Fallen Crest Forever (Fallen Crest High #7)

I raked my hands through his hair, still kissing. I couldn’t get enough of him.

“Sam,” he breathed.

His hand slid down my back, caught my leg, and pulled me tighter against him.

I moaned. The ache was building, and I moved against him, needing to feel more friction. God, he was right there. A quick shift of his boxer briefs, he could tug my underwear to the side, and he’d be in. But he waited. I waited. I was breathing hard, grinding on him.

He kissed down my throat.

His other hand rested at my waist, and he turned me so I was against the edge of the butterfly. I was almost immobile as he continued kissing. Then he tugged my bra, unclipping the back and pulling it completely off. His mouth found my breast, sucking on my nipple.

I gasped, then arched into him.

I clamped my legs more tightly around him.

He kept kissing. He kept caressing. His hand swept between us, and his finger slid inside.

A guttural groan left me. I just wanted him. Like always.

“Mason.” I was damn near begging. I panted.

He kissed me again. Home. That’s how he tasted. My arms went around his neck, and I moved my hips in rhythm with his finger. He slid two more inside, and I was soon riding him.

“I love you.” His words were a teasing caress against my lips, and then he sunk his fingers inside me again.

I kept going, kept feeling him thrust inside of me until I was damn near falling apart in his arms.


He continued, holding off on his own pleasure until I had mine. I held on. I loved this Mason. His will was iron strong. He always made sure I came first, and when I was a puddle and my bones weren’t firm anymore, he’d slide inside and take me on a whole other ride.

That seemed to be his plan this evening too.

I cried out, feeling my climax rip through me, and then Mason removed the rest of our clothing and sheathed himself inside of me. He pushed in, holding me as his muscles trembled and rippled. He waited, but he didn’t have to wait long. He gave me time to adjust to him. But I didn’t need any of that. I grabbed his ass and began.

I was moving before he was ready.

“Sam!” My name ripped from him.

“Let’s go.” I pushed my hips at him, starting the ride.

“Fuck, yes.” Then he was going with me.

He thrust out, and I went with him. He went deep inside.

Anywhere he went, I was there too. How fast, how slow, it didn’t matter. My heart was a fucking stampede inside of me. Pleasure, desire, lust—it all swirled in me, building into a frenzy until all I could do was beg, plead, and answer any command he made of my body.

I felt he was near, but he held off. He kept thrusting in and out. He was giving me time to match him, to be right with him as he came.

A primal need clambered inside of me. I grabbed his shoulders and urged him to go harder. I wanted it rougher.


“I want it.” I gritted my teeth, needing something deeper, darker in me.

And then he gave it. He began pounding into me. He grabbed my shoulder. Half of his hand was on my throat, and he held me in place as he pounded into me.

I came undone in his arms and nearly wept as a second climax ripped through me. I felt like I was torn in half, and then Mason came. His body surged one last time, almost crushing me, before he pressed a tender kiss to my shoulder and swept his hand down my arm and side lovingly.

“You okay?”

I nodded. I was more than okay. I touched the side of his face. “I love you.”

His eyes were clouded. I knew he didn’t like to think he hurt me, and this had been rough, but I wanted it. His eyebrows dipped together.

I kissed his lips. “I wanted that.”

He frowned, slightly. “I might’ve hurt you.”

I shook my head. I felt alive. So much alive. I kissed him again and wrapped my entire body around his. He slipped out of me and held me for a moment. We stayed like that, our heartbeats next to each other, until I began shivering. He moved through the pool, carrying me the whole way, and set me on the edge.

“Stay here.”

I wasn’t sure what he was doing. I heard some splashing before he pulled himself up and out behind me. He padded somewhere, then a small light was turned on. It was in the corner of the room, enough for us to see, but not to be seen. I could make him out as he came over, handing me my clothes and some towels.

“I’ll start the Escalade and make sure the heat is on.”

I left my clothes off. They were still wet anyway. Instead I wrapped myself in two large towels. Mason came back in, barefoot in his sweatpants and shirt. He took one look at me and whipped off his shirt. He handed it over.

“Here. It’s something.”

I grinned, pulling it over me. I was more than okay with him driving home shirtless. “You’re going to attract attention from other drivers.”

He shrugged, then bent and threw me over his shoulder.


He smacked me on the ass. “I’m being all gentlemanly. Let me carry you outside.”

I stopped struggling and pointed for him to grab my shoes. He must’ve taken his to the Escalade already. He locked the door behind him, double-checked it, and then deposited me in the passenger side of his vehicle.

I was pulling my seatbelt on when he paused. “Shit.”


“Hold on.”

He went back in and returned ten minutes later.

“What’d you do?” I asked when he climbed inside again.

“I moved us to a place you couldn’t see on camera, but I still wanted to make sure.” He put his seatbelt on and pulled away from the building. “I just deleted the whole thing.”

“Are you going to get in trouble for being in there?”

“Nah. No way.” He got out to the open the gate, and then again to close it behind us. After that he found my hand. “I’m sure Logan’s blowing up our phones, but I needed that.”

I squeezed his hand. “Me too.”

We shared a look before he turned back to the road.

When we pulled up at the house, there were too many cars for him to pull into the driveway. He still opened the garage, and we went in that way. As soon as we opened the door to the house, loud music and laughter greeted us. Mason hit the garage button, then went on ahead of me. I huddled behind him, thankful for his bigger build.


I heard Logan, but darted for the bedroom. I was inside and heading for the bathroom when I heard Mason saying, “We went swimming.”

“You couldn’t have told me? Dude.”

“Give us a minute to shower and chan—”

The door shut on Mason’s words, but as I turned on the shower and stepped under the water, I knew he’d be joining me here as well. A few minutes later, he did, but this time I didn’t turn around and find his mouth with mine. I leaned against him as we soaped our bodies and washed our hair. I could’ve turned around, pressed into him, and asked for round two, but my restraint was ironclad. That and I was exhausted. I smiled up at him, watching as he watched me, until we were both clean and there was no reason for us to remain.