Disillusioned (Swept Away, #2)

“Oh,” I moaned as his hands cupped my breasts through my dress.

“I need you,” he groaned, and I felt his fingers gently sliding my dress straps off my shoulders. I couldn’t resist him, I didn’t want to. My fingers found their way to his shirt and I unbuttoned it quickly, pulling it open so that I could touch his chest. He groaned as my fingers made contact with his skin and I stood still as he pulled my dress off. “So beautiful,” he muttered as he gazed at me in my bra and panties. I felt his fingers undoing my bra, and before I knew it, that too was on the ground. I closed my eyes as his fingers played with my nipples roughly, his hands cupping and caressing my breasts. Lowering his head, he took my right nipple in his mouth and sucked hard, and a spasm of ecstasy ran through my body. All I could think about was the feelings of pleasure dancing around in the pit of my stomach as he took my hands and guided me to my bedroom. We said nothing as we stood next to the bed, just staring at each other. All of the fears I’d felt on the balcony were gone. All I could think about was that I was here with this man. This man that I craved so badly that I wanted to dismiss all of my doubts.

“Don’t think,” he whispered as he picked me up and placed me on the bed before jumping up himself. His fingers ran down my stomach lightly, teasing me as they inched toward my panties. My body anxiously awaited the moment that he would touch me there and reawaken the flower. He didn’t leave me waiting long. His fingers slipped inside my panties eagerly, rubbing my wetness as he sucked on my earlobe. My toes curled as my body shifted slightly to give him more access. He slipped my panties off quickly and my fingers found my way to his hardness within seconds of his leaning back onto the bed next to me. I moaned as my fingers moved up and down on his girth, teasing and taunting him. The tip of his cock was wet with anticipation and he grunted as my fingers gripped him firmly. He pushed me back down and lowered himself onto me, his eyes never leaving my face as he guided his hardness inside me. I cried out as he entered me slowly, allowing me to feel every inch of him as he filled me up. My walls closed in on him, welcoming him home, and his body shook as he increased his pace. He grabbed my hands and moved them up next to my head as he increased his pace, his cock entering me quickly and urgently. My breasts bounced against his chest as he entered me and the hairs on his chest tickled my nipples and teased them even more.

“Oh, Bianca,” he grunted as I wrapped my legs around his waist and he leaned down to kiss me, his tongue entering my mouth in rhythm with his cock. I sucked on his tongue as I felt my body quivering beneath him; my fingers scratched his back and played with his hair, and his smell drove me crazy. Pulling back slightly, he grabbed my legs and put them over his shoulders as he increased his pace even faster. I closed my eyes, unable to stop myself from screaming as my orgasm built up.

“Look at me,” he commanded as his fingers rubbed my clit roughly while he continued to enter me. “I want to see you when you come for me.”

“Jakob,” I moaned, feeling feverish. “Oh!” I screamed as I found myself coming hard. “Oh,” I cried out again as his finger continued to rub me.

“Oh, Bianca.” He slammed into me one last time and pulled out quickly as he exploded onto my stomach. “Oh, Bianca.” He leaned back down and kissed me hard. “How I’ve missed you. I never should have let you go,” he muttered in my ear as his fingers played with my nipples.

I lay back, body heaving and brain racing dangerously close to the brink of insanity. All of a sudden, I was feeling panicky. Was I really ready to play this game? It didn’t feel like a game anymore. It didn’t feel like I was in control. The endorphins that had taken over my brain and led me to sleeping with Jakob once again were leaving faster than they’d arrived, and I felt as if I were in bed with the enemy. An enemy my body didn’t want to acknowledge existed. My brain, though, couldn’t forget that Jakob was Mattias and he was playing a game with me. A dangerous game, and if I wasn’t careful, I would never win.

“You give me fever.” He grabbed my hand and held it to his forehead. “Being with you gives me fever like I’ve never felt before.”

“Isn’t that a song?” I whispered as I gazed into his eyes, my body instantly wanting to trust him again, but my brain reminding me to stay on track. I was doing this for a reason. I could control my heart and my body as long as I focused.

“I don’t know. Is it?” He brought my hand down to his lips and kissed it lightly.

“We need to talk, Jakob.” I rolled over. “I want the truth.”