Dragonsworn (Dark-Hunter #28)

She gasped and sank her nails into his back. “I swear I can feel you all the way to my core.”

He sucked his breath in at her words and the image they created. He liked to hear her speak of such things. “Can you?”

She nodded.

He pulled back, then thrust his hips against hers.

They moaned in unison.

“I’m not hurting you, am I?”

She wrinkled her nose at him. “Trust me, I’d be hurting you back if you were.”

Even so, he gentled his thrusts, taking care with her, since he’d never done this with a woman before. He wasn’t sure exactly how big he’d get.

“Oh that feels so good,” she sighed.

His head spinning, Falcyn rolled over with them still joined. He sat her on top of him and watched her as she took over control so that he wouldn’t have to worry about harming her while his body continued to expand.

Because honestly, he felt as if he was about to die from the pleasure of it. Especially when she leaned forward, whipping her pale hair over his chest while she rode him.

Her laughter rang in his ears while she nipped at his chin. “Does this make me a dragon-rider?”

He laughed, unable to believe the sound. Or that he could be so amused while having sex. “I’m yours any time you’re so inclined, Lady Apollite.”

His mind dazed from the feel of her naked skin sliding against his, he ran his hands over her body. “Tell me how I feel inside you.”

“Hard and strong. I can even feel you pulsing here.” She lowered his hand to her abdomen.

The sight of their joined hands stroking her stomach so close to the juncture of her thighs almost shattered his control. Instead, he bit his lip before he sank his hand into that mat of hair so that he could stroke her in time to her movements.

She cried out so loud that it echoed in the trees and ground herself against him in a way sublime.

Medea felt so strangely free with him. In a way she never had before. Not even with her husband. She ran her hands over the hard muscles of his chest and abdomen. It was so odd to see him lying there under her, between her spread thighs.

Her dragon.

She knew he wouldn’t be like this for many. Not a dragon who hated to heel as much as this one did. It just wasn’t in him.

He held her hips in his hands and guided her movements. But what held her transfixed was the bliss on his face. His cheeks were flushed, his eyes dark and unfocused.

She moaned as he ran his hands up from her hips to her breasts, where he toyed with their swollen nipples.

Had anyone ever told her she would ever sit on a full-blooded dragon like this and enjoy it, she would have called them a liar, and yet here she sat with his thick hardness inside her. And not just any dragon.

The son of Noir …

“What do I feel like to you, Falcyn?”

“Wet and soft.”

“Have you been with an Apollite before?”

He stopped moving. “No. Why?”

She smiled at that. It made this moment all the more special to her. “I’m glad. I want this to be special between us.”

Falcyn cupped her face in his hands. “Believe me, Medea, it is.” He pulled her down and kissed her fiercely.

Medea trembled at the passion she tasted, at the way he teased her lips with his and twined his tongue around hers. His muscles bulged around her, making her tremble.

When he kissed her like this, she could almost believe him.

Please don’t be lying to me. She’d hate to have to kill him for it. And she would kill him. Because if he was lying, she wouldn’t be able to stand living with the pain of his walking away with such an awful deception.

It just wasn’t in her to be that forgiving.

Not for anyone.

Falcyn pulled back from the kiss, then rolled over with her and took control again.

Medea arched her back as he moved faster. Harder. It was as if he were racing for something.

He was so large now that he was wall to wall inside her. Every stroke brought more pleasure. Every kiss and touch reverberated through her.

“Make me yours, Falcyn.”

But in her heart, she knew he already had.

He claimed her lips again as he slammed himself into her even deeper than he’d been before. In that moment, she screamed out as her release came. Her body exploded with color and pleasure.

She wrapped her legs around his hips and let his passion sweep her away.

He lowered his head down to her shoulder and growled as he released himself inside her and he shuddered in her arms.

She drew a ragged breath as he collapsed on top of her and held her tight.

“Thank you, Medea,” he whispered in her ear as he panted fiercely. Then, he kissed her lips again in a tender caress that sent chills through her.

He withdrew from her and rolled over onto his back and pulled her against his side.

She’d assumed he was through with her, so it surprised her when he spread her legs and touched the most private place of her body.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“I’m claiming you the way a dragon claims his dragonswan.”

“Excuse me?”

He smiled wickedly. “I’ve never once taken a woman as a dragon. Never found one who was woman enough for it.”

That thought made her a little nervous.

“And what do you mean by that?”

“Do you trust me?”

Not really.

But …

Medea swallowed as his long, lean fingers delved deep into her body. She tensed a bit as they burned the tender flesh of her nether lips.

“I won’t hurt you, Medea.” Rising up on his knees, he pulled her back to his front and leaned her against him with her thighs spread.

Even though it wasn’t natural for her to do so, she surrendered herself to him.

She felt him hardening against her buttocks as he rocked her in his arms. His breath teased her flesh while he played until she was breathless and hot.

He ran his long, tapered finger down her cleft. She shivered and jerked as every nerve ending in her body sizzled.

Cupping his hand to her, she arched her back and moaned. No longer able to speak, all she could do was feel each and every luscious stroke he gave her as he entered her body again. Only this time, something was different. He felt as if he was wrapped completely around her. As if they were truly one beast.

Who could have imagined? His breath was hot against her bared flesh as he stroked her entire body with his, inside and out.

With his head buried in the crook of her neck, he made love to her until she came again, screaming out his name.

Only then did he find his own release.

She expected him to pull away.

He didn’t.

Rather, he sat back, holding her. “I can’t pull out for a few minutes. Not without hurting you.”

It was only then that she realized he was still swollen inside her. “That’s impressive.”

Closing his eyes, he hissed lightly. “Yes, you are.”

Completely spent and weak, she breathed raggedly as Falcyn held her close. Medea smiled and snuggled into him, wanting to be as close as she could.

“You know, if the others stumble back on us while I’m naked, I’m slaying you, dragon.”

He laughed. “You are so violent.”