FEAR YOU (Broken Love Series BOOK TWO)

“My age is none of your business, but what I can and will do to you is. Are. We. Clear?” I held her gaze while counting down the seconds in my head before I risked it all and left her standing on the pavement alone.

“Understood.” She nodded once and then grinned up at me while extending her hand. I ignored it and made my way to my side of the car, sliding in without acknowledging her further. She finally took the hint and hopped in the car when I was less than a second away from pulling off.

“So who is she?”

“She?” I pulled out onto the main road and headed in the direction of my house. She had arrived sooner than expected, so I still hadn’t run it by my uncle yet. I decided to cross that bridge when I got there.

“Yes. The ‘she’ who has you overly guarded around me. Is she your girlfriend?”

“I don’t do girlfriends,” I answered without sparing her a glance even though I could feel her eyes boring into me.

“So there is a she?”

“Even if there was, I wouldn’t fuck you, so I guess it doesn’t matter if there’s a she, does it?”

“Who says I’m looking to get fucked? Maybe I want to do the fucking.”

“You don’t know me from Adam, girl.”

“Oh, but I know your type. You like to be in control when you take her, don’t you? You like to handle her, test her limits… maybe even make her beg a little?”

I gripped the steering wheel tighter out of aggravation. Even if what she said was true, I didn’t like to be read. Especially by a stranger. “No.”

“No?” I could hear the disbelief in her tone.

“I like to do much more than make her beg.” I briefly glanced at her in the passenger seat and caught her leaning forward with anticipation. “I like to make her cry so I can lick her fucking tears. I like to make her hurt so I can hear her scream. And most importantly, I like to make her want more.”

The lust building in Diana’s eyes was unmistakable.

“Something tells me she’s inside your head just as much as you are in hers. I’d like to meet this girl.”

“She’s not in my head and that’s not going to happen.”

“Yes, it most certainly is. Before you started speaking about her, there wasn’t as much as a flicker…” she used her fingers to emphasize… “of life in your eyes. I think I might be jealous.”

“Brunettes aren’t my type anymore.”

“It’s quite all right. Maybe I’ll dye my hair and figure out another way to get in your head as well. This could be fun.”

“You wouldn’t do well as a blonde.”

“Oh, so she’s blonde?”

I spit out a curse and scowled at her. “You’re annoying me, Diana.”

“It’s just Di, so call me that. I hate Diana.” The conviction in her voice made me pause.

“Your father calls you Diana.”

“My father doesn’t listen to much if it doesn’t have to do with money.”

My attention zeroed in the comment about her father, but I didn’t let on that I was interested. “Why would you say that?”

“Sorry, super spy. That conversation is more suited for a fifth date, and I just met you.”

“Yet you were salivating over my dick moments ago.”

“So what do you say we trade? A fuck for an answer?”

“What makes you think I’m that interested?”

“Oh, you are. Something tells me you and my father didn’t meet over coffee. So are you in business with him? You’re kind of young.”

“How old are you?” I asked, dodging her question.

“I’ll be twenty-one in a few months.”

“Where is your mother?”

“Strung out somewhere… I haven’t seen her since I was eleven.”

“So what really happened to make your father feel the need to relocate you?”

“What makes you think something happened? My father has always been cautious.”

I pulled into my driveway and put the car in park before turning my full attention on her.

“Don’t insult my fucking intelligence. What. Happened?”

“Are you this bossy with everyone?”

B.B. Reid's books