Extreme Honor (True Heroes #1)

Lyn leveled a smoldering stare on him, letting him know she definitely didn’t plan to cool off while he was stepping away, and caressed the big dog’s head. “Good night, Atlas.”

Of course she’d sound happy, all sorts of sweet and innocent. None of them was fooled, though. Atlas was probably more than aware of the pheromones floating around the room.

Atlas reluctantly followed him off the bed and out of the bedroom into the sitting room. There was a large crate for guest dogs set up, complete with water and food bowls, freshly laundered blankets.

“Hok.” Cruz motioned to the crate.

Atlas studied it, then Cruz, for a long moment before entering. He sniffed around for a few seconds, then lay down with an audible huff.

“Sorry, bud.” Cruz had a small amount of brotherly sympathy for the big dog. Besides, depending on how he answered Lyn, he might end up out here bedding down next to the big dog. “We’ve both slept in strange places. At least this is comfortable.”

Besides, if circumstances were reversed out in the field, Cruz wouldn’t have begrudged Atlas. Well, things were different for dogs.

Moving on.

Lyn was still curled up at the top of the bed with the comforter gathered around her when he returned. He strode across the small room and paused. The lights were all on but in their vintage fixtures, the glow they cast was soft.


“Stay with me, David.” She rose up out of her comforter when he came within reach, pressed a kiss on his jaw.

His control frayed and dissolved. Heat rushed up through his body and up into his head despite the few moments of clarity he’d gained earlier. Nope, he hadn’t had a chance.

As her lips found his, he angled his head to give her better access and opened for her. Their tongues danced and explored. He drank in her sweetness, her lips touched with a hint of salt from the bath. He wondered if he’d get the same complex flavors when he ran his tongue over other parts of her.

When, not if.

Oh, he was going to hell.

“Are you sure?” He wanted to give her every opportunity.

Her gaze was steady, though, and her smile was warm, intimate—a visual caress just for him. “What’s taking you so long?”

He chuckled. “Oh, you have no idea what you are getting yourself into.”

He climbed onto the high bed and stalked up to her on hands and knees.

“I have high hopes.” She reached out to him, caressing the sides of his face.

Her lips were soft, welcoming. He kept the kisses light for the moment, playful. “Do you want the lights out?”

She froze for a moment and he drew back so he could catch her gaze. Shadows and fear flickered in her eyes.

He made a soft hushing noise. “I like the lights, if they’re okay with you. I like seeing you.”

The tension eased throughout her body and he let his weight settle over her as she gave him kisses as her answer. Her body was pliant under his, her curves pressing against him and tempting his control. He’d burned out most of it trying to resist her at all.

He ran a hand along her side, enjoying the silky smoothness of her skin and the curve of her hip under his hand.

She nipped at the corner of his mouth and tugged at his t-shirt. “No fair.”

He sat up long enough to pull the t-shirt over his head, enjoying her touch as she sat up with him to run her hands over his chest. “I haven’t had a chance to shower yet. I could—”

She shook her head, tugging at his belt. “Uh-uh, I’ve waited long enough.”

Okay then. He helped her with undoing his pants and both of them chuckled as he got out of them without leaving the bed, mostly because she wouldn’t let him. Once he was naked, she ran her hands over him, hungry and greedy in the best of ways.

This was another aspect of Lyn he enjoyed, the way she met him in every activity. She didn’t just sit back and let him do all the work or always take the lead. She met him head on.

As her fingers wrapped around the length of him, he shuddered. “Careful.”

“I’m done being careful.”

The heat of her mouth closed over him and he almost lost his balance, his control, and everything right then and there.

He buried his hand in her gold hair. God, she was doing things to him and he’d have all sorts of catching up to do. And he would.

She sucked and licked the head of his shaft as her fingertips teased the tender skin under his balls. He groaned under the onslaught of sensations, almost blinded by how good it felt. He gritted his teeth and reached for whatever willpower he had left not to thrust or rush her in any way.

A moment later, she released him, looking up the length of him with wet lips and a very saucy expression. Growling, he pushed her back on the bed. He settled himself between her legs and ground his hips into her, rubbing his erection along her slit. She was already wet, ready for him.

“There’s so much I want to do for you,” he groaned. Then he kissed her neck, tasted the slight salt left behind by her bath mixed with the natural sweetness of her skin. “But I want to be inside you now. Right now.”