Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology

“All right, all right. Go save the world.”

They said their goodbyes and Trey headed out the door to answer his newest page.

“I swear, if this is another damn coal walk…” he grumbled as he waded through the sand and flung open the door to the medical station.

As usual, a nurse was sitting behind the desk, but instead of the usual bored and semi-homicidal expression they tended to wear, she beamed up at him.

“Doctor Patterson,” she greeted him. “Room four.”

“Nancy.” He held his hand out for the tablet containing the patient’s medical chart, but Nancy only shook her head.

“You didn’t take the patient’s vitals?”

“You’ll understand when you get in there.”

He blinked, then took a deep breath and shook his head. “You’re lucky I trust you, Nancy.”

“I’ll keep that in mind, doctor,” she called after him as he made his way down the hall to find the door marked with a large gilded “4.”

Knocking quickly, he opened the door and then his mouth fell open.

Sitting on the exam table—in nothing but a hospital gown—was none other than Felicia Webb.


“Come in. Quick.” She nodded toward the hallway and he slid into the room before clicking the door closed behind him.

“How did you—?”

She jumped off the examination table and held up a hand. “Look, I have a few things to explain.”

“But I—“

“Trey. Please.”

He fell silent, and when it was clear that he wouldn’t speak again, she started. “Look, I walked into that meeting this morning and realized that you and Frank were both right. I don’t have a passion for this job. And I don’t know exactly what my passions are. But I know what makes me happy, and that’s you.”


She eyed him and he fell silent again. “This might be a crazy leap of faith, but I’m thinking I haven’t taken enough of those in my life. So, here’s the thing. I quit my job. I terminated the lease on my apartment and I’m going to find a place here on the island. That is, if you want me to. I know this is sudden and fast and—“

“Yes.” The word spilled out before he had a chance to control himself. “I mean, no. Don’t find a place. Stay with me. You can work at the resort until you find something you enjoy. I…I can’t believe you’re doing this.”

Felicia laughed and spread her hands wide. “Me neither. I’m pretty sure everyone I know is going to think I’ve gone crazy but you know what? I haven’t been this happy in a really, really long time and I’m…” She met his gaze, then said, “I’m falling in love with you, Trey. I want to see where this goes.”

“I’m falling in love with you, too.” His head was spinning. He could hardly find the words, but when they finally came to him it felt like they all rushed out at once. “I’m sorry, though. I shouldn’t have been upset with you for wanting—“

“You wanted what was best for me. And you were right.” She grinned. “You know, before I got here I walked across the coals again. No burns this time.”


“No. I’ve even went a second time. I thought it’d be cute if you had to treat me again. But, I figured the get up might be enough.” She reached behind her and he could only imagine that she was toying with the string holding her gown together.

“More than enough. Now hop up on the table and let the doctor examine you.”

Giggling, she did as he instructed and he rushed toward her to wrap her in a full, deep embrace.

-The End-

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Can’t Hold Back

By Molly McLain


“That little punk!”

Dan Hudson arched an eyebrow at his fiancée—correction, his wife—sitting across from him in the open air restaurant just outside their Cabo villa. The new wedding band on her finger glinted beneath the late morning sunshine as she swiped frantically through her phone. “Sweetie, put your cell away,” he said, placing a firm hand on her arm.

“I’m going to kill him. How dare he wait to propose until after we’d gone? I mean, look at that ring!” Maddie shoved the phone and a picture of her best friend’s shiny rock in his face.

Evelyn Adams, Christine Bell, Rhian Cahill, Mari Carr, Margo Bond Collins, Jennifer Dawson, Cathryn Fox, Allison Gatta, Molly McLain, Cari Quinn's books