imperceptible.


My smile disappeared. “What happened?”

She shook her head and took my hand. “No more talking. I believe, Mr. Demetri, that was your rule.”

I bit my cheek, wanting to know which asshole was responsible. I’d seen Chelsea’s cheek. It was obviously worse than what I saw on Charli’s arm, but that didn’t make Charli’s bruise less significant.

Our bare feet padded across the wood floor, finally landing upon the soft rug surrounding the bed. Charli’s lips brushed mine before she climbed onto the bed, her perfect ass bringing my dick back to life as she crawled toward the headboard. She fanned her wet hair over the pillow as she lay back. With her eyes glued to mine, her breasts rose and fell in anticipation as I followed suit and crawled across the mattress toward her. As I neared, her legs fell farther apart, silently inviting me toward her core.

With my body suspended above hers, I said, “I thought you were exhausted.”

“I am,” she confirmed, her hand caressing my cheek. “And so are you.”

I was. I’d brought her to bed not anticipating anything but sleep, but having her with me in the shower and now in our bed ignited a need I couldn’t hide. My hard dick rubbed slowly over the soft skin of her legs as they willingly spread wider to accommodate me.


She pulled my lips to hers, opening hers and encouraging our tongues to glide and tangle. Separating our kiss, she demanded, “Make love to me. You helped wash away the past, now fill me with the future. I’m tired of being trapped in a life I hate. I want our life back.”

“You’re not trapped anymore. Never again. And no matter where we are, the future is ours.”

As we kissed our bodies connected, my cock finding her entrance, welcomed by her essence. Inch-by-inch, we came together. The deeper I plunged, the more her back arched, pushing her tits toward me. With each thrust her warm core stretched and surrounded me.

It may have only been a few days since we were together, but this union was different. In the hotel there had been a sense of urgency. We’d been in the eye of the storm. This morning we were home, where we belonged. The storm had passed and we’d survived. There would be damage to repair and retaliation yet to claim, but for the moment, we could savor the present.

With the shutters closed and the dawn’s early light seeping in from between the slats, we climbed our personal mountains. Time stood still, no longer demanding our attention. Getting closer to one another became our greatest need.

Our bodies knew what our tired minds may have forgotten. We were two pieces of a whole: as I filled her, as she accommodated all of me, we fit perfectly together, like one. And like one, we moved in sync until her golden eyes closed, neck stretched, and lips formed a perfect O.

We tasted and touched. She wasn’t the only one to be filled. Our senses were too. Our tongues feasted on the sweet concoction of bodywash mixed with the salty taste of exertion. The air around us clouded with the scent of shampoo and musk. The sounds of breathing filled our ears, becoming the melody while Charli’s moans and whimpers created the lyrics. The rhythm increased until together we stiffened. A deep, reverberating growl filled the crescendo as our dance ended, leaving my muscles slack. Contented and satiated, I caged her lovely face between my arms unwilling to move away.

Time stood still as we clung to one another, her arms around my shoulders and my face buried in the crook of her neck. Instead of releasing me, Charli held tighter, pulling my chest against hers, flattening her breasts until our hearts found the other’s beat.

When our eyes met, she confessed, “I haven’t felt this good or safe since I left for Savannah.”

My lips quirked into a knowing smirk. “And after we’ve slept, your ass is mine for putting yourself in that danger.”

The way her eyes veiled and she fidgeted her hips brought my tired dick back to life.


I kissed her forehead. “Oh, princess, you knew it was coming.”

Pink filled her cheeks. “When we’re rested and when I know my mother is all right.”

“The longer you make me wait…”

Her chin rose, bringing her confident expression to view. “Yes, Mr. Demetri, bring it on.”

My dick twitched again.


As I pulled out, Charli’s smile morphed to a pout.

“Oh, princess, sleep.” I rolled to my back and pulled her close.