Dirty Girl (Dirty Girl Duet #1)

Cav’s eyes heat with lust. He reaches up and cups my breast, leaning down to whisper against my lips, “Fucking beautiful. And all mine.”

A thought strikes me. “What about Rea and Juan? I don’t—”

“I told her we’d take care of making our own lunch. Neither of them will be coming in the house until tonight.” His thumb brushes across my nipple, taunting it into a harder peak. “You think I want to share you with anyone? This is all for me and no one else.”

The possessiveness in his words unknots the ball of anxiety twisting in my belly. Maybe I can ask for what I want just like he’s demanded exactly what he wants from me.

Soon. Later. Once I’ve had time to properly construct the words and analyze all of the responses he could give me. Why is it I can be completely impulsive with some things and then absolutely analytical in others?

Oh, that’s right. Alcohol. Speaking of which . . .

Cav reads my mind. “Let’s get this sexy skin protected from the sun, and then I’m going to make us a round of drinks. I’m gonna eat your pussy while you drink it.”

“Say what now?” I squeak.

“Your pussy. You woke me with your mouth on my cock, and I’m feeling deprived. Call it my midmorning snack.” His wicked grin ensures my stiff nipples aren’t disappearing anytime soon. “Now, lay down on the lounge chair so I can take care of you.”

I follow his directive, lying first on my stomach and letting him cover me with sunscreen. Cav’s wide hands take only seconds to cover the expanse of my shoulders, back, and legs.

When I roll over and try to grab the sunscreen from him, he holds it out of reach. “Really, Greer, you think I’m going to pass up any opportunity to get my hands all over you?”

“Do I get to return the favor?”

A smile curves lazily along his lips, and the urge to kiss him beats strongly within me.


I smother my moans as Cav takes his time covering every inch of my skin with sunscreen. Kneading my breasts and rolling my nipples is unnecessary, but a completely welcome addition. By the time he’s finished, I’m bucking my hips against the knee pressing between my legs.

“You tempt the hell out of me, baby girl.” He shifts his knee, replacing it with his palm between my legs, pressing the heel of his hand into my clit. The focused pressure is exactly what I need. I’m shameless, grinding myself against him, my orgasm just out of reach.

“You wanna come?”

“Yes,” I whisper, rocking against him.

“Are you gonna come hard?” He rolls my nipple between his fingers, and spears of pleasure lance through me. I’m so close.

“Yes,” I promise.

“Then come for me, baby. I wanna hear you moan my name. And then I want your pussy in my face.”

His dirty words unleash another layer of sensation, and I’m teetering on the edge.

“And while I eat this sweet cunt, I’m going to play with that tight little asshole, stretch it out so you’re ready to take me. I will have every part of you, baby. Mouth, pussy, ass. Might fuck these gorgeous tits and make you swallow my cum again.”

“Ahhhh, Cav.” I moan his name as my climax breaks free, my entire body shaking against his hold. It rolls through me, wave after shimmering wave until I finally still.

Cav lowers his head and tugs my bottom lip between his teeth. “I fucking love watching you come. Every day, as many times a day as you can stand it.”

His hand skims down my body and finds the ties on the sides of my bikini bottoms. With a tug, one side falls free.

“Now it’s my turn.”

I’ll never get enough of Greer. I know it as she’s smothering her screams with a hand, my mouth on her clit and one finger teasing her ass. Fuck, she’s perfect. She’s everything I wanted her to be three years ago, and the loss of time haunts me, even though I know I had no choice.

After she collapses, spent, on the lounge, I rise and adjust my cock in my board shorts. Not fucking her right now takes an inordinate amount of restraint, but this is about her, not me. I want her thinking about all the dirty promises I just made her. I want her thinking of me as much as I’m thinking of her. It seems nearly impossible because she’s infiltrated my thoughts on every level.

“You look like you could use a drink, baby,” I say as I watch some of the pink flush fade from her cheekbones.

Greer nods. “Please. Anything. You want some help?”

“Not necessary, but if you want, I’ll take your company.”

She reaches for her bikini top with a smile, but I’m quicker.

“No top. I want your tits out for me.”