Drop Dead Sexy

Catcher gave a frustrated shake of his head. “No, it’s not. I’ve had you four times now and have yet to buy you dinner.”

I laughed. “You bought me tequila at The Rusty Ho.”

“It’s not the same.”

I pressed myself against him and wrapped my arms around his neck. “You truly are a gentleman for worrying about buying me dinner, did you know that?”

He grinned. “I’m glad you realize that.”

“Of course banging me on a gurney in a funeral preparation room might knock your status down just a tad,” I teased.

Catcher held up one of his hands. “Scout’s Honor that I will only bang you in the sanctity of a bedroom from now on out.”

I laughed as I played with the hair at the base of his neck. “I’m not sure that’s an oath I want you to make.”

His brows popped up. “Oh really?”

“We might lose some of the fire if we took out the scenery spontaneity.”

“Hmm, you might have a point there.” He dipped his head to kiss me. “I sure wouldn’t want us to lose any of the fire.”

“Me either.”

“Okay then. I think I see a way to make this up to you.”

“And what’s that?”

“Come hell or high water, I’m taking you to dinner tomorrow night.”


“Where’s the nicest place around here to eat?”

My mind immediately thought of The Distillery, a steak and seafood place on Main Street. But close on the heels came another thought about how conspicuous it would be to eat there with Catcher. Since most of the town dined there at least once a week, they would be all about the fact I was there with a man. I could just feel the stares and hear the whispered conversations behind lobster tails, or one of the older men shouting over his prime rib, “Damn, Olivia, I thought we’d never see you with a man.”

I shuddered at the thought. “Um…we really don’t have a lot to choose from here. Why don’t we go out of town?”

“I’ve got an even better idea. I’ll cook you dinner.”

I widened my eyes at him. “You cook?”

“Yes ma’am, I do.”

I grinned up at him. “You really are a man of many talents.”

Catcher chuckled. “Damn right I am. But I do have an ulterior motive in cooking for you.”

“And what’s that? You’re secretly cheap?”

“No, Miss Sassy Pants that’s not it. I really want to show you my house.”

“You do?” I asked breathlessly. My poor senses were on overload after he said he wanted to cook for me. Throw in the fact he wanted me to see his house, and I was close to throwing a hand against my forehead and swooning.

“Yeah, since my brother and I built it, I’m kind of proud of it.”

“So what time should I come to your house?”

“Let’s really make this a date, and I’ll come pick you up.”

“But don’t you live like forty-five minutes from here?”

“I can make it in thirty-five,” he replied, with a teasing glint in his blue eyes.

“Fine. You can pick me up.”

After one final kiss, Catcher started for the door. “See you tomorrow at five.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

Catcher threw a wink at me over his shoulder. “And I’m looking forward to having you for dessert!”

The next day found me slammed with work at Sullivan’s. We were holding Mr. Peterson’s services in the chapel, which were to be followed by the procession to the National Cemetery in Canton where as a World War II veteran, he would be afforded military rights. Since it would be an hour back to get home, I was going to be pushing it to meet up with Catcher. It was one of those times that I really lamented the fact that I was the one in charge and couldn’t pawn this off on Allen or Todd.

Since I was going to be cutting it short on time, I’d brought what I needed to the funeral home, and I would just get ready upstairs. Although I had picked out a sassy skirt and blouse combo, Jill had immediately vetoed it and promised to bring me back something else sexy. Considering I’d seen her closet before, I knew it runneth over with sexy attire.

I was on the way to Mr. Peterson’s graveside service when I got a call from Todd. “Hey Liv, the crime lab just called for us to come pick up Randy.”

“Oh shit. I’m too far away with Blackie and Old Blue is in the shop.”

Yes, folks, we named our hearses. Blackie was an onyx colored Cadillac XTS Landau Coach I splurged on two years ago. While Old Blue was the navy Cadillac LTS hearse my father had purchased ten years ago.

“Don’t worry about it. I can throw a stretcher in the back of the floral truck.”

I groaned. “How classy.”

Todd laughed. “Hey, it just says Sullivan’s on the side. They won’t know it’s the floral truck.”

“Okay. That’s fine. If you make it back before me, just put him in the freezer. I’ll have to get confirmation from Freelings Crematory before we send him.” Since we were a relatively small-time operation, we didn’t have an onsite crematory. We had to send bodies an hour down the road.

“I will do that. Bye.”

“Bye. Todd.”