Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology

“Where’d you go, bella?” Armando wrapped his arm around Maddie’s shoulders as they found the group in the crowd once again.

“We just needed some air.” His wife winked up at him and Dan grinned, because what guy wouldn’t? The instructor might be trying to stake a claim, but it was Dan’s ring on her finger and it had been his dick in her mouth out there in the sand. In no time at all, it’d be his dick pumping into her tight little pussy, too.

Kyla and Tanner both laughed at the obvious lie, but Armando frowned. He shot Dan an eat-shit-and-die stare as his grip tightened around Maddie.

Go ahead, asshole. Try all you like.

“Ready for another round on the dance floor?”

“Absolutely. Unless you’d rather I not?” She arched an eyebrow at Dan and he saw that mysterious challenge in her eyes once again.

He’d had enough of this game they were playing, but another couple minutes would help him decide on the best possible place to get inside her. “Nope. Go on.”

She wet her lips and gave a short nod before she let Armando get them lost in the mass of dancers. Dan tried to keep a bead on them, but they moved further into the crowd this time and, in no time, they were swallowed up.

“So...” Kyla cleared her throat and gave him a coy, sex kitten smile. He quickly eyed her boyfriend for a reaction, but the only thing the guy gave him was a sly grin as he kneaded the girl’s shoulders.

“So?” Dan mimicked, still scanning the club. There was a darkened hall toward the back and, as he contemplated its usefulness, a woman with messy sex hair stumbled out into the flashing lights, a grinning man in tow. Bingo. Mission: Dirty Club Sex activated. He began to slide off his stool, intent on finding Maddie and—

“You’re pretty hot. I bet your cock is huge,” the blonde purred, and he froze. Well, with the exception of another glance at Tanner, fully expecting a prompt jack to the jaw. But the guy’s grin only grew, as his hands coasted down Kyla’s chest, officially breaching second base territory. Hell, the guy was tweaking his girlfriend’s nipples through her tank top right friggin’ there in front of him. “You and Maddie seem pretty open. What do you think about coming back to our room tonight?”


Dan blinked and looked from the blonde to her boyfriend. Surely, he hadn’t heard right. But both of them just stared at him expectantly. “Um, I don’t think so.”

Kyla stuck out her bottom lip. “Aw, why not? You guys roll like that, don’t you?”

Uh... “No.”

Tanner shrugged. “Told you they were only into three-ways.”


The younger man grinned. “Or maybe you just like to watch.”

“Are you saying...?” He shook his head, unable to wrap his mind around the concept, let alone the accusation. “Watch you two?”

“Or Maddie and Armando.” Kyla winked before wrapping her lips around her straw.

What the fuck?

Dan cast his eyes toward the dance floor and caught a glimpse of red, but the lights had dimmed so much, he couldn’t make out whether or not it belonged to his wife. “Maddie and Armando?” he choked out.

The blonde nodded slowly, one brow arched, like she thought he was an idiot. “You don’t see it, do you?”

“See what?” Yeah, the surfer was a little free with his hands. And yeah, it got him a little hot around the collar, but that was the extent of it. There was no way in hell it’d ever go further than that, so to have these two insinuate something so ridiculous was starting to piss him off.

“She wants the dick, man.” Tanner nodded toward the dancers and Dan followed. Maddie and Armando were right on the edge now, and—


His wife’s hands were in the instructor’s hair, while one of the guy’s palms molded to her breast and the other squeezed her ass. Beneath her dress. The real kick in the nuts was the guy’s lips—his fucking lips—sucking on her neck.

“Oh, hell, no.”

Instantaneous rage boiling in his veins, Dan stalked immediately to the dance floor, wrapped his hand around the back of Armando’s neck, and jerked the man’s mouth and hands off of his wife. Jerked Maddie’s hands off of him.

“Lo siento, Dan. She’s so beautiful, I couldn’t help myself.” Armando stumbled backwards, his hands held up in defense.

But it was too late for explanations. There wasn’t anything that would excuse the asshole’s nerve. Dancing was one thing, but to manhandle another man’s wife? That shit didn’t happen without dire consequences.

Without another thought, Dan drove his fist into the surfer’s perfect white teeth, knocking his head back with an audible snap. Armando staggered further into the crowd, but the crush of bodies kept him from hitting the floor.

Evelyn Adams, Christine Bell, Rhian Cahill, Mari Carr, Margo Bond Collins, Jennifer Dawson, Cathryn Fox, Allison Gatta, Molly McLain, Cari Quinn's books