Feels Like Summertime

“Please,” she says. She reaches for the button of my shorts, but I grab her hands and tangle my fingers with hers, and press our hands against the mattress. Then I kiss my way down her stomach, tasting the sweet trail that leads down between her panties. I untangle our hands and peel her panties off her.

Katie doesn’t shave. I have to admit that I like that. A shaved * makes me think of prepubescent girls, and that’s the last thing I want to think about during sex. I linger over her damp heat, rubbing my nose against the fine, straight hairs. Then she arches her hips and pushes my head down. “Please,” she says again.

A knock sounds on the door. I freeze, and so does Katie.

“Yes?” Her voice squeaks and I have to hold back a laugh.

“Mom?” Alex yells.


“Have you seen my football?”

“Check in the kitchen by the table!” she yells back.

“Hey Mom!” Alex yells again. He tests the doorknob. Thank God I locked the door.

“What, Alex?” She huffs out a breath.

I lay my cheek against her belly and laugh against her skin.

“Have you seen Jake?” Alex asks.

She looks down at me and shakes her head. “He was on the dock the last time I saw him!” She shrugs at me with a look of apology.

“Okay!” Alex calls back.

His footsteps retreat down the hallway.

Katie’s legs are spread open wide, and I’m lying between them with my face in her snatch, while she talks to her kids. This is all kinds of wrong, but it’s all sorts of right too.

Katie sits up on her elbows. “You want to come up from down there?”

“I like where I’m at just fine.” I spread her lower lips with my thumbs and inhale the scent of soap and Katie and sex. There is no sweeter smell than that of a needy woman. I lick up her slit, and another knock sounds on the door.

Katie growls and says, “What do you want now, Alex?” Her fingers tangle in my hair and pull tight to make me be still.

“It’s me, Mom!”

“What do you need, Gabby?”

“Can I use your clear nail polish?”

“It’s in my purse on the kitchen counter!”

I laugh against Katie’s pink skin.

“You think this is funny?” she whispers. She jerks my hair, forcing me to look up at her.

“I think it’s fucking hilarious,” I snort out.

“Are you sure you want to sign up for this kind of thing?”

“Eating you out? Yes. If there’s a sign-up sheet, I want to sign up for it every single day.”

“No, I mean kids. There will never, ever be a time when they’re not out there, somewhere.” She throws up her hands and falls back against the bed.

“Then we’ll have to get really good at doing this quickly.” I slide two fingers inside her and she freezes when I crook them and find that squishy spot inside her, just as I latch on to her clit and give it a suck.

Her neck arches back against the bed and she cups her breasts, tweaking her nipples ever so slightly, and if I wasn’t afraid of coming in my pants a minute ago, I definitely am now. I roll my hips against the bed, trying to relieve some of the pressure.

She’s slippery wet inside and hot and tight as she squeezes down around my fingers. I hum against her clit and she rocks her hips, riding my face as I bring her higher and higher. Her fingers pull tightly against my hair, just enough to show me the amount of pressure and speed she wants.

“Jake,” she whispers on a gasp, and then I feel her walls clamp down hard on my fingers as her body bows up tight, and she comes while I lick her through her orgasm. She shudders, and I slow my tugs and pulls and use my tongue to bring her back down. I don’t stop until she retreats a little, trying to get away from my mouth.

I wipe my mouth on the inside of her thigh and crawl up her body until I can kiss her. “Was that quick enough?” I ask with a laugh.

Another knock sounds on the door. “Katie,” her dad calls out. “You have a hungry baby out here.”

“Okay,” she calls back faintly. “I’ll be right there. I’m just getting dressed.”

“Hey, Katie,” her dad calls out again.

“What?” she squeaks back. She puts her hand over my mouth to stop my laughter.

“Tell Jake his wife is waiting in the kitchen. She says she’s staying for dinner?”

“Ex-wife!” Katie replies.

“Well, she’s in the kitchen. So send him out, will you? And come feed this kid. He’s trying to suck on my chin!”

Finally, I can’t stand it anymore. I drop my face into her neck and laugh.

Katie shoves my shoulder. “Hey, your wife is in the kitchen waiting to help us all make dinner.”

“Ex-wife,” I say, and I kiss her. Her lips are tender and soft and her body is relaxed under mine. Her legs are spread wide and I’m nestled right where I want to be, but I roll off of her. “I’m going to take a shower.”

“I’d help you with it, but my kid is hungry. And another one needs nail polish. Another is probably still looking for that football. And I’m sure Trixie needs something too, she just hasn’t realized it yet.” She laughs and starts to get dressed. Her hair is a mess and she’s not wearing makeup and I’ve never seen anyone more beautiful. She starts to walk toward the door, but I grab her hand and spin her back to face me.

“When I tell you I love you, does it scare you away?” I say.