Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology


“Oh my!”

Brad pushed away and then hauled me to his side. I blinked, trying to focus. An older woman stood just outside of the elevator door with wide eyes and her hand on her chest.

“I apologize, ma’am,” Brad said, glancing up at the lighted floor number before pulling me to stand in front of him with my back against his chest. He snaked his arms around my waist and squeezed me close. His hard heat pressed against me. “A few more floors, Delilah.”

With a scowl, the woman entered the elevator. She took up position on the other side before jabbing the button and pursing her lips.

I couldn’t help the giggle.

Then the moan as his lips grazed up the side of my neck.

The woman cleared her throat.

I giggled again. I felt like a teenager.

“Our stop, beautiful,” Brad said, his voice thick and heady. “Sorry again, ma’am. We’re on our honeymoon.”

“Oh. Well, congratulations,” she said disapprovingly.

I felt like I had butterflies flapping through my bloodstream. At my room, I took off my phone’s cover, extracted the key, and then opened the door. I pushed in, but slowed when I didn’t feel his presence behind me.

Confused, I turned back.

He stood in the doorway, longing plain in his features, but also reservation.

“I won’t tell Frank if you don’t,” I said, the stagger back to him hopefully looking more like a swagger.

“This isn’t right, Delilah,” he said softly, running his hands down my arms. “You’re beautiful, and I hate to say no, but you’re under the influence and I’m mostly sober. Call me tomorrow, okay?”

“But…” Why did I feel like crying?

Oh God. That was a tear.

Mayday, mayday, things are escalating rapidly in the drunk emotional sabotage department.

I wiped my face. “Ignore that. Really. Tequila is a bitch. No, but seriously, I’m green light for this. My call. Totally on me.”

He bent to me slowly. His lips grazed mine, sending twirling clowns and laughing dogs spiraling through my body. It was a circus and everyone was invited. His lips closed around my bottom lip and he sucked it before the kiss deepened. When his tongue flirted with mine, the shock of desire ran through me like a spear. It struck my core and exploded, flooding me with want.

I looped my arms around his neck and stepped back, trying to drag him with me.

He broke my hold like a wrestler.

“Sorry, Delilah. You’ll thank me in the morning. Goodnight.” His body disappeared from the doorway.

I blinked in his wake, a little disbelieving. When did men ever say no?

I thought about it for a second as somewhere in the distance an elevator chimed.

Never. They had never said no before. I’d been in this situation a few times, and I’d always gotten my way without a fight.

I backed up until I could check myself out in the mirror.

Oh Lord! What in the world was I doing running around in public looking like some sort of sea creature? Frizzy brown hair splashed out in all directions on top of my head. Dirt smeared my wrap in a couple places and across one leg. Red splotched my skin and dotted the tip of my nose.

I laughed a little to myself and let the door swing shut.

But it had been really nice of him to walk me back. I definitely would’ve gotten lost without him. Silver lining.

Blowing out a breath, I hit the shower. The big presentation was tomorrow, and then I’d probably need to job search. My weekend was off to a smashing start, but like it or not, I had to see it through.

Hopefully without seeing Brad again.


“You couldn’t have worn something a little more…professional?” Teddy, my coworker, asked with a sneer. He was trying to stray away from sexual harassment with that last word. His gaze caught on my breasts, which were completely covered, as we waited outside the conference room.

“You know how you are wearing a suit, and that screams professional?” I asked as though I were speaking to a child. “Well, the same rule applies to women. Hence my suit. The lady equivalent of yours. It’s a tough concept to grasp, I know.”

“You look like a guy.”

“Well, now, that’s where you’re wrong. In fact, my suit hugs my curves. Although…” I bit my lip and made a show of analyzing his clothing. “I guess yours also hugs your curves. Your gut is pretty well displayed…”

“If we lose this account, it’ll be your fault.”

“I don’t think a little cleavage is going to help us out, but thanks for the early finger point. I always like to know where I stand in the scheme of things.”

I barely heard him mutter, “Bitch.”

The door opened and my boss’s head poked out. “They’re ready for us.”

Evelyn Adams, Christine Bell, Rhian Cahill, Mari Carr, Margo Bond Collins, Jennifer Dawson, Cathryn Fox, Allison Gatta, Molly McLain, Cari Quinn's books