Fallen Crest Forever (Fallen Crest High #7)

Logan snorted.

Helen sighed. “I’m having déjà vu. Aren’t we missing a few people?” She glanced to Nate and added, “And we’ve picked up a few new ones too.” Her eyes fell on Malinda. “Were you at the first meeting? When we learned how sexually active Mason and Samantha had become?”

Logan’s head tipped back. “I can’t. I can’t keep quiet.” He shook his head, letting out a dreamy sigh. “Fond memories. We all bonded together over our hatred for Analise.” He glared at Helen and drawled, “Sorry, Mother, but apparently hell’s frozen and you’re now taking the Anabitch’s place.” His tone cooled. “Stop being a bitch.”

“Okay, okay.” Garrett held his hands up and moved into the middle of the room. “There are issues that need to be addressed, I agree, but—” He pointed to the article in Mason’s hands. “Can we brainstorm on how to get that pulled? It’ll be very bad if that article comes out.”

“You can’t.” Helen shook her head. “I got an early copy out of consideration because my friend works with the magazine.”

Mason finished reading and handed it to me. His jaw clenched, but that was his only reaction. “Who’s your friend?” he asked.

Helen paused.

“Answer the question, Mom.” Logan growled.

She flicked an annoyed look his way. “You’re nicer when you’re not around these two.”

“I’m nicer when you’re not a bitch.”

She sucked in an angry breath. “My God, can you be more disrespectful?”

Logan started laughing again, and I read enough to feel my heart sink. Everything was there. Everything that had happened this summer.

I stood, fed up with the mudslinging. “Stop!” I couldn’t read it. I’d vomit if I did, and threw the article on the floor. “Your friend told you about the article. You’re in the best position to fix this. Why are you here?”

“What?” Her eyes narrowed.

I stepped toward her, folding my arms over my chest too. I lowered my voice to the same cruel level as hers.

“This is something you could’ve fixed. If you have the pull to get an early copy, you could’ve flown to your friend instead of here. You knew about this days ago. You would’ve had to get the story, book a flight from Europe, and have the foresight to text Taylor and not your actual sons. Did you even text Logan, like you told Taylor you did?”

“No,” Logan answered. “I checked. There were no messages from her.”

“Am I blocked?”

“No, Mom,” he shot back. “Why the fuck would I block you? You just took my girlfriend and me to Paris. We were on good terms until this.”

“Why are you blaming me?” Her question was directed to Logan and me. “I’m the one bringing this problem to you.”

Logan was about to say something, but I spoke first. “Because you’re the parent. No matter James’ faults, he would’ve handled this before even bringing it to Mason’s attention. My mother too.”

The last was meant as a jab, and Helen closed her eyes. She shuddered briefly as it made contact. When she looked at me again, the loathing had gone up a notch. “I hate that my son is infatuated with you. It’s because of you that all this is happeni—”

“SHUT UP!” Mason burst out.

He lunged forward, and everyone jumped at his quickness, but he only took my arm with a gentle touch and pulled me behind him. Logan moved forward so both were shielding me.

“You hate Samantha because she’s Analise’s daughter. That’s the only reason. Get over it.” His words were calm, but there was rage in them. They sent shivers down my spine, making him seem almost deadly, even though I knew he’d never touch his mother. “I’m going to spell it out once and for all. If you don’t get right with Sam, you and I are done.”

“Me too, Helen,” Logan added.

I couldn’t see her, but I heard her sharp intake of breath.

“I don’t give a shit if you like Taylor,” Logan continued. “You better love my sister, or we’re done. And don’t think you can go around my back to have a relationship with Taylor. She’s loyal to Sam.”

Garrett cleared his throat. “Look around, Helen.” There was a firmness in his voice too. “Everyone in this room is loyal to Samantha, who is my daughter.”

“She’s my daughter too.” Malinda stood, sounding like she was fighting back tears.

Nate was next. “Sam is family to me. I know you don’t care about my opinion, but I wanted to offer it.”

Then David cleared his throat.

I held my breath. That man raised me. He put up with Analise’s cheating. He knew I wasn’t his by blood, but he stayed anyway. He didn’t want to risk losing me. He didn’t speak a lot, but when he did, his words meant something. I was already trembling, and I leaned forward, resting my head against Mason’s back. His hand swept back to touch mine. Our fingers intertwined together, and then I heard my father speak.

“I’ve held some sympathy for you in my heart because even though Analise didn’t directly affect your marriage, I know she had a part. I also know she’s the woman who has kept your ex-husband faithful when you couldn’t.”

Helen expelled a shuddering breath.

“I know I don’t talk often, and I can’t have any voice on your relationship with your sons, but I stand with everyone in this room,” David continued. “It’s time you stop tearing into my daughter. She was not the one who tore apart your family, and she’s not the one who continues to keep it apart. That’s you. You’re the adult, and you have to take the first step toward mending your relationships with your sons. Even if Samantha were like Analise, which she is not, the responsibility would still fall on your shoulders. You’re the mother. Not her. You’re the top of the family hierarchy, you and James. When you continue to put your sons above you on that line and expect them to model unconditional love and support, that never works. You’re cheating your sons out of being your sons. Malinda has been remarkable in modeling the kind of unconditional love and support a parent should. I think you would love my daughter very much, if you would allow yourself to be humbled. You can learn from a child, but it always starts with the parent. Be a mother. Stop being the scorned wife.”

I couldn’t stop shaking.

Mason felt me. I was pushed up completely against him. As if sensing that I didn’t want anyone to see me like this, Logan shifted to further block me from view. Nate came to Mason’s other side, acting as a third shield.

I drew in mouthfuls of air, and I tried to think calming thoughts. None of it worked. I was falling apart inside, and I didn’t know why.

Mason glanced back at me. “Can we have the room for a moment? Just Nate, Logan, Sam, and me?”

“What?” Helen started.

“Please. Give us a moment.”

“We have to still talk about the arti—”