FIRE (Elite Forces Series Book 2)

“It smells great. How’d you know I love bacon?” I walk into my cabin with the air filled with the smell of bacon cooking. This might be one of the sexiest things I’ve seen her do.

“Just a guess with the three packages in there. Figured a quick sandwich tonight, then I’m thinking tomorrow, I’d like to go meet your mom.” I watch a smile cross her face and kiss her grinning lips quickly before she continues talking. “Then you can meet my parents. I figure if we’re doing these missions like this and professing our love to each other all the time… we should know each other’s family a little.”

“I like that idea. But only if we talk about Bali on the road.” I do want to meet her parents and even her brothers.

“Deal. Sit and I’ll make you a plate.”

“I have to meet Kase in the morning. He’s coming in, and the President wants to talk to just the two of us.” She looks instantly concerned, and I regret telling her anything at all.

“What do you think he wants?”

“Not sure. But I’ll know in the morning.” She sits down beside me, and I watch her face fill with even more worry.

“What if he wants us to go back?” I want to tell her there will be no us in that formula, but I know not to go there until it’s time. She’ll lose her shit if that does go down.

“Then we go.” I’ve already decided I’d go and find my brother in the process. If I can pull off another mission for my country, then I’ll sure as hell be in. “You’re sexy as fuck when you start thinking.”

“Kaleb. This is serious. I don’t know if you’re ready to be back in full force.” I stand instantly, lifting my plate as I do.

“I can’t deal with this handicapped Kaleb shit. I’m still functional and would never put my team in danger if I thought I couldn’t do it all. Besides, we don’t even know what he wants yet.” I make myself sit back down. Shit, my emotions are out of control. I need to get a damn grip.

“I never said you were handicapped. And I know how protective you are, but so am I, Kaleb. You were tortured out there, and you need to take a break from this shit for a few weeks.” I can’t make her that promise until I know my brother is taken care of.

“I will when I get Ty. I can’t until then.” She looks down at her plate and starts to think about something. I don’t ask her because honestly, I hate the tension between us right now.

“I heard you held a rifle to Harris’s temple.”

“I did,” she says matter-of-factly without an ounce of regret. “I was losing my fucking mind and can’t apologize for wishing we’d have dropped back down and fought for you.”

“Jade, stop. They did everything right. On a mission, we have to do what’s required to bring in the subject if that’s the given mission. There were so many of them hiding, we would’ve lost men for sure if you had dropped back down.”

“Yeah. Well, at the time, it seemed like the logical thing to do. I don’t leave anyone behind. Period. And I hope one day they don’t have the same hell thrown on them if we have to leave off without them.”

“I agree.” I take a few bites while she just watches me like she has more to say, but doesn’t.

She’s angry and I get it. I would be if I were her. Hell, I’d be a lying motherfucker if I didn’t admit that fear is desperately trying to ease its way into my veins. The only thing stopping it from breaking through is my anger. There isn’t a damn thing that’s going to break that barrier down until I make sure Ty’s good and dead from every goddamn bit of pain he has brought to my world. He’ll be unrecognizable by the time I’m done with him. Mark my words. That is a promise I intend to keep.

I know better than anyone that my body is far from healed or ready to head out, let alone lead a mission. But fuck it, this is my job, and if my intuition is correct, I know whoever or whatever we are after is going to help lead us to Ty. Right now, though, I need to sleep, preferably naked and with my sexy as fuck, blond woman snuggled close to my side.

“I’m going to get ready for bed,” Jade speaks from the kitchen, where she’s just finished cleaning up. She let me work while she took care of it tonight. That’s not something I expect from her, but I love that she knew I needed a moment today. I have a few things I need to do. I’ve been sitting here the last few minutes, thinking about all this while texting back and forth with my sister for us to surprise my mom tomorrow. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen them. With everything that’s happened, I need to hug both of them. I need to see with my own damn eyes they’re alright.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books