Fallen Crest Forever (Fallen Crest High #7)

“Is that really your business?”

She laughed again. “No, but I couldn’t help asking.” She nodded toward Faith and Raelynn, who were now both looking in our direction. Correction: they were looking at me. There was no hostility or emotion in their eyes, but I felt an awareness in the air. Coach Langdon moved to the sidewalk, and the others began to stand up. It was almost time to run, but in that moment, everything faded to those two girls and myself.

They had competition, and they were now aware of it.

This could get interesting.

Courtney chuckled under her breath. “Nettie and Grace haven’t figured out who you are, but expect them to freak. Their reaction will be nothing compared to how they’re going crazy over Logan’s girlfriend.”

I gritted my teeth. I was Samantha Strattan. I wasn’t going to be known as Mason Kade’s girlfriend on this team. Not here. I was a runner, and I was good at it.

“Her name is Taylor,” I snapped before I could help myself. “Learn to use it.”

I broke away, grabbing Taylor by the arm and pulling her to our own section of grass. “We have to stretch quick. He’s going to blow the whistle soon.”

She dropped down with me, reaching for her toes. “How far will we go today?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know.” I turned to see Courtney, Nettie, and Grace talking together in a small huddle. Their heads were bent together. I didn’t know what they were saying, but it didn’t matter. My blood had started to boil. All these girls were going to be in my dust.

I needed to run.

Coach Langdon gave us a few minutes, but when we hopped up, he raised the whistle to his mouth. The girls knew, and everyone was ready. Earbuds went in. People shook out their arms, jumping in place.

Faith and Raelynn stood at one end of the group, as if they were their own unit. The rest of the team stood together, and Taylor and I were at the opposite end.

I asked the closest girl, “How far’s the morning run?”

“We do five in the morning. Then you can run as far as you want for the afternoon practice.”

Only five? I’d hoped for more.


I looked over to Coach Langdon.

“Follow the girls. They know the route.”

Which meant I had to keep pace with them. I couldn’t go faster on my own. This is the first run, I reminded myself.

“Okay, Coach.”

He nodded and blew his whistle.

We were off.

It was about how I’d expected it to be.

Faith and Raelynn took the lead, and the rest of the group seemed content to run as a pack behind them. I stayed with Taylor, who kept up with everyone just fine. She held steady at the back end of the group, and I ran slightly on the outside, waiting and biding my time.

Faith and Raelynn had glanced back at me as we first started, but when I remained back by Taylor, they seemed to settle in and lead the team. Both were slender, their hair pulled up in high buns, and they had a confidence to their gait. They were good, and they knew it.

The other girls paid attention to us at the beginning too, but by the end of mile four, they’d lost themselves in their own running. Taylor was still fine. She looked like she could do another five. As if reading my mind, she looked over and winked.

“You can go,” she mouthed.

I nodded. That was all I needed, and I started to edge forward.

I recognized the feeling in my legs. I could tell when we’d started the fifth mile. The girls up front picked up their pace. A mile to them was just a jog home. It’d go fast, and as Raelynn and Faith pulled away, the gap closed between the team and them. The pack had picked up speed too.

I moved on the side until I neared the head of the pack. Some girls noticed, but I held back until we were at the half point of mile five. Then I surged ahead, still running on the side, but bridging the gap between the team and Faith and Raelynn. We were rounding the last quarter mile when they noticed me. I was right behind them, almost on their heels, and this time, I looked ahead.

If I were right, Coach Langdon would be there. And when we cleared a set of trees, I saw him waiting, consulting his stopwatch.

It was time.

I put my head down and moved around the last two girls.

They surged ahead, but I kept going.

I kicked it up to my normal pace, but Faith and Raelynn could handle their own, at least for this distance. They stuck next to me until we surged past the coach. Then they dropped to a walk, but I kept running in place. I wanted to do more.

He checked his watch as he walked over to me. “Well, you’re definitely on the team. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that everyone had faster times than usual.” He eyed me running in place. “You’re still hoping to run?”

I nodded. “I didn’t know the route.” I smirked. “I do now.”

He eyed me, cocking his head to the side. “Martin said you’d have good times. I expected that. I thought you’d keep with those two.” He gestured to Faith and Raelynn, who were stretching as the rest of the team trickled in. “Did you hold back?”

I wasn’t going to boast, so I shrugged. “Just let me do my thing. You won’t regret it.”

He seemed to mull it over before he nodded. “I’ll send the girls in and wait. You do another five. Blow me away with your times, Strattan.”

That was all I needed.

This time, I ran for myself.

The second run didn’t take as long.

I soared past Coach Langdon, and he showed me my time, shaking his head. “What year are you?”

“Junior.” I pulled my leg up behind me, stretching my quad.

Taylor waved from the curb. She’d showered and had two cups sitting next to her. I could smell the coffee from where I stood. Its aroma mingled with my sweat.

“Why are you joining this year? You wasted two years, Strattan.”

I gulped, lowering my leg. “There were reasons.”

He snorted, heading back to the building. “You’re on the team. Your friend too. We run in the mornings and at three every day. Meet here by seven thirty and meet at the running track at three. Our first meet is in two weeks, but I have no worries about your performance. Hydrate. I’ll have a meal plan for you later.”

He nodded as he passed Taylor, who stood and brought over the coffee. “I made the team. Did you hear?” She offered me a cup.

Hearing the excitement in her voice, I grinned. “Did you really think you wouldn’t make it?”

She lifted a shoulder, sipping from her cup. “I wasn’t sure what I was getting into. But I’m happy. Logan will flip for me.”

I laughed. “He’s going to buy some kind of ATV and follow us. You know that, right?”

Her lip tugged up. “You’re right. He’ll blast music, and he’ll have towels, water, and protein snacks for us.”

I nodded. I expected more than that. “Nate will be with him too.”

“And Jason.”