Fast Burn (Body Armor #4)

He stepped closer, both hands now dangling at his sides, the condom held between two fingers. “Explain that.”

“I knew they’d be good for business, that I could exploit their employment in a way to play up the sex appeal angle.” Her eyes briefly locked with his. “Sex sells.”

His body tensed even more—which really only further delineated all those beautiful muscles.

Knowing what he really asked, she explained, “But I never thought about sleeping with any of them. I never considered what they’d look like naked beside my bed, with a condom in hand, preparing to have sex with me.”

His chin tilted up. “That’s the truth?”

A laugh teased from her. “So you not only think I’m too bossy, you think I spend all my time fantasizing about my employees?” She laughed at him. “However do I manage to get so much done?”

After a brief consideration, he tore open the condom packet and rolled on the protection. “I’d rather you not think of them at all.” Properly covered, he pressed her right leg farther away from her body and settled over her. “Especially not now.”

Heaven, feeling his weight press her down. “You’re the one who always wants to talk. And I did just have a splendid climax, so I’m feeling rather—”

He slid into her in one hard thrust, then balanced on his elbows over her. “Feeling what?”

No, she couldn’t engage in idle banter, not now. She swallowed, and managed to whisper, “Filled.”

“And hot?” He pulled back, his gaze on her face, then drove in hard again. “How about hot?”

Her body bowed with renewed pleasure. She nodded. Very hot.

“And wet?” he asked as he cupped her breasts, holding them together so that with each idle thrust, his chest brushed her nipples.

“Yes.” Even as she said it, she felt a rush of liquid heat.

“Hot and wet,” he agreed, his tone sultry as he ground himself against her. “For me.”

“Yes,” she said again.

“Say my name, Sahara.”

“Brand.” Her fingertips sank into the firm muscles of his shoulders. Her blood rushed, already racing toward another release. Amazing.

“Put your legs around me and hold me tight.”

She did, hooking her ankles over the small of his back. “Kiss me.” She needed his mouth.

He stared down at her.


He very briefly brushed his mouth over hers. “You’re not the boss right now, so you need to make it a pretty request.”

Ohhh, she liked this game. Lifting her lashes to stare up at him, thrilling at the look in his dark eyes, she said, “Brand, kiss me, please.”

He obliged without comment, ravishing her mouth, riding her hard, his rough hands still holding her breasts and now his thumbs pressing her nipples...

She came in a sudden explosion of pleasure, putting her head back and crying out. With him inside her, it was even more intense, more powerful.

Brand whispered, “That’s it, that’s it,” kissing her throat, lightly biting her shoulder until he, too, stiffened and groaned out his release. He kept his face against her, but gradually his hands softened on her and his thrusts slowed.

He rested against her.

Still throbbing with acute pleasure, Sahara smiled. From the moment she’d met him, she’d felt the chemistry and known sex between them would be incredible.

What she hadn’t expected was the warm glow of contentment—and a strangely disturbing proprietary need.

She wanted Brand to be hers.

And he just wanted to be the boss.


AFTER FINISHING HIS shower in minutes, Brand pulled on his casual clothes and started coffee in the kitchen, along with breakfast. Though she’d taken a marathon bath last night, Sahara lingered in the shower.

He’d have to remind her of what he’d said earlier: women took forever getting ready.

While he cooked a healthy breakfast that would also satisfy her sweet tooth, he called Leese.

His friend answered with “Everything okay?”

Everything was stupendous. He felt good, better than he had in months. “Yup. I was just checking in. She’ll be down to the office soon. Anything happen that I need to know about?”

Leese laughed. “You definitely sound in a better mood. Should I ask?”

He grinned. “Probably not.”

“Ah, gotcha. It’s odd as hell, but whatever. Long as she’s guarded. Too often she has more courage than caution.”

“So overall, you’re glad I’m with her?”

“Sure. I mean, I’m not blind to the way she looks, and you aren’t working for her, problem, right?”

“Right.” For Brand, it was so much more than Sahara’s appearance, but he wasn’t in the habit of baring his soul. “Have any of you found out anything else?”

“Sorry, no. Sahara’s been going through Scott’s acquaintances, hoping to recognize the guy who broke in to her house. But she’s the only one who saw him.”

“I got an idea of his size, but yeah, when they returned from meeting you and Justice, the fucks still had on their masks.”

“Paranoid or duly careful, who knows? Anyway, Justice is sure he got in through the front door, so there has to be a tie somewhere. If we can figure out who he is, we can deal with it.”

The shower shut off and he knew Sahara would emerge soon—maybe sooner still if she knew he had food for her. “Even though I’m not working for her, do you mind keeping me in the loop?”

“Not if you do the same. It’d be better if she didn’t go anywhere alone, so if you have to leave her, let me know.”

He didn’t plan to budge, but he said, “Got it.” After he disconnected, he checked the meal then went to the bathroom door. He could hear the whir of a blow dryer. After a rap of his knuckles, he said, “Breakfast in five—or will you still be primping?”

The door opened. Wrapped in a towel, one hand holding a round brush in her hair, the other holding the blow dryer, Sahara asked, “What breakfast?”

He couldn’t resist kissing her. She tasted minty and her skin smelled luscious. “Warm raspberry vanilla coffee cake, and strong coffee.”

Her eyes lit up. “Oh my God, amazing sex followed by delectable food. Be still my heart.” This time she went on tiptoe to kiss him, and promised, “I’ll be out in five.”

Just to prompt her, he said, “Yeah, right. I’m betting half an hour, at least.”

She stuck her tongue out at him, used her heel to close the door, and he heard the blow dryer come back on.

Grinning, he went back to the kitchen and did a quick job of setting the table. He poured two coffees, set out creamer and sugar, and then removed the coffee cake.

Fragrant steam filled the kitchen area.

He’d just gotten out a knife to cut it when Sahara came breezing around the corner. She carried her shoes and her hair swung loose, but otherwise she looked as put together as ever.

“Under five,” she boasted. “You owe me an apology for doubting me.”

She wore a slim-fitting above-the-knee tan dress with elbow-length sleeves. It hugged her body in all the right places, and now he knew exactly what that body looked like, the scent of her skin, how she responded.

Unable to resist, he put a hand on her waist and drew her in against him. “I like your hair down.” Golden brown, thick, silky soft. He’d like to feel it drifting over his skin.

Over the tops of his thighs. He tamped down on those thoughts.

“Thank you.” Her mouth twisted. “I just didn’t have time to fix it, but honestly, it only takes a few minutes for me to put it up so I still would have made it on time.” Moving past that, she sniffed the air. “That smells amazing.”

He lifted her face for a kiss, appreciating the fact that she wore no lipstick. “Take a seat and I’ll serve you.”

“Such a gentleman,” she teased, perching that sexy ass on the edge of the chair and putting on a pair of heels. Her movements were feminine and somehow arousing.

Down, he told his dick. Much as he enjoyed the private time with her, he was determined not to interfere with her work, and that meant helping to ensure she got to the office at her usual hour.

The second he set the plate in front of her, she dug in, then hummed her appreciation. “Sooo good.”