Fallen Crest Forever (Fallen Crest High #7)

“Let me help you. I’ll talk to my dad.”

Suddenly, and so completely, I was just thankful Mason was with me. I slid my arms around his waist and tipped my head back. I didn’t have to say anything. He knew, and his lips were right there, meeting mine.



Garrett, Sam’s biological father, held his hand out as Sam and I stepped into the private room. Sam paused, looking up at me. She was silently asking if I wanted her to stay and be a buffer between us, but I shook my head. It meant a lot that she was even offering.

I shook his hand. “Mr. Brickshire. How are you? Thank you again for helping with that incident earlier this summer.”

“Garrett. We’ve been through too much for you to call me by my last name, but I admit, it’s a lot nicer reception than I used to get from you guys.”

And since he went there, I replied, “Yeah, but that was when you were a dick to your daughter. You haven’t been for a while, and you helped me out.”

Logan was sitting close by, and he snorted, looking back to watch us.

Garrett let out a soft sigh. “I guess I asked for that. I did disappear for a while.”

It was for two years, but who was counting?

I just smiled back. “Thanks for coming to the game.”

“Of course.” He seemed relieved to move on. “And it was a great one, especially for your first of the season. Two touchdowns. They were raving about you on ESPN earlier.”

I nodded. “Yeah, well, everyone at the university is raving about Sam’s race time yesterday.” I turned toward her. She had taken a seat at the end of the table and was conversing with some of her running friends, but she looked back to me. A warm glow emanated from her.

The buzz about her was small, so far. That wouldn’t last. I knew the other runners were talking about her race, and that would only spread. People would watch to see if she could continue that time. I was sure some thought it was a fluke, but I knew better. Sam had been running like that since I’d known her.

Thinking about it now, I hadn’t pushed her to join cross-country. I’d asked her once if she wanted to, but she’d said she was fine with just doing track. I was ashamed now that I hadn’t pushed her harder. I knew I was part of the reason she’d chosen only the spring sport. I should’ve done everything I could to make sure she wouldn’t regret not joining cross-country.

At least she was there now.

Sam didn’t like attention, and I knew a part of her was happy, but a part of her was freaked out. My job was to be there for her, and I would be, but as I gave her bio dad a look, I hoped he read between the lines. I wanted everyone to be there, including him.

It was her time to shine.

He coughed, narrowing his eyes. “Yes, that’s what I’ve heard. I was ecstatic when I found out.”

“She’s running pre-Olympic times. Did you hear that?”

He stilled, and his eyebrows stretched apart.

He hadn’t.

“It’s going to get crazy for her.”

“Yeah,” he murmured, his eyes falling thoughtfully to his daughter. “Yeah, I’m sure it will be.” He paused, then looked back to me. “Pre-Olympics?”


Was he getting it now? Did he understand?

“You know, I couldn’t have done what I’ve done without support,” I said. “Support. That’s really important. Support. From family and friends.” Did I have to say it again?

He shot me a look.

He got the message.

“Mason.” Malinda stood at the other end of the table, a glass of wine in hand. “Stop interrogating Garrett and sit down. Both of you sit down.”

She waved to the table, and I slipped into my seat next to Sam. Garrett returned to his at the other end next to his wife and David.

Malinda raised her glass. “A toast to Mason for his exceptional game today.” She beamed with pride. “And to Samantha, for making Cain U history yesterday and continuing to do so. And to everyone here.” She indicated the whole table. “If you’re here, that means you love and care for one of our kids, and that means the world to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. To everyone!”

We saluted, then sipped.

Malinda had already ordered appetizers, which were now placed down the middle of the table. Once they were done, the servers came around for our individual orders.

Matteo leaned across the table from his seat next to Grace, with Courtney by her. “Hey, what was up with you and Bio Dad?”

Sam put her water down with a little extra force, like it slipped and she caught it in time. “Do you have to call him that too?”

“What’s his name?”

“Garrett. Call him Garrett.”

Matteo thought about it, then shrugged. “Bio Dad seems more appropriate, but okay.” He turned back to me. “So? You and—” He glanced at Sam. “—Garrett. What’s up with that?”

“Nothing. Just small talk.”

Matteo snorted. “Right, because that’s what you Kades are known for. Small talk.”

Nate leaned over the table and asked in a mock whisper, “What’s going on?”

My eyes met Sam’s. I knew we were thinking the same thing. Then I looked at Logan and saw the suspicion there. He knew something was going on too, so I shrugged.

“We ran into a friend of yours out there,” I told Nate.

He had been reaching for a roll, but he dropped it. “What?” He cursed under his breath, grabbing the roll before it hit his water.

“Someone recent. Like, last night and this morning recent.”

Logan started laughing. He was keeping it quiet, but he was still laughing. “Is he talking about a chick or a dude? If it’s a dude, I’m all for that, but give me a heads-up. I am your husband, remember?” He winked at Nate.

Nate scowled. “Shut it.” He cursed again under his breath. “You ran into her?” He shot Sam a look. “And thanks for telling.”

She shrugged. “Sorry.” She didn’t sound it.

I hid a grin, rubbing a hand over her back. “Back off her. I would’ve figured it out anyway. The girl wasn’t real smooth.”

“I liked her.”

Logan frowned at Sam, then me. “Who is she? I want to meet her now.”

A third curse from Nate. “This isn’t funny, you guys. We’re at a family meal. It’s not the place to talk about my sexual escapades.”

“Mmmm?” That perked Malinda’s ears. She straightened in her chair. “What’s going on? Nate has sexual escapades?”

Logan smothered more laughter.

I started to open my mouth, but Nate shot me a dark look. “Mason.”

I heard the warning and held a hand up. “We’re just joking. We didn’t even talk to her. Sam just said you knew her, that’s all.” I pointed to Logan. “He told me about the one-nighter.”

Nate stiffened, turning to Logan. “Are you kidding? That happened just last night.”

Logan frowned. “Why are you getting all uppity about some chick? Unless—”

Nate’s eyes flashed.