Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology

“Not really, but I’m hitting up a few classes. I’ve been to a lot of these things.” He pointed at a bad rendition of our product. “This is the widget?”

“Yes. It’s a part that goes in a processor.”

“I see.” It was clear he didn’t, but I couldn’t tell if he was thrown off by the product, which was decent as far as the market went, or by the horrendous slides. He looked on at the next slide, and the next. His expression turned from doubtful to bemused. “I think you’ll be falling on the sword.”

“Yup. And if I plead my case, my boss will say a strong leader gets what she wants, which means I’m obviously not a strong enough leader. Weakest link or newest member, doesn’t matter. Bye-bye, job.”

“Tough spot. Can you do up your own slides and go off form?”

“Same result. Not a team player? Then you shouldn’t be working here. Bye-bye. And even if we get the account, the other guys will try to get me out. They think they can handle the workload, and since the bonus is divided among the team members, they’ll get more money if I’m history.”

“But they won’t, because they’ll piss off the clients and lose accounts, thereby reducing the bottom line, thereby reducing the amount allotted for bonuses.”

“Nice work, Mr. Wizard. Clearly working with you would be a nice change. But they won’t think of any of that. And if someone told them, they’d shrug it off because they can do it, no problem. They don’t remember the mess I had to clean up.”

“Huh.” Brad handed the slides back. “So here you are, drowning your sorrows in margaritas.”

“Yup. And doing a danged fine job. Although I’m not nearly as surly now as I was earlier.”

“Pity. How do we fix that problem?”

I laughed and took the last gulp of the horrible drink. “I want another, but I don’t want one that strong. I also shouldn’t have another. So…”

Brad checked his watch. “I can walk you back.” He pointed at me. “But I’m warning you. No funny business. I don’t want to have to sic Roger on you.”

“It was Frank.”

“Him, too.”

My face was cracking from all the smiling. “Got it.” I stared at the drink, really wanting to push this tingly, half-drunk feeling to the next level. If I did that, though, I’d push the other tingly, delicious feeling to the next level, too. I didn’t just make bad decisions on tequila, I pushed others to make bad decisions with me.

“Maybe we should—”

“I’ll walk you home,” he interrupted softly, surprising me.

My heart dropped. It felt a little like a rejection, and for some reason, I didn’t want to be rejected by this guy. I didn’t want this night to be over. I was having so much fun, not to mention the glorious buzz of my body in his proximity. Getting him naked would be a real treat.

But he was definitely right. If I didn’t go now, I’d be dancing on the bar to my own tune in no time.

“I’ll get the drinks this time—”

“I got it.” Brad pulled a wad of green out of his pocket and leaned away from me to peel off a twenty and a ten. It looked like he was trying to hide his funds. He probably thought I’d check in with Frank and plan a mugging.

It wasn’t a bad idea. The guy had a nice garden of greenbacks.

“No. Seriously. It’s my turn. You’ve—” I was being helped away before I realized I’d gotten off the stool. “Dang it.” The haze of alcohol swirled around me, numbing my body. My legs wobbled. “That last drink is creeping up on me.”

“Can you make it?” he asked, his tone deep and soft. Velvet.

“Yes,” I whispered, leaning heavily into his body. His smell and his heat wrapped around me and sucked me toward him. I felt his arm curl around my shoulders, stabilizing me. Electricity surged through me wherever our skin touched, making my sexy systems growl with need.

“Where to?” he asked. His breath ruffled my hair.

We stopped on the pathway. I turned toward him and tilted my face up. He stared down at me, watching my mouth as I told him. His lips, shapely and full, were so close to mine. They parted a little, so inviting.

“Come on,” he murmured.

Body tight and loose at the same time, alternating between fire and ice, I let him lead me to my building.

The tequila took over as soon as we stepped into the elevator.

I shoved him against the wall like only Devastating Delilah would. She was a brazen heathen when she set her mind to it. His body, pliant, bounced as the doors closed. I grabbed his shirt in a fist and yanked his face down. His lips crashed into mine, a little off center but close enough.

His strong hands curled around my shoulders, clearly ready to push me off. I didn’t let it deter me. I nibbled his bottom lip before running my tongue across it.

A soft groan sounded deep in his throat. The hands on my shoulders clenched before running down my back and pulling me closer. Taking the opportunity presented, I tucked my hands under his shirt and then ran my palms up his smooth stomach.

I moaned as my hands trailed over his cut pecs. His tongue thrust into my mouth and he swung me around before pinning me to the wall with his hard body.

Evelyn Adams, Christine Bell, Rhian Cahill, Mari Carr, Margo Bond Collins, Jennifer Dawson, Cathryn Fox, Allison Gatta, Molly McLain, Cari Quinn's books