Dirty Together (The Dirty Billionaire Trilogy #3)

“Are you serious?”

“Dead serious. And if you don’t want me in your ass in the next five minutes, I’m going to be jacking myself off all over those lush tits of yours. Which, by the way, bounce a whole fuck of a lot while you’re humming to yourself and scribbling away. If I hadn’t just come down your throat, I might’ve accidentally shot my load all over your bed.”

Oh my God. My shock at his words must show on my face because he keeps talking.

“I can’t help that you’re so fucking sexy, Holly. That’s on you, my beautiful wife. So, what’s it going to be?”

I try and fail at smothering my smile, because he’s such a damn man. My skin prickles with nervous energy as I consider what we’re about to do. I’ve been anxiously awaiting this moment since the first time Crey introduced me to the forbidden pleasures of my no-go zone.

Setting the journal aside, I meet his gaze. “I think I’m ready.”

Crey’s eyes darken with heat. “Good girl. Now come here. I want you.”

I scoot across the bed toward him until I’m within reach. “How do you want me?”

“So perfect.” His hands wrap around my waist and he turns me around so I’m on my knees, ass facing him. He trails the fingers of one hand up my spine. “I had some kind of crazy luck guiding me on Christmas Eve . . . I can’t imagine having missed you that night. It would’ve been the biggest loss of my life, and I never would’ve had any idea what I’d missed out on.”

He’s already slayed me tonight with his words once, and I’m not sure I can handle more sweet Crey. It’s a side of him I never expected.

“I’ll never understand how it worked out the way it did, but I’m not about to question fate.”

His fingertips skate back down, tracing the same path, leaving goose bumps in their wake.

“I never believed in fate until I met you. Now there’s no way I’d believe this was anything but.”

Shivers ripple through me, and I close my eyes and give myself over to the sensations—give myself over to Crey.

“Are you sure you want this? Because if you’re not ready, I’m not going to push this on you.” He pauses on the base of my spine, right above the crack of my ass.

I nod, but realize that it’s just as important for me to say the words as it is for him to hear them. “I’m ready. I want you. I want this to be yours.”

“If it ever gets to be too much, all you have to say is stop.”

“I trust you.”

He rises. “Now, where’s the lube you secreted away in your bag with that sexy plug?”

“Bathroom counter.”

I peek over my shoulder in time to catch his smile as he turns to head to the tiny bathroom.

When he comes back into the bedroom, he has the lube in one hand, and he’s completely naked.

“I guess you really are eager,” I say.

“When I’m about to sink into that perfect ass of yours? Even more so.”

The ass in question bounces with my laughter.

“Then you better get over here and get to it.”

My words are cocky and bold, but inside I’m fighting back tiny shivers of fear. It’s not that I don’t want to do this—I do. But there’s something about the unknown, and I’m a little terrified that I won’t like it, which will disappoint him. It’s the same old self-doubt creeping up and chipping away at my self-confidence.

Crey must see something in my expression, because he pauses beside the bed. “Holly?”

I decide that voicing my fears is the best choice here. “What if I hate it? What if it’s horrible?”

His expression falls for only a moment before the edges of his mouth curl up into a devastating smile.

“Then I’ll give you all the orgasms you can handle another way.”

“Are you sure? You won’t care if I change my mind?”

The smile softens into something adoring. “Holly, all that matters is that I’m here with you, and you’re enjoying what we’re doing. If you want me to drop this lube, pull that plug out of your ass, and go find a game of Scrabble, I’ll still be the happiest guy in this whole town.”

The lump in my throat melts away, and I shake my head. “Let’s leave the Scrabble for later. I’m ready.”

Crey sits on the edge of the bed and strokes my back, kissing my neck before scraping his teeth along my ear. I shiver, and this time there is no fear involved. My nipples pucker almost painfully, and my pussy clenches. I’m achingly aware that it’s empty. He finds the base of the plug and presses inward, lighting up my nerve endings in the most delicious way. A beat later and he’s pulling it out.

He moves quickly, and I hear the top of the lube snap open before cool liquid dribbles down my crack. Goose bumps rise along every inch of my skin, and I squeeze my thighs together. His finger circles my ass, and I revel in the sensation. We’ve done this before, but knowing we’re going all the way this time adds another layer of the forbidden.