Drunk Dial

I didn’t know whether it was the taboo aspect of what we were doing or what, but it just felt so much more intense than anything Landon and I had ever done before. Despite his size, he had used so much lube that it didn’t hurt. Like he’d promised, there was pressure but no pain. I realized that he was probably the only man in the world I could have experienced this with, because he was the only person I trusted implicitly. It was a very vulnerable situation to be in, but as I was finding, with the right person it could be amazing.

“You feel so incredible. Please, tell me this feels good for you.”

“Crazy good. You can go faster.”

“Are you sure?”


Landon fucked my ass harder but quickly lost it. “Oh, fuck…shit.”

Now I knew why he’d been going so slowly. Apparently, he couldn’t take it. His body shook in concession. Feeling him throbbing inside of me just put me over the edge. Almost as soon as his warm load filled my ass, I rubbed my clit to orgasm. He’d come so hard, and I could feel his semen dripping down my thighs.

He was still panting when he asked, “Are you surprised that you liked it so much?”

“No. Not with you.” I grinned. “What does it feel like for you?”

“It’s tighter—hard to describe. I love sex both ways equally, to be honest. This was your first time and because you were just so tight, it felt almost too good—obviously, you saw how fast I came.” He kissed me. “Thank you for trusting me.”

“Thank you for making it easy.”


Landon made me put my hands over my face. “Close your eyes. Keep them closed.”

“What is going on?”

Leading me blindly outside, he reiterated, “Don’t open them yet.”

“This is crazy,” I said, trying not to trip.

When we finally stopped, I heard him say, “Okay, open them.”

I opened my eyes and gasped.

Landon’s new truck was parked outside. He’d taken it to get detailed, so it had been gone for a couple of weeks. He wouldn’t tell me what he was doing to it. Now, I knew why.

My mouth was agape. “It’s…” I couldn’t even gather my thoughts enough to speak.

“Amazing, right?”

I tilted my head to look at her from a different angle. I say her because plastered on the front of the truck was a giant decal of…me along with the name Rana’s Banana. It wasn’t a photo of me, but rather a cartoon caricature. She had my big eyes, long, black hair, and was dressed in a belly dancer outfit. She was buxom and even had a snake around her neck with her hands holding it at both ends. The snake’s tongue was sticking out like it was slithering. And I was sitting on a giant banana.

“I can’t believe you did this.”

“Why not? You’re my muse. From the moment you came into my life, that’s how I’ve felt.”

“That’s very sweet, baby. I just…this is…” I had no words.

His enthusiasm was really cute. “I couldn’t imagine walking by this truck and not stopping. And when people come for lunch, they can meet the real Rana if you happen to be working with me that day. That will be quite a draw.”

I didn’t have the heart to tell him that the idea of being on public display didn’t appeal to me at all. But this was clearly a done deal. He must have paid a fortune to have this designed. And it was sweet that he wanted to dedicate his business to me.

There was only one response. “I love you. Thank you for this gesture.”

The excitement in his eyes was palpable. “Thank you for inspiring me, beautiful.”

It was the grand opening of the truck, and the weather was unusually warm for spring in Michigan.

Landon had parked Rana’s Banana right outside of the campus green. He’d been given a license to operate at that location for a year.

Students flocked to the unusual food truck, curious about its contents based on the sultry caricature of me. I had to admit, Landon’s edgy marketing idea was pretty clever. The bustling crowd of hungry students proved that he’d sparked their curiosity with the sexy image. And it seemed he’d also tapped into something that was missing, because there were no other food trucks in the vicinity.

Perhaps, even more special than the decal of me was his other idea. On the opposite side of the truck, he’d attached a giant dry erase board. At the top was written: Tell Me Something Funny. It was a tribute to the question he’d always ask me when he was feeling down.

The students really got a kick out of it and took turns borrowing the marker.

Within an hour, the board was full of funny sentences. There were a wide variety of jokes, some humorous, some dumb, and some bizarre. Things like:

I sharted in class today.


My roommate ended up with breast implants after getting drunk and losing a bet in Thailand. He’s currently raising money to get them removed.

The idea was ingenious because the students would stop to write something then smell the amazing food and decide to order.

Landon had five specialty sandwiches on the menu, and I worked hard to memorize the ingredients of each.

The best part of the first day was when the lunch crowd died down, and Lilith came by in the late afternoon. Her nanny had picked her up after school and brought her down to check out the truck.

Landon leaned out of the window. “What can I get for you, Sassypants?”

“That is seriously the scariest picture of Rana I have ever seen.”

“You don’t like it?” He laughed.

“No, I meant scary close to how she looks.”

“Oh, good. I agree.”

“Can I see the inside?”

“Of course, you can,” I said.

The nanny stayed back reading a book on the grass while we entertained Lilith inside the truck for a bit.

Landon’s mood always seemed to brighten when Lilith was around. I think she reminded him of being a kid, an innocent time in our lives, especially given that she looked like my younger self.

“What can I make for you, Miss?”

“I’ll take a Fickle Pickle, but I want to help make it.”

“Okay. Rana’s gonna grab us the ingredients, and I’ll let you make it yourself.”

I stood back with my arms crossed, watching as Landon guided her through the process.

“I don’t know, Landon. I think Lilith might be vying for my position as your assistant.”

He looked over at me and winked. Watching Landon with her gave me a serious warm and fuzzy feeling. I knew he would make an amazing father someday, that is, if he wanted kids; we’d never discussed it. Up until very recently, I was pretty sure I would never have another child.

One thing I knew for certain was that Landon would always look out for Lilith. She didn’t realize it, but the handsome goofball helping her make that sandwich was someone who would always have her back, just like he had mine.

During a visit with Lilith a few weeks later, I was completely blindsided.

I probably never realized how much I needed Landon until that afternoon when I literally ran from Lilith’s house to the university.

Landon was closing the truck down for the afternoon when I’d arrived on campus.

He immediately recognized that something was off. “What’s wrong, Rana?” Dropping everything, he ran out of the vehicle and held me. “You’re shaking. Did someone try to hurt you?”

“No, I’m fine.”

“What happened?”

“I was with Lilith and…” I sucked in some air.


“She started talking to me about how she often wonders where she came from.”

He took me in his arms. “Oh, baby. I’m sorry.”

“I knew this day would come, but I still wasn’t prepared for it.”