FEAR YOU (Broken Love Series BOOK TWO)

To punish those who wronged me.

To protect the ones I loved.

I needed to do it. Isn’t that why I was placed in these circumstances?


I heard her call, but I only shook my head in denial.

“You’re not a slave.”

I’m not a slave.

“Or a killer.”

Not a killer.

“You’re not a monster,” my mother’s ethereal voice whispered.

Chapter Thirty-Five



The Playground

“Now can you teach me how to dribble between my legs like you?”

“You’re still not dribbling right. I told you to use your fingertips more. You’re still using your palms.”

“It’s too hard,” Keenan whined. Anger flared up inside me as I eyed the tears trailing down his face.

“What did I say about crying like a baby?”

He stopped crying immediately and looked up at me with frightened eyes. “You said you’ll hurt me.”

I puffed out a breath from my chest into the summer air and took the ball from him. I started to dribble figure eights from front to back between my legs in a slow motion so he could see. I chose not to talk him through it because I didn’t trust what would really come out of my mouth. I refused to apologize for what I had said because I meant it. I just sometimes wished I hadn’t meant it. I didn’t want to hurt him.

He watched in amazement as I did tricks with the ball. I didn’t have any special training or techniques taught to me. I just did what felt natural when I had the ball in my hand.

After dodging Keenan’s attempt to steal the ball from me like I told him, I positioned my body to make a three-pointer, but the sound of a child’s wail interrupted my concentration. I turned to eye two other boys my age pushing and shoving a smaller kid around. Before I could rethink it, I felt my feet carry me swiftly over until I was running. I didn’t stop once I was on them. I hit the closest with my fist as hard as I could and then planted my foot in the other’s gut, bringing them both down simultaneously.

“I don’t want to talk about this,” I said before they could talk. “Pick up and get lost.”

The collective gasps of shock when I cursed fell deaf on my ears. I wasn’t like the other kids, and I wouldn’t pretend to be. When they scrambled, I turned on my heel without sparing the little boy a glance, and trudged back to my cousin who was watching him with his mouth open.

“Hey, wait! Wait, please!” I heard behind me but didn’t stop. I picked the discarded ball up from the ground on the way, not realizing I had dropped it when I ran over. Just as I stood upright, small sneakered feet came into my vision, and I met the glossy eyes and a toothy grin of a little boy with light brown, curly hair. “Hi,” he breathed.

I ignored his greeting and made a basket but caught the fallen look on his face before he covered it up with another smile. “Can you teach me how to do that?”

“Go away, kid.”

“But you’re a kid, too,” he pouted.

“He’s not a kid,” Keenan spoke up. I guess he was good for something after all.

“Well, what grade are you in?” he demanded. I eyed him in his blue overalls and dirt-smudged face and tried not to laugh as he attempted to stand up to me.

“What’s your name, kid?” I asked rather than answer his question.


“Buddy? What kind of name is that?”

He shrugged his little shoulders. “I don’t know.” He hopped from one foot to the other as a frown wrinkled his forehead. “It’s what my mommy and daddy and sister call me. But they call me Chance too, so I guess you can call me that if you like.”

I could tell by the look on his face he didn’t like the name. “I’ll call you Buddy,” I offered, making his face light up.

“Yeah, me, too. I guess it’s better than Chance,” Keenan added.

“So can I play with you guys?”


“I want to learn how to shoot like that.”

“You’re too small,” Keenan griped.

B.B. Reid's books