Drop Dead Sexy

“At least it’s not an F,” he mused, as he threw a shirt over his head.

Although I was glad to have the opportunity to make things right with Molly, I was going to feel like an ass doing it in my sexy dress from last night. Once we were clothed, Catcher and I headed out of the bedroom. Instead of being on the bar stool, Molly stood at the top of the hallway, peering at us. As I took her in, I realized that I had been pretty blind not to notice how much she and Catcher resembled each other. They had a lot of the same facial features, including their shared blue eyes.

When I met Molly’s gaze, she held her hands up. “I’m so, so sorry. I thought you knew who I was.”

“No. I didn’t. But I’m the one who is sorry. I totally went off on you like a bitch from Hell.”

Molly laughed. “You had every reason to. I’m sure I would have done the same if I came out of the bedroom to see some other chick at my guy’s place.”

“What do you say we start over?”

“That would be great.”

With a smile, I extended my hand. “I’m Olivia Sullivan.”

Molly returned my smile as she shook my hand. “Molly Mains.”

“Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you, too.”

When I looked at Catcher, he was grinning. “I’m glad that’s sorted out.”

“Me too,” Molly and I both replied.

“Now how about some breakfast?” Catcher asked.

“I’d love some. I actually came into the kitchen to fix you something when I ran into Molly.”

Catcher’s eyes flared as a pleased expression lit up his face. “You were going to fix me breakfast in bed?”

“I was going to try. I was pretty sure it hinged on what you had in the pantry and fridge.”

Catcher chuckled. “I’m not sure how well you would have come out. I try to keep the freezer stocked, but when I’m involved on a case, a lot of fresh stuff goes bad.”

“You’ve got some eggs and bacon,” Molly piped in.

“Are you keeping tabs on my food supply?” Catcher asked.

She grinned. “Not really. I just saw those when I was getting out the milk for my cereal.”

Catcher rolled his eyes. “Of course you’ve already eaten, you little mooch.”

She playfully smacked his arm. “Can I help it I’m a growing girl with an appetite?”

“An appetite that you never seem to appease on your own budget.”

“I’m a sophomore in college on a meal plan. I don’t have a budget.”

After crossing his arms over his chest, he suggested, “You could get a job.”

Molly wrinkled her nose. “It’s too hard going to school and doing sorority stuff plus a job.”

Catcher glanced from Molly to me. “Can you tell she’s the spoiled only girl of the family?”

I laughed. “Maybe.”

“My parents were total hard asses on Jem and me. Then Little Miss Surprise comes along when we’re ten and twelve, and they absolutely lose their minds.”

“So what literary character are you named for?” I asked Molly.

“Mine is actually a combo of Moll from Moll Flanders and Molly Bloom from Ulysses.”

“Ah, I’ve never read those.”

Molly rolled her eyes. “I’ve never read them either. I don’t share my parents’ passion for the classics. I would have much rather been named Hermione or Bella.”

Catcher snorted. “Hey Ace, those books weren’t out when you were born.”

She waved her hand at her brother. “Whatever.”

“How about that breakfast you were going to make?” Catcher prompted.

“You point me in the direction of the ingredients, and I’ll whip something up.”

After taking out some eggs, bacon, and frozen biscuits, I made breakfast while Catcher and Molly sat on the bar stools and chatted with me. I loved the teasing that the two gave each other. It reminded me a lot of Allen and me. I was also grateful Catcher had such a good relationship with his family. That was something I really looked for in a man.

Just as we were finishing eating, Catcher’s phone started ringing back in the bedroom, and he went to answer it, leaving Molly and me alone. Since she had piqued my curiosity about her brother’s love life, I stop myself from questioning her. “I hope it wasn’t too shocking see me in your brother’s robe.”

Molly laughed. “No. It wasn’t. Trust me, I’ve seen way worse in the dorms.”

“Where do you go to college?”

“North Georgia.”

“Oh, that’s a good school. Beautiful campus.”

“And being a military college, there’s lots of hot guys around,” she said, with a wicked grin.

I laughed. “That too.”

Tilting her blonde mane at me, she asked, “Are you and Catcher serious?”

“Um, well, we’ve only known each other a few days.”

Her brows shot up in surprise. “Really? I would’ve thought you guys had been dating longer.”

“Why do you say that?”

“By the way he looks at you.” She waggled her eyebrows. “He’s got it bad for you.”