Fall Back Skyward (Fall Back #1)

She seems to sense my discomfort. She shuts the book and tosses it on the bed. “I had a very hard time when my parents divorced, I was ten-years-old,” she announces abruptly, catching me off guard. “It took me a couple of therapy sessions, and a lot of time, to accept that the two people I loved the most in the whole world, weren’t together anymore.”

“Oh, Megs. I’m sorry.” I want to hug her badly, but I hesitate for no apparent reason. I’m not used to hugging people other than my mom, Grandma Phoebes and my sisters.

She shrugs. “It was for the best, I guess. They couldn’t make it work. I don’t think it’s fair for people to stay together if all they cause each other is misery and regrets. My dad remarried and now lives in California. Mom is still single and happy. I’m okay with that.”

Yeah. I like this girl.

Before taking a sip of her coffee, she shoots a playful look at me from the rim of her cup.

“What?” I ask her. It feels good to just hang out with a girl my age, have someone who checks up on me, brings coffee and most of all, is interested in what I have to say. I hope I don’t mess this up.

Megs lowers her cup and holds it to her chest. “Spill.”

“Spill what?” Am I missing something?

She rolls her eyes and grins. “I saw Cole drop you off with his car right in front of your house.”

Oh, that. My stomach does its usual butterflies-fluttering thing and my cheeks warm at the memory of his hand on mine. Finding that little church while on my run was an amazing discovery. We aren’t a church-going family by any means, but it’s the one place that quiets my turbulent thoughts. Just me and a Higher Power. I believe there is someone greater than me. There just has to be.

I cringe, remembering the rush I got when I pressed the sharp edge of the Bible on my thigh. God, I’m messed up. Plus I sort of admitted that I noticed he goes somewhere every morning. I’ve noticed more than that though. The way he walks confidently, the way the muscles on his shoulders flex when he moves. . .Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to accept my sort-of-stalker-y award now.

I clear my throat and avert my gaze. “I went for a run and ended up at St. Christopher’s Church. That’s where he found me and offered to give me a lift.”

Mischief enters her face. “So, he stalked you?”

I laugh. “I’m not stalk-worthy.”

She shakes her head, a huge smile gracing her face as if she knows something I don’t. “Not from what I’ve heard.”

“Heard? From who? Oh my god! What are you talking about?” My giddy feeling turns to nervousness.

“Relax. Cole and his best friend, who is also my boyfriend, Simon, have been talking. Your name came up. Cole got all twitchy in a cute way. I’ve never seen him act that way, which means you affect him more than he wants to admit.”

The air locked in my chest bursts out of my parted lips in a rush. Cole has been talking about me? And why does that make me want to fly through the roof in joy? “Um. . .what did he say?”

“He said you’re pretty. He also mentioned that you sit on your roof every night, which seems to fascinate Cole a lot. Then Simon asked Cole if he needed help asking you out. Cole got all prickly and asked him to stay away from you. It was fun to watch, though. I can’t remember the last time someone claimed his attention like you seem to have done.”

And I swear my heart has sprouted little wings and is trying to break free from my chest and fly.

“So, what are your plans for today?” I ask, changing the subject, too flustered to continue with the previous conversation. I need to consume that information in small doses in the private sanctuary of my bed. At night.

She chuckles. “Too much?”

I clutch the coffee cup, hoping the caffeine will give me the strength I need to open up to Megs. It’s what friends do, right?

“I’m not used to it.” Her brows scrunch up in confusion. “I’ve only had one boyfriend. He lasted a month and took flight when he eventually saw the scars.”

Her face softens and her gaze lowers to my arms. “Do you still. . .do it? Cut?”

I shake my head. “I haven’t done it in a while, but sometimes I’m tempted. That’s why I run or doodle. I binge on ice cream too.” I smile at her, hoping the latter diffuses the situation.

She laughs. “We should have an ice cream and movies night soon.”

We decide that we’ll take Elon and Elise to the mall just to look around and get them out of the house. We chat about my new school and I realize we’ll be attending the same high school. She and I will be graduating next year. Megs already has her life planned out ahead of her. She wants to be a nurse and her plan is to get a nursing degree.

Me? I haven’t decided yet. It’s either Music Therapy or Psychology. I want to be able to help people who have gone through what I did.

Maybe I can ask Josh to teach me a few things in sign language, just in case Cole and I meet again. I know he reads lips perfectly, but if feels good to throw him off his game.


Autumn Grey's books