Fallen Crest Forever (Fallen Crest High #7)

“Can you really blame him?” I asked. “We were cutting in line.”

She wrinkled her nose, crossing her arms over her chest as Courtney and Grace came over. They all watched Mason finish his last rep before it was my turn. Though their eyes widened like they normally did around him, Taylor barely paid him attention.

She turned to me. “I know, but now all the others took notes from him. Only a few will get off the machines for us. He ruined our fast time in this room. Plus, he’s in here with his team. He doesn’t understand. Girls don’t like doing weights with all this testosterone. The smell alone is uncomfortable enough.”

Mason finished his last pump, then stood and adjusted the weight for me. “Why don’t you have Logan lift weights with you?” he said as I climbed on.

“You think that’d work?” She gazed around the room. “You have to admit, there’s a lot more of you guys than us. I think half the girls are too scared to come in here.”

“Just call Logan. He does weights, though he talks shit more than he lifts, but he’d do it. And he’d love to give Matteo crap too.”

“We’re almost done today, but I’ll be doing that next time. I didn’t realize Logan lifted weights that much.”

Mason grinned, moving to another machine as I was finishing up. “I think it’d be more about talking shit.” He nodded to Taylor. “And showing off to his girl too.”

She laughed. “Maybe I should give him a call today after all?”

As I got off my machine, Taylor moved for it. Matteo showed up, appearing from around a different machine, but he jumped back as Taylor got on it first.

She held up her middle finger. “Aha! You were totally trying to cut there.”

“Oh, come on.” He reached for her finger, but she pulled it away. He grinned, casting a sideways glance to Courtney and Grace. “Can’t hurt a guy to try, right?” He asked the last question with his focus on Grace, whose eyes suddenly looked like they were going to bulge out.

“Wha—what?” she stammered out.

“You can’t blame me for trying. Right? Now I gotta wait for all three of you ladies.” His head perked up, and his grin deepened. “Though, now that I think about it, maybe I’ve been doing this wrong all along.”

Taylor finished and got off.

Courtney and Grace waited, but Matteo waved them on. “After you, ladies. I just realized the benefits of being a gentlemen.” He winked at Grace, who waited as Courtney got on the machine. “I get to spend more time with you.”

Grace’s cheeks pinked, and she yanked her eyes toward Courtney. The back of her neck was reddening too.

Matteo grinned over at us. “Thanks for bringing your friends, Sam.”

Mason laughed, moving out again and adjusting the machine for me. “Yeah.” He rested a hand on the frame as I sat down. “That’s what my girlfriend is: your personal pimp.”

“Works for me.”

I did my rep and then stood, standing close to Mason for a second. “Girlfriend?” I cocked my head to the side in a teasing manner.

His eyes darkened. He knew what I meant. I wasn’t just his girlfriend. I was more now.

His hand grazed mine. “You know what I mean.”

We hadn’t talked much about the engagement in weeks. There’d been other issues on our radar. He was still supposed to ask again with the ring, and in the meantime I was becoming more and more okay with the idea of getting married.

I was not Analise.

He was not James.

We were a completely different couple.

As we moved to another machine, I watched Taylor continue to fight with Matteo. By now, it was mostly in jest. She’d caught on that he was more interested in hanging out with Grace than fighting to get to the machine.

After one more machine, she admitted defeat. Taylor held her hands in the air and told Grace, “Go with Matteo. I think he’ll help you better than me.”

Grace’s entire face was beet red, but we could hear her giggling the rest of the time we were there.

Courtney and Taylor stayed with Mason and me. Courtney seemed a little quiet around Mason. She watched him as he moved around, and I thought I caught a twinge of jealousy in her eyes, but it was always gone by the time she looked over at me. I wasn’t insecure. It was the opposite with Mason, but I was more on edge because of the way girls reacted to me because of him. I didn’t want another Kate situation, but that wasn’t Courtney. If that were going to be anyone, it would be Faith.

A little while later, when we were done and walking back out to the parking lot, I saw Faith getting into a Yukon.

Speak of the devil.

Taylor stopped next to me. “I really hate that girl.”

I grinned. “Is there another weight room on campus?”

Courtney was on my other side. “There’s a VIP room that only some of the star players get to use.” She frowned at me. “You should have access to that, actually. You and your boyfriend.”

Mason came up behind us, and I turned toward him. “Do you have access to a VIP weight room?”

He paused. “Yeah.”

“Could you have taken me to the other room?”

“You, yeah.” He glanced to the others, and I got his drift. The others couldn’t have gone, and he didn’t bring it up because he knew I wouldn’t have left them.

I frowned. “That’s not fair.”

“It’s for the players who need more attention,” Taylor said. “If someone is rehabbing, they get to use it too. But yes, it’s generally for the star athletes—the ones who bring in boosters and more money. It’s exclusive, but it kind of does make sense.”

“You knew about it too?”

She gave me a look like I’d grown two heads. “My dad is Broozer. Yeah, I knew.”


Mason unlocked his Escalade and stored his bag inside. He shut the door, waiting for me. I glanced to Taylor. “What are you doing now?”

“I’ve got this guy I’m dating. I haven’t seen him all day, and I thought maybe I’d check in with him. Maybe give him a smooch or two.” She grinned at me.

I arched an eyebrow. “Logan’s sarcasm is infectious. Who knew?”

She laughed. “He’s at your place. I was hoping to hitch a ride since he brought me this morning.” We glanced over to Courtney. Grace and Matteo were coming out of the building and heading our way.

“What about you two?” Taylor called over. “I bet I can get Chef Logan to make an appearance. He can cook for all of us.”

“I’m down.” Matteo gave her a nod, his eyes skirting to Grace beside him.

Taylor touched Courtney’s arm. “You and Grace want to come over?”

“Uh.” Courtney turned around to look at me. I’d migrated over to Mason by his Escalade. “Is that okay with you?”

I shrugged. “Why wouldn’t it be? But to be honest, I think if Logan found out we didn’t invite you at this point, he’d be chewing my ass within seconds.” I grinned, sinking into Mason’s side. I noted how Grace was touching her hair and grimacing. “If you guys want to go shower and change, just head over when you’re done. You know where we live.”