Elastic Hearts (Hearts #3)

Note from Claire: Thank you so, so much for reading!

The characters in this series will forever have a part of my heart. They’ve been there for me when I needed to focus on the lighter things in life and believe in love so powerful, it could pull you out of any funk life wants to bury you under. I hope they did the same for you!

If you can take a minute to write a quick review, I would be incredibly grateful!

Also, if you’d like to receive a bonus scene from Victor and Nicole, fill out this form: http://goo.gl/forms/aWqhuRGhxz



I’m not going to name everybody because publishing a book takes a village, and my village has so many wonderful people in it that I’m afraid I’ll forget to name some of them, like the bloggers who share my things, the authors who support me, and the readers who continuously tell their friends to buy my books. You’re the ones who matter most, so thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

To my SQUAD. I love you. #SQUADGOALS

MY FYW girls. I’d be lost without you.

B.B.F.T. & the incredible girls in my FB group — YOU ROCK.

Willow A., Jenn W., Rachel K., Yvette V., Tiffany C., Michelle K., Lisa C., Julie V., Clarissa L., Sandra C., Priscilla P., Jen G., Jessica S., Katie R., Bridget P., Toski C, Karinna B., Anabelle, Diana, Barbie, Mimi, and the list goes on and on! — you guys are incredible and deserve a medal for putting up with me.

Every single blog who has shared my cover, read my books, reviewed them, and spread the word — I appreciate you more than words can say.

TRSOR-THANK YOU for putting together my tours.

Sarah at Okay Creations-thank you for putting up with my anxiety and designing the most amazing covers on my shelf.

Marion Making Manuscripts & Karen Lawson-The dynamic duo! I love your eyes.

Stacey Blake-you’re a queen. I love you.

Claire Contreras's books