Fallen Crest Forever (Fallen Crest High #7)

“She can help us help Sam. That’s enough. She won’t go to Sam with expectations of being thanked or anything.”

Logan groaned. “Team up with Anabitch? Are you sure about this?”

It wasn’t ideal, but . . . “I can get Dad’s guy to look into this girl and her family, but Dad might have information we wouldn’t get any other way. It’s worth the try.”

“What makes you sure Dad even knows this guy?”

I wasn’t. “We have to see. If this chick is wealthy, and it sounds like she is, chances are good that Dad knows something about her family.”

“Okay.” He nodded. “And when we break the news to Sam that we went behind her back?”

“Remind her she’d do the same for us.”

His eyebrows lifted, but he didn’t comment.


Matteo waited by the door. I held up a hand, then turned back to my brother. “Nate’s birthday is this weekend. We can pretend to take him to Vegas.”

“But by Vegas you mean Fallen Crest?”

I nodded.

Logan laughed. “Nate will be so disappointed.”

“Yeah, well, maybe we can use Dad’s favor and fly to Vegas afterward?”

“Mason!” Another yell from behind me.

“Score.” Logan held out his fist. “Your boyfriend is getting impatient. Pound it. I’ll see you later.”

I met his fist with mine, then headed for the doors. Logan sped past us out of the parking lot, giving the middle finger as he did.

“Did your brother give you a ride or something?” Matteo asked.

I shook my head. “Just had to talk about something. That’s all.”

He narrowed his eyes. “The draft is this year for us. Don’t do anything to fuck that up.”

I understood his concern, and as I nodded, he seemed to relax.

But I had started to wonder if it was worth it.

Did playing professional football outweigh doing the shit I’d always done to protect those I loved? Being good and saint-like versus what Logan and I had always been?

I was beginning to think it wasn’t.


A hand on my hip woke me in the night, and I rolled to my back, already knowing who it was. Mason was poised above me, and his hand inched upwards, pushing aside my thin shirt until he cupped my breast.

“Hey,” I murmured, touching his chest and sliding my hands around his neck. I raked my fingers up into his hair and grabbed a fistful. There was just enough. “What are you doing?”

He grinned in the moonlight as shadows covered him in a mysterious and alluring way. It didn’t matter that he was already above me; I would’ve been aching for him anyway. I opened my legs a little. He looked down, running his hand along my leg until his fingers rested right there, lightly grazing over me.

“I’m being a selfish ass, and I’m waking you up,” he said softly as he kissed my throat, sending tingles through my body. His head lifted; he didn’t move to my lips. His hand pressed a little harder, but it still wasn’t enough. He was going to tease me. I could feel it in the way he held himself, giving me just a taste.

I grinned, tugging his head back down to mine. “I don’t like it when you play like this with me.”


“No.” I fused my mouth to his.

This touch from him? It’d never get old. Ever.

I felt him still holding himself above me, and I tugged on his shoulders. I wanted to feel the full weight of him. Mouth to mouth. Chest to chest. When he finally rested on top of me, his hand moved between my legs.

“Christ.” He pulled away, nipping my lips before moving down to my throat.

He sank a finger inside of me.

The ache was building. I moved against him, letting go of his hair and dragging my nails down his back.

He pushed a second finger in.

I strained against him, lifting up. I wanted his fingers farther inside, but instead he chuckled as he pulled them out. I opened my mouth, ready to protest, and they plunged back in.


I clamped down on his shoulders, enjoying the feel of his muscles shifting as he ran a thumb over my nipple.

Sensations shot through me as his fingers pulled out and thrust in once again. A third finger joined the other two. He kept going—in and out, in and out. I searched for his lips, needing a taste of him too.

He found me, and his tongue slid next to mine, caressing. As he brought me to a climax, I could only hold on, letting the waves crash through me, one after another. By the time they were done, a new ache had started.

I wanted Mason inside of me, in that primal and most intimate way. It wasn’t long until he obliged. I wrapped my legs around his waist. I had already been stretched out, so I didn’t need to adjust to the feel of him, but he waited.

I raised a hand to the side of his face. “What is it?”

“I love you.”

I grinned faintly, scooting down a little to pull him in deeper. “I love you too.”

His lips touched mine in a soft and tender kiss. I felt like he was saying something else with that touch.

“Mason?” I pulled back to look at him again.

He didn’t answer. His eyes closed, and he ducked down, kissing the side of my neck as he began to move. I gasped, feeling him push in farther. Then he almost slipped out, but he stopped and thrust back inside. He kept going.

I savored this.

No matter what was going on in our lives, these moments, this moment, always connected me to him.

An hour later, I was curled into his side and almost asleep.

“Sam?” His hand came to my hip again.

“Already?” But I was grinning. I knew that wasn’t what he wanted. I opened my eyes, but his weren’t teasing like mine. They were dark, like they were when we had sex. A shiver went through me, and a part of me wanted him all over again. It just felt right. I shifted, sitting up against my pillows. “What is it?”

His hand traced down my shoulder, cupping my breast and rubbing his thumb over the nipple. “It’s Nate’s birthday this weekend.”

I widened my eyes. “You’re going to touch my boob while you talk about Nate?”

He grinned. His hand tightened a little. “I want to touch your boob any time I see you and talk to you. It doesn’t matter the topic of conversation.”

I chuckled, but sat up farther. His hand fell away, and I rested against the headboard.

“What’s going on?” I pulled the sheet up, tucking it across my chest and under my arms. The girls were nicely put away now.

It wasn’t that I didn’t want him to touch them; I didn’t want to associate anyone else with Mason touching them. They were selfish like that.

“We’re going to take Nate to Vegas.”

I cocked my head to the side. What he was saying made sense, but there was something else going on. I frowned. “Are you lying to me?”

“What? No.”

Too quick.

I poked him in the chest. “What’s really going on? I can tell when you’re lying.” I wagged my finger at him. “I’ve caught on since we first started dating.”

The lines around his grin softened, and he leaned down to kiss me. “There was a time when I had the upper hand.”