Drunk Dial

We spent the rest of the morning out getting me necessities like underwear, a bra, and a few outfits.

Somehow, all of this time, we’d never discussed what kind of car he had. So, I was surprised to find that despite his modest apartment, Landon drove a really nice slate-colored Range Rover Sport. When I asked him how he could have afforded it, he explained that he’d been saving up for years. Also, the lunch truck did pretty well. He’d taken out a loan to start his business and was able to pay that off within two years. Now, the food truck revenue covered his car payment and other bills while also allowing him to employ Melanie and put a little extra away.

In the afternoon, Landon insisted on taking me to a small boutique in Venice Beach that sold beach-casual clothing. He wanted me to pick out something cute to wear in case we went to this rooftop bar some of his friends would be hanging out at later.

I’d gone into the dressing room to try on a blue romper I’d selected. As was typical, it was snug around my ass and boobs while the waist fit perfectly. I wanted to get his opinion. After all, he was paying for it.

When I stepped out to the area where he was sitting, Landon was scrolling through his phone. He looked up when he noticed me, and his eyes lit up.

“You look really gorgeous in that.”

“You like it better than the last one?”

“I love it. Get it. Get them all.”

Just as I’d turned around to head back to the dressing room, my phone slipped out of my hands. When I bent down fast to grab it, the unthinkable happened.

The unthinkable.

The material over my ass split. At least, that’s what it sounded and felt like.

Oh, no.

Stay calm.

Maybe he didn’t notice.

The next thing I knew, Landon came up behind me, covering my body with his as he quickly ushered me to the dressing room.

Once inside, we stared at each other for a brief moment before simultaneously breaking out into hysterical laughter.

I wiped my eyes. “I can’t even look. How bad is it?”

“Bad is not how I would describe getting to see your ass for a split second—pun intended.”

“Thanks for coming to my rescue. I think I went into shock and just froze. Definitely didn’t want to be on display for all the store to see.”

He winked. “I’ve got you covered.”


In the close confines of the small dressing room, there was no way to escape the sexual energy in the air. Our faces were close, and I was certain he was going to finally kiss me. My heart was pounding like crazy.

His eyes fell to my lips. “I’ll let you get dressed.” Then, he turned away.



I was dying inside.

Landon slipped out, returning to the waiting area while I finished putting my clothes back on. He ended up buying me the two dresses I had tried on before the romper.

The sun was shining brightly as we walked back out onto the sidewalk. We paused just in front of his car.

Holding a large shopping bag, I said, “I’m gonna pay you back for all of these clothes you bought me today.”

“Fuck the clothes. You can pay me back by not running back to Michigan.”

I truly didn’t know how long I could stay out here; I had obligations. We hadn’t discussed an exact timeframe, but I knew I was going to have to return home soon. I couldn’t realistically stay more than a week.

“That reminds me, I should call work when we get back to your place and let them know I’ll be gone a week.”

He looked seriously disappointed. “A week? That’s all you can stay?”

“Well, for now, yes. I may be able to come back if I can save up.”

“Rana, I’ll sell my car if I have to. But I’ll pay for your tickets. Money will not keep me from seeing you again. Are you sure you can only stay a week? That’ll fly by so fast, and I feel like I need more time with you.”

“I don’t know how much time my boss will give me.”

Even though he looked disappointed, he took a deep breath in and said, “I understand.”

When we returned to Landon’s, I went to his room for some privacy. I called my boss to apologize for the way I’d left and told him that I was dealing with a family emergency across the country. He agreed to grant me the week off without pay.

Explaining my absence this week to Lilith was going to be harder.

I dialed her next and waited while her mother put her on the phone.

“Rana? Why are you calling me? You never call me. Are you in jail?”

That made me chuckle

“No. Everything is fine, but I wanted to let you know that I won’t be there tomorrow.”

“Great. I’m working on a paper about you and just wrote about how you never cancel on me.”

Shit. That really sucked.

“I’m sorry, Lilith.”

“Whatever. It’s fine. Anyway, why can’t you come?”

“You’re never going to believe this.”


“I’m in California. I came to visit Landon.”

“Are you serious?”


“Are you getting married?”

“No.” I laughed.

“If you do get married, I’d better be the flower girl.”

“Okay. That’s a guarantee.”

“I’m serious, Rana.”

I laughed. “You don’t need to worry about that, but okay.”

“Did you see any movie stars? Are you gonna be on TV?”

“No, and no…I certainly hope not.”

“When are you coming back?”

“In a week. I promise to come take you out as soon as I get home.”

“Is he as handsome as you thought?”


“Aren’t you gonna be sad to leave him?”

Closing my eyes, I said, “Very.”

“Are you stupid?”

“Why would you ask that?”

“I just wanted to see if you would answer with ‘very’ again. You already said it twice in a row.”

“Smart alec.”

“Are you gonna cry when you have to leave Landon?”

“I’m not sure. It’s possible.”

“Will you bring me back something?”

“Sure. I’ll bring you back a piece of California.”

“Not like sand in a Ziploc bag. I want a real gift. You should get it soon before you’re too sad to remember.”

“Okay, I’ll find something cool. I promise.”

After we hung up, the last call I made was to my father. Apparently, he’d freaked out when he arrived at my apartment for breakfast and didn’t find me there. He told me he’d started praying to Saint Anthony, patron saint of lost things, so that I would be found safe.

When I explained where I was, he offered to wire me money, which I told him I would definitely need to take him up on for the plane ticket home, even though I knew Landon would insist on paying for it.

Landon stood up from the couch after I emerged from making the phone calls in his bedroom. “Everybody covered?”

“Yes. Everyone that matters now knows I have not gone missing.”

“And Lenny is therefore not the prime suspect,” he joked.

“That’s very true.”

“Your dad is cool about you being here with me?”

“Yeah, actually, he really is.” I smiled. “He’s sort of dying for me to start dating.”