Fast Burn (Body Armor #4)

Now, with her naked, he reached past her for the nightstand.

For a split second, she thought he was getting her dagger and wondered why. But no, he only grabbed the remote and parted the drapes so that dawn spilled in, filling the room with a pink glow.

“Better,” he said as he slowly settled back beside her. Balanced on a forearm, he looked her over, studying every part of her in minute detail, even her feet. “You’re fucking perfect.”

A silly smile cut through the haze of need. “Flatterer.”

When his broad hand settled over her belly, she lost the humor. He rested his hand there, not moving it except to coast his thumb back and forth over her skin, teasing her, ramping up her anticipation.

“Let’s talk for a minute.”

He had to be kidding. She dropped her head back to the pillow with a groan.

“It’s pertinent,” he promised, then leaned down to kiss the top of one breast. “I’d like to make an agreement.”

That she wouldn’t get overly involved? No, she couldn’t do that. She was already far too fond of Brand, far too fascinated and too desperate to have him, and—

“You know I have an issue with you being my boss.”

Her eyes popped open. Definitely not what she expected. Cautiously, she said, “Yes?”

“I’ve been thinking about this, and how we can make it work.” He bent to her breast again, this time softly, leisurely drawing in her nipple until her legs stiffened, her back arched and a low moan sounded from her lips.

Sitting back again, Brand stared at her breasts, lightly blew on her now-wet nipple and said, “You can be as bossy as you want—when you’re in the office or talking to your employees.”

With her heart still pounding, she said, “Gee, thanks, but I don’t need your permission to—”

“Hush.” He drew her nipple back into the heat of his mouth, and this time lightly grazed her with his teeth. “I’m agreeing that I don’t mind that commanding side of you, but while you’re with me, I think you should experience the other side of things.”

The oddest rush of excitement coursed through her. She did her best to shake it off. “I’m not sure—”

“Just listen for a minute.”

She frowned over what sounded like a command, but she kept quiet.

Pleased, Brand smiled at her. Almost as a reward, he pressed his hand downward until he cupped his palm over her sex, his long rough fingers curving into her most sensitive flesh. The touch was so stirring she nearly gasped.

Keeping his gaze locked with hers, Brand scrutinized everything she felt, each small reaction, then he continued. “I will never do or say anything to undermine your authority at the agency or with my friends who work for you. But at the same time, whenever we’re around my friends, it needs to be clear that we’re in a relationship, and I don’t mean employer and employee.”

He’d inferred so much, she licked suddenly dry lips. His hand being right there made it difficult to think. “Will we be in a relationship?”

“You’re naked under me.” His fingers probed, parting her so that his middle finger could press barely inside her. “You’re getting wet.” He lightly swirled that intruding finger. “I’d say we already are.”

Around a gasp of pleasure, Sahara thought, Oh good. A relationship. Now if he’d only get on with it. “So not just sex?”

“With you? No.”

She liked the way he said that, as if he couldn’t help himself from getting involved—especially if they were to be intimate. She accepted that she was already far too drawn to Brand, so it was nice to know she wasn’t alone. “You won’t be mean, will you?”

He raised his head, his expression concerned. “Do you really have to ask?”

She gave it some thought—not easy considering what he did to her—then shook her head. “You wouldn’t be.”

“No, I wouldn’t.” He withdrew his finger, only to slip back in with two, this time going deeper. “But I will enjoy taking the lead.”

“In bed?”

“Definitely.” He kissed her, longer this time, his tongue stroking into her mouth in the same rhythm as his fingers.

Loving the taste of him, his heady scent, she clung to him, her hands reaching as much of him as she could. He really needed to lose the boxers so they’d both be naked.

When he ended the kiss, she started to tell him so, but he didn’t give her a chance. “In bed, and any place outside of your work.”

Outside of work could cover a lot of ground. She wasn’t sure about committing to that.

Brand insisted. “Tell me you agree.”

Damn him, his fingers were still again. “I think this level of teasing falls into the category of being mean.”

“Then agree,” he said, grinning at her. “I know your word is good, but keep in mind, honey, you can call it quits anytime you like. You won’t be permanently locked in.” As he spoke, he pressed his fingers deeper, curling them so they touched in just the right spot to shoot sensation through her body. As if that weren’t enough, he brought his thumb into play, slicking up and over her clitoris. The dual assault stole her thoughts, her breath, even her will to deny him.

She lifted into the touch, whispering, “Agreed.”

Proving he’d gotten what he wanted, Brand stopped teasing and instead went about devastating her. His mouth latched on to a nipple, sucking strongly. His fingers found a rhythm that quickly drove her to the edge. She felt him hard against her hip, with the boxers still between them.

Pleasure grew in an ever-tightening coil. Heat built in pulsing waves. She gasped every breath, desperate for release...then groaned as the climax washed through her. Brand released her breast to lift up, watching her as she bowed and twisted. She squeezed her eyes shut, her lips parting on a low cry.

“Beautiful,” he murmured, but he didn’t let up.

Just when she thought she couldn’t take anymore, he left her.

Standing beside the bed, he said, “I’ll be right back. Don’t move. Not a single muscle.”

Sahara leaned up to look at herself. Legs sprawled, skin damp...damper between her legs. She went flat again with a sigh. Was this part of his plan to take charge in bed? Did it matter?

“Yeah, sure.” She didn’t think she had the energy to do much moving anyway.

He walked out, but was back seconds later with a condom. She turned her head to watch him, but otherwise remained boneless.

Holding the packet in his teeth, his gaze burning hot on her body, he shucked off his shorts.

Finally. And damn, he looked fine, as amazing as she’d imagined, maybe more so.

Naturally, she’d never been with anyone who wasn’t attractive. She had standards, and while intelligence and kindness might rank at the top, being physically appealing was important, too. Yet, she’d never been with anyone so finely honed, with muscles cutting everywhere, across his shoulders and chest, down his abs, through thick thighs and strong calves.

His movements were fluid, his strength flexible. He paid no attention to his body, and she couldn’t look away.

A fighter, ripped and ready to engage.

With her.

Sahara touched a hand to her throat, nearly overcome with anticipation. Her skin tingled, and her heart started pounding all over again. She felt the pull of excitement in her nipples, her stomach...and between her legs.

Dark hair sprinkled his upper chest then bisected his body in a narrow line, swirling around his navel, then cutting low again to frame his erection. Even that part of him was enough to steal her breath.

As she stared, he wrapped a hand around himself and stroked once.

“I like how you look at me.”

Her attention shot to his face. His incendiary dark gaze bored into hers.

“I knew fighters had sex appeal,” she explained. “It’s why I was so keen on hiring them for the agency.”

His gaze narrowed. “You’ve thought about the others the same way?”

Unable to keep her gaze off his body, she shrugged. “I suppose I have, in a mercenary, detached way.”