FEAR YOU (Broken Love Series BOOK TWO)

“Do you really have to ask? Between you and your sick, crazy father, I felt it was more than necessary. When I think about what he did to Keenan, I—” She snapped her mouth closed and regarded me with a worried expression. “Have you gone to see him yet?” she whispered.

The change in subject took me by surprise but I hid it well. I even found myself nodding. “He’s awake now,” I volunteered.

“I know. Sheldon told me a few days ago. How is he?”

“He isn’t the same.” We stared at each other for long moments as she tried to interpret my meaning. The deep frown marring her forehead only deepened before suddenly clearing.

“Keiran, I have to know…” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Why did you kill her? Before you said you didn’t believe she was innocent but there has to be more.”

“Why would you think there was more?”

“Because I don’t believe you kill for the hell of it.”

“You don’t know me beyond my cock, Monroe. Don’t pretend otherwise.”

“Even a closed book can tell a story.”

“Yeah, well, mine is no fairytale.”

“And your mother? What about her story?”

She’s still on that? Her persistence in learning more about Sophia’s death was something I could use to my advantage. “What are you willing to do for the answer?”

“Come again?”

“You can have your answer if you give me something I want.”

“Such as?”

“You. Tonight. Right here and now.”

“Not happening.”

“Not even if I promise to fuck you hard and long?” I almost grinned at the way she squirmed and the way her mouth dropped open. Her body had already said yes, but her mind had yet to catch up.

“You make such a compelling argument,” she quipped.

“You’re the one standing here as naked as the day you were born. You know how much I appreciate easy access.”

“Screw you. I don’t want the answers that bad.” She stomped over to her dresser and with angry, jerky movements, pulled out a pair of sweats and a shirt.

“Should I take that as a no?”

“You bet your ass,” she snapped.

I rose from the bed to stalk toward her, wearing what I knew was an intimidating expression. While a part of me liked her new defiance, the other half wasn’t willing to give up control. The last thing I needed was for her to think she was free from me. I backed her up until the back of her thighs touched the dresser and then lifted her to sit on the polished top and held her there.

“Your desperate attempt to be someone you’re not is only giving me the ammunition I need to have you at my feet begging for my mercy.”

I took her chin gently in my hand and lifted her face, forcing her to witness the cold manipulation calculating in my eyes.

“You remember what that’s like, don’t you?” A whisper, and then a soft kiss was unexpectedly pressed against her lips. “Only this time, I won’t need to coerce you, force you, or threaten you. You’ll do it for me, baby. Just like you always have.”


I never thought I’d walk these halls again. Sometimes I thought even I could be a bit dramatic, but the way my already fucked up existence had been spinning on its axis, I was deserving of a few dramatic moments.

The weekend was the longest of my life. It took everything in me to stay away from Monroe. I spent my days dodging Arthur, Mario, and John, while sneaking in and out of the hospital to see Keenan while he was asleep. Not to mention, my unsuccessful search for Mitch in between. For a greedy fuck, he was great at hiding. I guess years of borrowing money from dangerous sources, and failing to pay back what’s due, afforded you particular skills.

“How’s it hanging, man?” Dash greeted as he walked through the front entrance where I was hanging. It was a little early, but I wanted to beat Monroe at her own game. I wanted to know the exact moment when she walked through these doors.

“A little lower and a little to the right…” I stopped short when I realized what I was saying. That was usually Keenan’s line and a standing joke between the two of them. I scowled at Dash, who only smirked at me, unfazed by my anger.

“I miss him, too,” Dash offered.

B.B. Reid's books