Dragonsworn (Dark-Hunter #28)

“Are you mocking me?”

“Never, my love. I’d never mock you for fear of your kicking my ass.”

Medea’s heart fluttered as he offered her a real smile with those teasing words. It was unexpected and breathtaking.

His pale eyes glowed in the dim fey light as he gently picked her up and lowered her down to their knees. His heat surrounded her while his arms cushioned her from the cold, damp ground. The heat and strength of him surrounded her.

And against all sanity and reason, she wanted more of his hard body.

She actually purred as he returned to her lips to kiss her softly. She’d never been touched like this. Never thought a mere kiss could be such a wondrous experience.

And when his warm, callused hand closed around her breast, she jumped in nervous excitement. Pain and pleasure stabbed through her body as heat pooled itself between her thighs.

Never in her life had she burned like this. Craved another with such a vicious heat. She couldn’t even begin to understand these foreign sensations. They were so confusing and consuming, and why she’d have them for him, she couldn’t imagine.

Electrifying. Tormenting, and they left her wanting more of him.

Her enemy.

Falcyn left her lips to kiss a trail down her throat to the breast he cupped. Medea swallowed at the sight of his dark head at her breast, at the feel of his tongue teasing her taut nipple. His tongue was rough and hot, his lips soothing and tender.

She cupped his head to her, and let the waves of his soft hair tease her fingertips.

He was so beautiful there, tasting her, teasing her. The tense lines of his beautiful face showed the pleasure he received just from touching her. And it made her heart pound.

She sighed in contentment and let the incredible earthy sensations sweep her away until she was nothing but an extension of the dragon holding her.

Closing her eyes, she surrendered herself to him completely.

Falcyn had never tasted anything like her body. She was so warm. So inviting. More so because he knew she was sharing with him what she so rarely shared with anyone else. She wasn’t a creature of trust any more than he was.

Why she would choose him right now, he couldn’t even begin to imagine. He was so unworthy of what she offered. So unworthy of her, period.

But then they were partners in darkness and sorrow. They both had been dealt more than their fair share of agony and betrayal. Both had seen the worst of humanity and fey, and pulled themselves up from the brink of despair to soldier on in spite of that brutality.

It was something the scars of her body gave testimony to, the same as his.

And he winced as he saw the jagged stretch marks that still hovered over the beauty of her stomach from where she’d carried her son. Unlike him, she wore that agony on both the inside and outside of her heart. How could she stand to see such an obvious reminder of her loss?

Until now, he’d never realized how lucky he was that he’d been spared such a physical blow.

Such a brutal, constant reminder.

It said much about her strength and character that she’d carried on with the grace and determination she’d shown all these centuries past. That she’d remained sane through it all. Never had he respected anyone more.

And he was glad that for this one moment, and for whatever reason, she was with him.

Medea tugged at his shirt.

Eager to oblige her, he pulled it off.

She gasped audibly as she ran her hands over his tense arms. He clenched his teeth as his head reeled from pleasure.

The things her touch did to him …

It was incredible. Invigorating. It made him feel virile and feral.

Like the dragon he’d been born.

He was hard and aching. Most of all, he felt vulnerable in a way he’d never imagined.

But he couldn’t pull back. Not now. He needed more of her. Needed to touch every inch of her body and to claim it as his own.

Medea felt a moment of panic as he removed the rest of her clothes from her. She was suddenly exposed to him. Not just naked.

Truly bare. In a way she’d never been before. He didn’t just see her body. He saw her.

Her heart. Her soul.

Most of all, he saw her pain.

It was scary and strangely erotic. She couldn’t recall ever being so exposed to anyone.

No one but Falcyn.

Her heart pounding, she stared at the large size of him and reached down to gently take him into her hand. The moment she cupped him, he growled with a look of supreme pleasure.

His eyes glowed vibrant red.

“Bet you terrify the humans with that.”

He laughed and nuzzled her neck. “I’ve sent a few screaming for the hills.”

Sucking her breath in sharply, she squeezed and reveled in the sensation of his hot skin sliding against hers. “Why do you smell like cinnamon?”

“All the better to entice you.”

And it did.

He lay down on top of her and gathered her into his arms. Her thoughts scattered at the glorious feeling of his skin against hers. Of his heavy weight that felt good instead of oppressive.

Falcyn took her hand into his and guided it back to him. “Never be afraid of me, Medea,” he whispered. “You’re the one person I would never hurt.”

She nipped his chin. “I’m going to hold you to that promise, dragon. If you lie, your Amazon dragonslayer is the least of your concerns.”

Medea ran her hand down his shaft before she gently guided him into her body. He kissed her again, then drove himself deep inside her.

Falcyn whispered sweet encouragements in her ear while he used his tongue to toy with the tender flesh of her neck.

Crying out in pleasure, Medea arched her back against him. She’d never imagined a dragon or any man could feel like this, but she was glad it was Falcyn who was inside her right now. Glad for the strength of his arms around her and the sound of his deep voice in her ear.

Medea wrapped her arms around his shoulders and buried her face against his muscled neck so that she could inhale the warm scent of him as she thrust her hips against his. Dear gods, how she wanted this. Wanted to share her body with him and have him fill her for the rest of eternity.

Falcyn ground his teeth at how incredible she felt. He wanted her in a way unimaginable. She surrounded him with heat and her breath against his neck sent a thousand chills straight to his soul.

In this moment, he never wanted to let her go.

Especially when she looked up with an adoring smile that set fire to every part of him. Inside and out. The sight of her lying underneath him, her body bare and joined to his …

It was the most incredible thing he’d ever seen. A wave of fierce possession tore through him then, especially when he looked down to see them joined.

Suddenly, she bit her lip and scowled at him. “Are you growing larger inside me?”

Falcyn laughed at her question. It wasn’t something they normally did.

Not unless they were extremely aroused. “Yeah. We do that sometimes.” He thrust deeper inside her.