FIRE (Elite Forces Series Book 2)

Backing away from the heat, I begin to pace and think of a way out of here, but I have nothing. All I can think about is Jade. Her screams haunt me, and I can still feel her cries deep inside. Her threats for them not to leave me were serious, and I know she gave them hell like they’ve never thought possible. She is one stubborn woman, and that's just one of the many reasons why I fell for her.

There isn’t a thing I don’t love about her. If I'm lucky enough to get out of here, those will be the first words she hears from me. Then her sexy ass will be heaved up over my shoulder, and we will get away from everyone for a long time.

I run my hands down my face, thinking about the plans we were making. If only it really were that easy for us to be able to get away. We would have worked it out somehow, and now these piece of shit motherfuckers who stand in my way of freedom and happiness need to die.

My torn-up feet slap against the concrete as I move around without a single stitch of grace. They stole my boots. Either they wanted them, or they know damn well I’ll try to escape the first chance I get. My guess is the latter. I’ll give them credit for the only smart thing they could’ve done. They obviously have no idea who they’ve successfully kidnapped. They could strip me bare, and I would still do everything in my power to gut them and enjoy every fucking minute of it.

Jade. Fuck. I can’t get her out of my mind, not that I want to. I want nothing more than to get back to her and my family. I just have to endure whatever these assholes have in store for me first.

Sweat starts to drip down my back and face. I move to sit back in the opposite corner away from the sun because I need my strength. Every. Last. Bit.

With my knees drawn up, I place my head against the wall and clench my hands in front of me. I work to think of my favorite times with her. As sick and morbid as it is, my cock becomes hard when I envision the last time I was inside her. The way she looked at me like I was her every damn thing. The way she finally gave in to her feelings and surrendered.

For the first time in my life, I have someone who I want nothing more than to share it with, to give her my all, and to hopefully someday watch her belly grow large with my child. I'd love to listen to her laugh right now. Hell, I'd love to fucking fight with her. Then we can make up. Shit, thinking about make-up sex has my dick twitching. She'd be feisty as fuck, trying to forgive me for whatever dumb shit I did, while I fuck her in the best way possible. I know I could shut her up. I have a way with her.

Oh, my Jade. She’s so damn beautiful. I can feel her strength and determination sitting here. My head snaps up just as I think it. I open my eyes when I hear the word determination in my mind and think about the last words I heard her say.

She begged them to go back and not leave me. They better have strapped her ass down and made her leave with them. She can be a hellion, but I think the guys can handle her. Harris will protect her and I know my guys will too, especially Kase. He will for the very reason that I asked him to.

The thought of her being out here all alone sends a chill through my body. I know her. She'll stop at nothing to try to save me. They all will when it comes down to it. I know damn well it killed them to leave me behind, but they had to. I get it. Even though it would have broken me to leave one of them, I would have done the same thing. Get the target back to the States and then turn around and come for them with or without the help of the government.

She would’ve been the exception to that rule, and I’d be lying if I told myself any different. I’m afraid I would’ve taken us all straight back into hell just to get her.


“Fuck,” I mutter into this shithole. I must’ve drifted to sleep. The heat is so intense it’s nearly suffocating me to death. If this is the way they think they can torture me, then they’re idiots. I’ve survived in the desert and sweat my balls off for weeks on end. I’ve shit in places they’ve never dreamed of and even went days without food or water while the need to kill the enemy outweighed my thirst and starvation.

My eyes open wider now. Thank Christ. I know it's mid-afternoon without even having to stand up to look; the shadows casting on the opposite wall tell me.

It’s then that I hear voices outside, growing closer. Their foreign words rattle off in my brain. I don’t have a damn clue what they are saying. Fucking pussies.

Then I finally see them. They stare me down and I do the same. My will to survive glares back at them without any regrets. I feel like a hard, cold killer, and I can tell by the way they’re looking at me they think they have me right where they want me.

I watch them and they watch me. They stand there in green army uniforms, talking like the trash they are. Assault rifles hang over their shoulders, and I begin to laugh in a very hideous voice.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books