Feels Like Summertime

“Uncle Adam told me I had to go and put some clothes on. And your father agreed.” He’s always my father when the kids are mad at him. The rest of the time, he’s just Grandpa.

“I told you that bikini was a little skimpy.” I smack my lips and turn to face her. I nudge her up, because she’s getting my pillow wet. “Go change into the one-piece and you can go back to the lake.”

“Seriously?” she huffs. “I’m sixteen years old, Mom! I can wear a bikini.”

“You can wear the bikini and walk around the house as long as you want. But if you want to go to the lake where there are families and small children and boys, then you need to go change.” I point toward her room. “Go.”

She harrumphs and goes to change. But she stops and looks back at me from the doorway. “You look really pretty,” she says.

I take a deep breath. “Is this dress too much?”

“It’s perfect.” She makes an okay sign with her finger and thumb. In a sing-song voice, she says, “I think Jake’s going to kiss you tonight.”

A grin tugs at my lips and happiness floods my heart. “Well, I certainly hope so,” I mutter.

She comes back into the room and closes the door. “You and Jake, you could totally be a thing.”

“Our thing was a long time ago,” I remind her. “Four kids later, I’m not the same person I was back then.”

She sinks down on the edge of my bed. “You’re a beautiful woman and Jake knows it. Haven’t you seen the way he looks at you? Just watching him watch you makes my insides get all mushy.”

I point my finger at her. “You are too young to even know what mushy means, young lady.”

But she’s the same age I was when I met Jake, and he made my insides all mushy way back then.

“A boy asked me to the summer dance,” she says quietly.

I jerk my head up. “What boy?”

“He’s staying in cabin 24. His mom makes cookies. They’re really good.”

“And he asked you to the dance?”

“Yes.” She grins.

“And you said…” I arch a brow at her.

“I said he would have to ask you and Jake.”

My heart skips a beat. “Why would he have to ask Jake?”

“Because,” her gaze skitters across the room, refusing to settle, “Dad’s not here.”

She doesn’t talk about her dad very often, and when she does, her eyes get misty. I offer her my lip gloss. “I’m sure Jake would be happy to talk to him.”

“Do you really think so?” she asks. Does she miss having a father figure? Perhaps Jeff’s death has had more of an effect on her than she lets on. She puts on my lip gloss and stops to admire herself in the mirror.

“Yes, I’m sure he’d be happy to give any boy who might want to take you out a hard time.” I point to the door. “Go change. I’ll see you tonight after dinner.”

She leaves and I hear her as she goes to her room to change clothes. She comes back out wearing the one-piece suit that Dad got for her. I follow her down the hallway. Dad is sitting at the kitchen table with Mr. Jacobson. He looks up and down Gabby’s body. “Much better,” he says. His eyes narrow. “Are you wearing lip gloss?”

“Pick your battles, Dad,” I say to him.

Then he looks beyond her to me. “You look really pretty.”

“Were you waiting for Gabby?” I ask.

“I don’t like for any of them to be alone,” he says. Neither do I. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and give him a hard squeeze.

“Thank you,” I whisper. “For everything.”

Jake walks around the corner and Dad freezes. “What’s going on here?” he asks, looking from Jake to me and back.

“We are going on a date,” Jake says. His eyes drag slowly down my body. “You look really beautiful, Katie.”

Jake is wearing a pair of khaki pants, and he has on a button-down shirt in the same shade of jade as his eyes. His light brown hair is damp and his face is scruffy because he didn’t shave. He’s wearing a pair of leather deck shoes with no socks. But more startling than what he’s wearing is the simple fact that he takes my breath away.

Dad stares him down. “Who said you two could go on a date?”

“Well, since we live together, I didn’t think I needed to ask for anybody’s permission.”

Dad sputters playfully. “You do not live together.”

I grab Dad’s shoulder and kiss his cheek, while Jake puts the baby in his car seat. He talks to him the whole time, and Henry coos at him. I should probably feed him before we leave, but he’s so happy, and I really want to get this date started.

“Dan,” Jake says as he stands up from his crouched position. He claps a hand on Dad’s shoulder. “I’m taking your daughter out for a nice dinner. And we’re taking the littlest one with us. That means you and Pop have to figure out how to take care of the rest of them.”

Dad squares his shoulders. “I think we got this.”

“Good,” Pop says. “You can cook me a steak. Six o’clock.”

Dan growls good-naturedly, and then he ushers Gabby out the door and back toward the sand and the fun. And the boy.

“Gabby met a boy,” I tell Jake as he opens the truck door for me.

“I know,” Jake says. “I already had a talk with him.”