Extreme Honor (True Heroes #1)

“You don’t.” Simple. Matter of fact. Gruff but not callous. “You figure out how to work your way through it each time it happens, but don’t try to avoid it and don’t convince yourself it won’t happen, because that’s when it’ll catch you with your pants down. Accept it. Work through it.”

It was what he did. She considered his words. Short, to the point. But not without caring. His understanding helped more than lots of talking. He’d gotten through these kinds of things. Nightmares? He woke up every day and walked out into the world and she couldn’t ever remember a moment she’d thought he was anything but capable and confident and on top of it all.

He’d shared a weakness with her and somehow, it made her ridiculously relieved to know she wasn’t alone.

David’s arm had closed around her and he used his free hand to clear strands of wet hair from her face. “Take your time and get your bearings. Look. Listen. Smell. Everything is different. You’re safe here. It’s all good.”

It was his face she looked at. His chiseled features and dark hair, his steel blue eyes. She etched it into her memory and drove away the other man’s disgusting leer with the warmth and concern of David’s expression. Here was safety, strength. This was what she wanted to remember.

She leaned up and pressed her lips against his. He held still for a long moment, not pulling away but not reciprocating. Then his lips parted and he returned her kiss gently.

But it wasn’t enough.

“More,” she whispered against his lips.

David lifted his head and tucked her against his shoulder again, resting his chin on her head. “You’re really upset right now. It’d be better to tuck you in and let you get some rest.”

No. No sleeping. She didn’t want nightmares.

“There’s too many things crashing inside my head. Too many bad memories.” She needed him to understand. “I’m terrified and I don’t want these things to keep ambushing me in the dark.”

His arms tightened around her. “It takes a while to work through these, sometimes a long while. When they happen, you’ve got to find your way through. Breathe. Look around you.” He paused. “Maybe see a professional to talk through it. You’ve been through a lot in less than two weeks.”

She shook her head. “A shrink isn’t what I need right now.”

“Well, I’m not sure of one who’s got office hours at this time of night anyway but soon. Everybody handles these things their own way. You’ll find your way.”

She huffed out a laugh. Maybe. Probably. So far, she liked his method of dealing. The panic had receded to a faint jangle in the back of her head and she was grateful. It’d be even better to replace it with something positive.

“To be honest, I want better memories.” She pulled away from him just far enough to look up into his eyes, catch his gaze. It was important for him to know she meant every word she was about to say. “Make love to me? Not because I’m upset. But because you’re wonderful and I’m insanely attracted to you. Because I want to make memories with you. Good ones. Can we do that?”

Chapter Fourteen

Oh boy, did he want to. Cruz struggled with his raging libido.

“This isn’t right, Lyn.” He needed to get off this bed and out of this room. Stat. What she was offering would test the self-control of a saint and he wasn’t one. Not even close.

“You’ve already insisted we do the right thing once.” She reached out of the cocoon of the comforter he’d wrapped around her and snagged a handful of his t-shirt.

He could break away easily, but because it was her holding him, he wouldn’t. Did she even know?

“I’m completely awake and in full control of my mental faculties.” Her gaze held his with a steady, smoldering burn.

Every part of him was waking up in response to her. Woman knew what she wanted. “You are extremely upset and vulnerable.”

Part of him wanted to pounce on her, press his lips against every delicate part and run his tongue along her body until he found sensitive places even she didn’t know about herself. Curled up as she was, completely naked under that comforter, she was definitely vulnerable.

His damsel in distress narrowed her eyes at him and pressed her lips together. “There’s a whole lot of life going on and it doesn’t make sense to me to wait for happier times or calmer days.”

She had a point there. She was also shrugging out of the comforter some and the smooth skin across her exposed shoulder was insanely enticing.

“Besides, there’s a certain excitement about the last twenty-four hours at least.” Her cheeks warmed to a rose flush. “I’ve never felt more alive than now.”

He could understand her reaction. Extreme danger, potentially life-threatening. One of the ways people could deal with coming through those kinds of situations intact was to celebrate life. And hell, as far as he was concerned, enjoying it with another person was even better.

Buying himself some time to clear his head, he straightened and looked Atlas in the eye. “Let’s get you settled for the night.”