FEAR YOU (Broken Love Series BOOK TWO)

“My mother? You knew her?”

Pain filled his eyes when I mentioned her. It was deep and unmistakable. I didn’t know much about her, and even for the short time that I knew her, it wasn’t until the end of her life I discovered who she was.

“Yes, I did, son. Your mother and I were very close. She would have wanted nothing more than to be here to meet you.”

Do I tell him that I’ve met her? That I was the reason she wasn’t here now? I thought about the man who said he was my father and what he made me do. I should have been able to trust him, but he was the exact opposite of what I thought he would be. All those kids who would cry for their parents night after night made me think parents were good people.

“Who is we?” I asked since my mother is dead and he stood alone.

“Yes, you have a cousin who is only a year younger than you. His name is Keenan and he’s my son.”

Instead of acknowledging his mention of more family, I looked up at Mario who watched on silently.

“Why am I here?” After meeting my father, and after what he made me do, I was afraid.

Mario stared at me for what seemed like forever before he met the gaze of my uncle and held it for long moments.

My uncle finally took the hint and spoke up. “Because you belong here.”

My gaze passed between the two men, and when I realized it was for real, I didn’t say more. Maybe this time it would be a good thing.

John seemed to sense my acceptance and reached out to grab my hand. I stared at it for a few moments before taking it. He led me to the car, but then Mario called out to him.

“Wait. There’s something else.”

“What are you talking about?” A frown now covered my new uncle’s face.

“I need you to do something for me.”

“Excuse me?”

Mario walked back to the car and opened the door. That’s when I realized I almost left without saying goodbye.

“Who is that?” John asked.

I decided to answer him because I knew Mario didn’t know his name.

“His name is Quentin.”



“Keiran. You know I choose not to say much about anything you do, but now isn’t one of those times. What the hell are you doing, man?” Quentin had been waiting outside my place by the time we pulled up. I ignored the numerous protests from Monroe when I dragged her to my house. She was even more pissed when I ordered her upstairs.

“Whatever it takes.”

“When is it going to be enough?”

“It may never be. What’s your point?”

“You trying to ruin that girl?”

Five months ago, it was exactly my plan. But now, I didn’t know what I wanted from her. I just knew she was someone I needed. Period. I shrugged, feigning nonchalance, but he knew better. The look he gave me said so.

“She’s different now, you know.”

“What’s it to you?”

Since when did Quentin nag? That’s what I had Dash for. Quentin usually gave less of a fuck than I did. It was why I called on him for all the illegal tasks. Dash dubbed himself my moral compass, and I’d only ever wanted to protect Keenan.

“She’s not going to make it easy for you. Whatever you decide. She will fight you.”

“She won’t win.”

“You might let her.”

“Q… Fuck off.”

“Look,” he said, getting in my face. “She’s yours. I don’t give a shit what you do to her, but these games you’re playing with Arthur is going to get you killed.”

“Maybe so, but he’ll be taking his last breath with me.”

Quentin gritted his teeth and shook his head, looking away for a beat before turning back to me with angry eyes. I knew my stubbornness was pissing him off, but I didn’t know how much until now.

“I remember, okay? I remember how it was. I remember all the fucked up things they made us do. It would have only worsened.”

“Mario saved you,” I reminded.

B.B. Reid's books