Fall Back Skyward (Fall Back #1)

COLE TOOK THE GIRLS TO the carnival earlier today. When they came back a few hours ago, Cora was scowling and sending daggers in her father’s direction. She stomped upstairs and slammed her door shut. Apparently, Cole glared at a few boys from Cora’s class which ended up scaring them away. Cora had initially bragged to her classmates and told them that her new daddy was taking her and Joce to the carnival, so she was extremely eager to introduce Cole to her friends. When I asked Cole about it, his jaw tightened and a vein throbbed viciously as he told me the boys were looking at his daughters inappropriately. I pointed out that the kids were only nine years old.

Honestly. How can a child that age stare inappropriately?

Obviously not amused with my question, Cole crossed his arms on his broad chest and scowled at me.

I laugh under my breath. I really pity Cora and Joce’s future boyfriends.

This evening we’re having a get-together at my house in honor of Josh. I prepared the rooftop terrace for this occasion earlier today but it started to rain, and I ended up moving everything back inside the house.

Cole mentioned that Simon and Tate arrived last night from New York. They are staying at Cole’s house and they will be here soon. Elon left for school earlier this morning. She has mid-term tests and she was so nervous about that. She still hasn’t opened up to me about the reason she’s been spending more time at home than in her apartment. Elise will drop by later as well.

Megs squints up at me, tears running down her face. “Where’s that man of yours? He needs to finish cutting these onions. He survived prison. He can survive this.”

I gape at my best friend. “Oh my gosh. Megs! What’s wrong with you?”

“What? It’s true.” She drops the knife and rushes to the sink to wash her hands. “Damn it. Little shits sucking my eyeballs.”

I laugh. “Cole went to take a shower after working on the play house on the terrace.” Pain tugs in my chest, just thinking of Josh. But this is a happy day. A day to celebrate his life. “You’d better be done soon. The snacks should be ready before everyone arrives.”

She rolls her eyes. “Let’s order Chinese. Anyway, what’s the deal between you and Cole? Someone saw him dragging your ass to his house. Are you guys playing the Tarzan-Jane thing? That’s kinky. Tell me it’s true, though. I’m living vicariously through you. My divorce is wringing me dry so I only have you to entertain me. Did he toss you on his bed? Did he let you play with his magic stick? I bet his dick is like Batman.”

My cheeks are on fire. “What?”

“You know, all scowling and demanding like Batman. I bet it sprang up and said—” she clears her throat and screws up her face into one meant to portray intimidation. “It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.” She winks. “I bet his penis showed you what it’s made of.”

“Oh. My. God. Only you can make that quote sound dirty.”

She laughs, picks up the knife again, and attacks the onions brutally.

Megs’ heart has always belonged to Simon. When Cole left town, Simon packed up and followed him. That kind of friendship is quite rare. I completely admire the kinship.

“Cole won’t be going back to New York to finish his internship. He has already worked things out with his dad so he will continue interning at BH Architects.” I sigh, my thoughts on Cole. I smile, feeling happy. Peaceful. “Sometimes he is stubborn and possessive—”

“So he hasn’t changed a lot in the past nine years. Dude, Cole is the man.”

“—and I wouldn’t change him for the world.” I finish the sentence.

The doorbell rings. Cora yells she’ll open the door. My heart does this wonderful thing in my chest, pumping faster and faster. Before I can turn around, I feel him, our connection crackling in the air. His arm circles my waist and he kisses my neck. My heart slows down its erratic beating. It’s like his presence and his touch are the only things that can race and calm my heart. Simultaneously.

“Dude, let up. It’s my turn.”

I look over my shoulder to see Simon, grinning wide. I spin around and throw myself at him and he catches me, hugging me tight. I pull away grinning, lift my gaze and see a tall hot guy walk into the kitchen. He’s really hot, like GQ cover model hot. He flashes me an easy smile that has most likely won awards for the best smile, displaying a row of straight white teeth and deep groves on the side of his mouth.

“Eleanor? It’s really good to finally meet you,” The hunk signs without preamble.

Oh, this is the Tate. “It is great to finally, officially meet you, Tate,” I sign, extending my hand toward him in greeting.

“Any family of Cole’s is mine as well.” He ignores my hand and wraps me in a hug, then takes a step back. “How are you and the twins doing?”

Autumn Grey's books