Dirty Together (The Dirty Billionaire Trilogy #3)

She gives me a mock frown. “Why is it that every other freaking word you have is about dick sucking?”

I rest my hand over my abs as they clench again as another chuckle escapes. “Because I’m a guy. That’s what I think about. Not too hard to figure out here. Let’s not sugarcoat it—if I’m looking at your mouth, there’s a decent chance I’m thinking about putting my dick in it. If I’m looking at your tits, there’s a good chance I’m thinking about sucking on them or fucking them. Same with your pussy and your ass. Men are not that complicated.”

Her chin juts up another inch. “I beg to differ. You’re all sorts of complicated, Karas.”

“I just like you to think that, Holly.”

Her lips purse, and her eyes drop to her new tiles. The way her mind works fascinates me. The way she takes a flash of inspiration and turns it into a song . . . it’s nothing short of amazing. Her lips spread into a triumphant smile, kicking up my anticipation a notch. The woman only needs to breathe, and I’m eager for whatever she’s going to do next.

“D-I-L-D-O. Dildo. Seven points.” She looks up. “You know, I’ve never actually owned a dildo. Or a vibrator. Whatever.”

“Seriously?” The shock in my voice can’t be missed.

“Well, no. I mean, yes, seriously. I’ve never owned one.”

“How is that possible?”

“I just never went out and got one. I don’t know. I figured my hand got the job done just fine.”

I just shake my head at her confession. “I swear, everything that comes out of your mouth surprises me.”

After a beat of studying her face, I look down at the tiles on my rack. I don’t have many options. I decide on a word that’s not all that dirty, but deem it appropriate nonetheless.

“M-I-N-E. Mine.”

Holly looks at me strangely. “It’s Dirty Scrabble, Crey. Not whatever-word-you-want Scrabble.”

“True, but that’s what you are, dirty or not, so that’s my last word on the subject.”

With that, I shove the game board aside, sending the tiles and racks flying, and pin her to the mattress.

Against her lips, I whisper, “I’ll make my dirty contribution this way instead.”

I make my way down the stairs the next morning wearing only Crey’s shirt, a pair of knee-high socks, and no panties. My plan is to oh-so-carefully bend over the counter and tease Crey with a flash of my goods, and tempt him into giving me what I want.

Last night after he scattered my Scrabble pieces everywhere, he was totally dirty, taking my ass again with his fingers—and his tongue—but refusing to take my pussy because he claimed it still needed another day of rest.

I’m bound and determined that’s going to change today. But my plan is derailed when I overhear Crey talking in the back room through the partially closed door.

“I don’t think you understand, Cannon, this is more important. Holly is more important. I know that you’re—I know. I know. But you’re not listening to me.” Crey turns his head and catches sight of me. “I’ll call you back later.”

He must not even listen for a reply because he drops the phone almost instantly and shoves the door open.

“Hey, you’re up. How’d you sleep on our floor mattress? I still can’t believe we broke the bed.” His eyes dart to the repaired table. “And the table.”

“Crey, what’s wrong?”

His body language is off. His brow is creased and his jaw is tight, his demeanor at odds with his lighthearted words.

He shoves a hand through his hair and sighs, his lips turning down into a frown. “You know how I said sometimes I’m needed to show up and be intimidating in person and throw my weight around? Now is one of those times. I need to be back in New York.”

Reality. That’s what sucked the easiness out of Creighton’s mood.

It wouldn’t be realistic for me to think that we could stay in this little bubble forever. My time is slipping away too. If this is going to work, then we both have to attend to our lives.

“Then you should get back to New York and throw your weight around,” I tell him.

His face is set, without a hint of a smile anywhere in his expression. “I told you I’d stay until you understood that nothing is more important than you, and if I leave, then I’m not doing that.”

Once again, warmth spreads through me, and I shake my head as I lay a hand on his arm. “You’ve already shown me that. I believe you. Now go back to New York and take care of business like the ruthless guy I know you want to unleash.”

A little of the tension drains out of his posture. “You’re sure?”

“Yes. You told me this is as real as it gets, and real means that we each handle our own shit with the support of the other beside or behind us, whatever the case may be. If I can be with you, I will, and vice versa. We’ll figure it out.”

Crey leans down and brushes a kiss along my jaw. “I love you, Holly.”