Drop Dead Sexy

After I got out of the shower and glanced at the time on my phone, I proceeded to do my hair and makeup in almost record speed. Once again, Jill had come through for me with a form-fitting, black tunic dress that had beading around the bodice. It was just dressy enough for a date, but at the same time, it didn’t look like I was trying too hard. I slid on a pair of lacy thigh highs I knew Catcher would enjoy before putting on the stiletto heels.

Since I figured Catcher would have the top down on his convertible, I grabbed a red sweater out of the closet. It was one I had several of in different colors. Not only was the Georgia weather unpredictable, but so was the temperature in the funeral home. You learned to dress in layers.

I had just started down the stairs to wait on Catcher when Pease’s voice floated up to me. “My, my, Agent Mains, aren’t you one strong, strapping man?”

Fuuuuuuuuuck! I almost tripped over my heels and face-planted on the landing. Oh no. Please no. For the love of God and everything holy, why was Pease still here? It wasn’t like we had any bodies for her to hold a PAM meeting. She should’ve got her peek at Randy’s King and Kong and headed out to the Moose Lodge to play Bingo with all her other old cronies while flirting with the old codgers.

I hurried down the rest of the stairs as fast as I could. I whirled around the bannister to find Catcher sandwiched between my mother and Pease on the front room sofa. Both Mama and Pease were staring appreciatively at Catcher.

At the sound of my heels on the hardwood floor, they all looked up. Surprisingly Catcher didn’t wear an expression of horror at being subjected to the two. Well, Mama was basically harmless unless she alluded to the fact she wanted Catcher and me married. Like yesterday. It was Pease who was the loaded gun. I cringed when I thought of what might’ve already come out of her mouth in my absence.

Catcher stood up from the sofa and came over to kiss me. On the lips. With a little tongue. When he pulled away, he gave me a killer grin. “You look absolutely gorgeous.”

My cheeks burned under his compliments. “Thank you.”

“I’m sorry I was a little early.”

“No, no. It’s fine,” I lied.

“I had planned to wait in the car until closer to five since I didn’t want anyone thinking I was a prospective client who needed to be shown caskets while hearing pricing plans. But then your grandmother knocked on my window and told me to get my handsome ass inside.” He glanced over his shoulder and grinned. “Those were your words, weren’t they, Mrs. Sullivan?”

Pease chuckled. “Why yes. They were.”

“I figured it would be rude not to comply with her wishes, and I certainly didn’t want to get off on the wrong foot with your grandmother, and in turn, the rest of your family.”

“How considerate of you,” I mused.

Mama rose off the couch to join us. “You didn’t tell us how charming your friend is, Olivia,” she said with a coy grin. I stared aghast as she actually batted her eyes at Catcher.

Pease harrumphed from her place on the couch. “Forget charming. You didn’t tell us how drop-dead sexy he was.”

Catcher preened beside me under their compliments, causing me to roll my eyes. “It’s been so busy and so crazy around here that I haven’t had a chance to tell you much about him.”

Mama fingered her pearls. “Yes, Holden has been telling us all about the developments in Randy’s murder.”

Pease poked the back of Catcher’s thigh with her cane. “If you have to go back to the nudist colony, I want you to take me with you, Agent Mains. That’s something I’ve always wanted to try.”

He laughed as he glanced at her over his shoulder. “I would be happy to take you anywhere you’d like to go, Mrs. Sullivan. Even to a nudist colony.”

“Resort,” I corrected under my breath.

“What was that, sweetie?” Mama asked.

“Nothing. Catcher, I guess you and I should get on the road.”

“Yes. We do have a drive ahead of us.”

“You two headed to some fancy-schmancy place?” Pease questioned.

“Actually, I’m taking Olivia to my house to cook for her,” Catcher replied.

Pease’s eyes widened behind her glasses, and I feared she might swallow her snuff from the shock. “You cook?”

“Sometimes. I’m still learning.”

She shook her head before pointing her cane at me. “You might’ve gone through a hell of a long dry spell, but this one is sure worth the wait.”

I rolled my eyes to the ceiling and silently questioned God what I had done to deserve this level of punishment. I guess I was really paying for hot storeroom sex and seeing a dick pic in a church sanctuary.

Catcher took my hand in his. “I have to say that Olivia is worth the wait, too.”