Family Sins

About a half hour later, a nurse came in with a cup of ice chips and a spoon, gave him directions as to how much and how often Talia could have them once she woke up, and took away the tray.

Bowie glanced at Talia again, wishing for another sign, then leaned down and whispered near her ear, “Hey, baby, this is Bowie, and I want you to know you aren’t alone.”

After a brief kiss on her forehead, he moved to the window. Night had come to Eden. Street lights were lit. The security lights in the hospital parking lot were burning. He could see a steady stream of headlights coming and going beyond these walls.

For the first time in his adult life, he was bothered that he didn’t own a home or even rent an apartment. His way of life had been reduced to six to eight weeks on an offshore platform and a week off, during which time he either traveled the area sightseeing or just rented a motel, and ate and slept to suit himself. He’d never thought much about it before, because it was what he’d had to do to get over losing her. Now everything was different. Maybe it was meant to be that he hadn’t put down roots. Maybe that was something they needed to do together. His parents had instilled money-handling skills in all their boys, so he could afford whatever they decided to do. He just needed her to get well.

He’d put in a call to his boss a couple of nights ago, updating him on what was happening and inquiring about the possibility of an onshore nine-to-five job within the company. He was still waiting for an answer.

Through the window, the looming darkness of the mountain against the night sky seemed almost ominous, but he knew it as home. As he was looking up, a bit of heaven fell from the sky, burning across his line of vision before it hit Earth’s atmosphere and flamed out. He often saw shooting stars on the rigs at night, but they seemed more special at home. He was still watching the stars when he heard a soft moan and something rattling against the bed rail. He spun toward the sound just as Talia lifted her arm.

“I’m here, baby, I’m here,” he said, and raced to her bedside.

Her eyelids were fluttering again. He could tell she was trying so hard to wake up. He took her hand, and when her fingers curled around his just as they had when he’d pulled her out of the wreck, he lost it.

And that was what Talia saw when she opened her eyes, the tears rolling down Bowie’s cheeks.

“Alive,” she whispered.

“Yes, thank God, you’re alive,” he said.

“Brakes,” she said, just as she had earlier.

“Yes, I know. That’s something for another conversation.”

She squeezed his fingers to indicate understanding, and then licked her lower lip. “So dry,” she said.

“You can have ice chips. Do you want one?” he asked.

She nodded, then winced.

He scooped one tiny sliver up into the spoon. She opened her mouth like a baby bird so he could place it on her tongue.

As soon as it was gone, she opened her mouth again.

He fed her a good dozen ice chips before she quit, and when she tried to move her head, she moaned instead.


“I’ll ring the nurse,” he said. “Just rest. I’ve got your back on this. I won’t leave you alone.”

She squeezed his fingers again.

“ forever,” she whispered, and then closed her eyes.

Bowie felt the words all the way to his soul as he watched her drifting back to sleep. She would heal, and then they would leave here to heal some more, and he would never leave her behind again.


Constable Riordan was pleased and not entirely unsurprised when the news about Justin Wayne’s arrest spread through Eden like wildfire. People were in greater shock that the arrest had actually happened than learning what he’d done to cause it. In their eyes, that family had lived above the law for as long as they’d been here. It was about time someone finally paid.


Back in Chicago, William Frazier received a text from Leigh Youngblood that only added fuel to the fire his story was going to cause.

Justin Wayne arrested for attempted murders of my son Bowie and Talia Champion. Investigation continuing re: whether he’ll be charged for Stanton’s murder as well.

He responded with a message of his own.

Investigation building. Don’t worry. Stay safe.


Dinner was over. Dessert had been served and eaten as if the earlier events had never even occurred.

Jack Wayne set down his empty coffee cup and pushed away from the table.

“I’m going out onto the terrace for a cigar. Anyone care to join me?” he asked.

“I have some work to do,” Blake said.

“I’m going out,” Charles said, and headed upstairs to change from his dress clothes to something more casual.

Fiona left without speaking to anyone, leaving Andrew and Nita on their own.

“I’m sorry tonight was so stressful after the wonderful afternoon we shared,” Andrew said.

Nita gave his hand a quick squeeze.

“Thank you, darling. I’m going to indulge in a hot soaking bath before bed.”

Sharon Sala's books