FEAR YOU (Broken Love Series BOOK TWO)

“I don’t think that’s an answer you really want. Besides, I can feel how wet you are. I wouldn’t need to persuade you.”

“My body’s betrayal doesn’t change the fact that I despise you.”

My finger slipped inside her panties and entered her heat causing her to lose her breath and grab the wall as an anchor for support. “You feel that?” I asked and added another finger. “The fact that you despise me doesn’t change the way your body betrays you. I could fuck you right here, and you would take it because you want it, and you would love it.”

“What makes you so sure I would love it?” The rhythm of my fingers increased their tempo, making her whimper and beg. Music to my ears.

“Tell me yes, and I will show you.”

“Not here.”

“Fuck.” I was already searching my head for places to drag her off too when we were interrupted.

“Mr. Masters, the bell has already sounded for class… What on Earth are you doing?”

“Oh, my God,” Monroe squeaked. She frantically ripped my hands away, and I cursed the loss of her body. I waited until she fixed her clothing before moving away.

“Miss Monroe,” Principal Lawrence acknowledged disapprovingly. “Don’t you have class?”

“Yes, um, sorry.” She shot me a murderous glare before disappearing inside the gym.

“As I recall, you were ordered not to approach Lake Monroe. Is there any particular reason why you are violating that agreement?”

“None of it concerns you.”

I walked off leaving her baffled. I was pissed that once again, Monroe managed to slip through my fingers.

Chapter Nine


“Can you believe that prick?” For most of gym, and after in the locker room, I ranted and raved over Keiran’s latest stunt. To be honest, I wasn’t sure how to react when he approached me in the hallway. In the past, whenever we were in the same vicinity together, as briefly as it may last, I would try to make myself as invisible as possible. But when I saw the unmistakable heat in his eyes, I was frozen to the spot. All I could do was to hope I could survive another encounter unscathed. .

“It sounds to me like you were enjoying yourself just as much as he was.”

I turned on Willow and planted my fists on my hips. “Whose side are you on?”

“I’m on yours. I’ll always be on your side, but you have to decide whether you are going to hate him or fuck him. Apparently, the two don’t mix well together.”

Oh, how wrong she was. “This isn’t just some run of the mill romance or school rivalry. He threatened to kill my aunt and to leave my best friend,” I indicated her for emphasis, “heartbroken.”

“And yet, despite all that, you still want him. Look,” she took a deep breath and released. “I’ve gotten over it.”

“No, you just blame Dash. You’re still angry too, Willow.”

“Are we here to talk about you, or are we here to talk about me?” she snapped, defensively. That was my cue to bow out, but instead, I continued to stand with her, holding her stare. It seemed neither of us would back down until she sighed and asked, “Do you realize we almost never argued before them?”

There wasn’t a time I could remember ever arguing with Willow. The biggest disagreement we’d ever had was choosing a movie or pepperoni over sausage, and even then, we’d compromise. We’d spend all night at the movies to please each other and order a specialty pizza because neither of us was willing to see the other unhappy.

But I couldn’t deny how something had changed for us these past few months. I only hoped our friendship would survive it.

“Forget about it. Let’s just go to lunch and hope they have something half decent or edible.” We finished dressing in silence and met Sheldon outside of the cafeteria. I could immediately tell something was wrong from her sunken expression.

B.B. Reid's books