Family Sins

“Sounds perfect,” he said, and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “You run on up to your room. I’ll let myself out.”

Nita patted his cheek, and when he helped her up, she slid a wad of bills into his hand and walked away.

Andrew followed her to the staircase, blew her a kiss after she reached the top, and then counted the hundred dollar bills on the way out of the house.

He was just about to get into his car when Charles came running out behind him. Charles aimed the remote at his own car, which automatically turned on the lights as it unlocked the door. Then he impulsively threw his arms around Andrew’s neck, gave him a hard, lingering kiss and shouted, “Race you!”

A little taken aback, Andrew glanced up toward the second floor, but the windows were all dark. At that point, he grinned.

“Last one to the lake house is the last one to get a blow job, but no speeding,” he said.

Charles laughed again, and then jumped into his car and sped up the driveway.

Andrew followed, because winning wasn’t the point when you were getting paid either way.


Nita was standing naked at the window, lights off for a better view, watching Andrew leave and thinking of what a fabulous afternoon they’d had before all that unpleasantness with Justin.

She was just about to turn away when she saw someone running up behind him. Charles. Curious, she leaned closer to the glass. And when she saw Charles throw his arms around Andrew’s neck and kiss him with unmistakable passion, she pressed a hand to the window in disbelief. Charles was gay? And when it dawned on her that Andrew had two Wayne clients instead of one, rage rolled through her in waves. When she saw that they were talking she dropped to her knees and opened the window just enough so she could hear what they were saying. The conversation was brief, but it rocked her back on her heels.

Race you? Last one to the lake house is the last one to get a blow job? What the fuck? As she watched them drive out to the road and turn in the same direction, rage blanked out conscious thought.

Within minutes she was dressed, purse and car keys in hand. She ran through the halls to the office, snagged an extra key to the lake house, then stormed out without telling anyone where she was going. It had been ages since she’d been to the lake house, but she could find it with her eyes closed. If she was lucky, she would catch them in the act and rain hellfire down upon both their heads. She would teach Andrew to two-time her with her own damn family, not to mention she was going to teach Blake’s little boy how big a mistake he’d just made.


Charles was naked on the bed and waiting for Andrew when he heard the door open. Listening to Andrew’s footsteps moving through the house toward the bedroom was a turn-on he hadn’t expected. He couldn’t just lie there waiting when he knew how good this was going to be, so he got up and met him at the bedroom door.

Charles was laughing as he reached for Andrew, but Andrew sidestepped the embrace and shoved him backward to the bed. Tonight Andrew was the man in charge, and Charles was loving it.


Nita’s heart was pounding from shock and anger as she drove out of Eden, but the closer she got to the lake house, the more focused her anger became. She wasn’t a Wayne for nothing, and payback was a bitch.

She turned off her headlights as she drove closer to the house, finally coming to a stop on the far side of Andrew’s car.

The house was dark except for a light in the back, where the bedrooms were located. She turned off the dome light inside the car, so that when she got out it wouldn’t come on, and then slipped across the yard toward the front door.

The sky was beautiful. There was a faint breeze coming off the lake. A chorus of frogs along the shore had been tuning up when she got out of the car, but they were silent by the time she reached the front door. It was the only warning Andrew and Charles were going to get, and they were undoubtedly too involved in the business of sex to pay attention.

Nita put the key into the lock. It turned soundlessly as she slipped in and eased the door shut, then paused in the darkened front hall to listen.

Charles’s sudden and loud guttural groan startled her. Then it dawned on her that he was just being fucked, not murdered, and this was most likely how Fee must have felt listening to her and Andrew do the deed. Whatever.

She was actually ambivalent over the fact that Andrew was screwing around, because he was basically just a dick for hire. What pissed her off was that he was doing business with a member of her family, and that her nephew had no qualms about taking advantage of that. She imagined Charles laughing behind her back that they were both using the same paid whore.

Betrayal was a bitch, and she was about to break up the party.

Sharon Sala's books